Reviews from

in the past

«Вы знаете, мне кажется, что это грех, выпускать такую игру в раннем доступе, чтобы обрекать игроков на долгое ожидание релиза»

Gloomwood — та игра, которую я очень давно хотел и искал. Это смесь таких знаковых и всеми любимых игр как Thief и Resident Evil, и смесь эта сногсшибательна.

Игра прекрасно осознает свои корни и очень хорошо лавирует между крайне годным иммерсивным симулятором, где интерфейс используется по-минимуму, а локации обладают потрясающей вариативностью, и хоррором на выживание, в котором каждый патрон на вес золота, а враги действительно являются страшной угрозой.

Игровой процесс здесь, пожалуй, один из самых приятных на моей памяти. Представьте себе отполированный практически до идеала геймплей Thief, в который начинили очень отзывчивое управление и пускай и скромный (на момент написания обзора), но вполне себе полезный и гибкий арсенал, экспериментировать с коим крайне приятно и любопытно.

Вообще главным достоинством Gloomwood, на мой взгляд, является то, что эта игра по-настоящему заставляет тебя думать и использовать свою смекалку на максимум.

Каждое достижение и успех в этой игре ощущаются очень личными, заслуженными и приносящими удовольствие. Всякое испытание в Gloomwood заставляет бурлить твои мозги и продумывать интересные сценарии, что для иммерсивного симулятора, как по мне, очень важно, и если игре данного жанра поистине удается заставить тебя пораскинуть мозгами и напрячься, то что-то хорошее в ней однозначно есть.

Из Thief в эту игру также перекочевала прекрасная работа со звуком и атмосферными шумами. Ровно как и в своем идейном вдохновителе, в Gloomwood можно прекрасно ориентироваться на звук и наслаждаться фоновыми шумами, при помощи которых проект погружает в себя еще сильнее, чем только мог бы.

Собственно, про само погружение в целом я вообще молчу. У Glomwood с этим абсолютно никаких проблем нет. У нее потрясающая атмосфера, отдающая Лавкрафтом и четвертой частью Обителя Зла, что идеально дополняет общий геймплей и завораживает игрока.

Я невероятно уважаю проделанный труд разработчиков над игрой, а он, уж поверьте, колоссальный. В игре полным-полно всяческих деталей и нюансов, каких-то фишек, наполняющих игровой процесс Glomwood комплексностью и весельем, что для иммерсивных симуляторов бесспорно критично важно. Потрясающе.

Но и у такой игры не без минусов не обошлось.

Во-первых, ранний доступ. Игра все еще находится в разработке, и весь доступный на данный момент в ней контент можно пробежать за 4-6 часов максимум. Да, вы можете постоянно переигрывать эти сегменты и проходить их по-новому, но через сколько повторов вам это надоест? То-то же.

Честно скажу, лучше дождитесь релиза, если игра эта вам приглянулась. Себе же лучше сделаете!

Во-вторых, отсутствие своей сложности. Конечно, данная функция запланирована разработчиками и обещана присутствовать в будущем, но сейчас ее прям не хватает. Своя сложность сделала бы игру намного более реиграбельной и гибкой, что, в свою очередь, пошло бы ей только на пользу.

В-третьих, баланс. Игра действительно раскрывает себя в полной мере лишь на высоких сложностях, но это не значит, что вы должны играть только на них. Просто уж так сложилось в хоррорах на выживание, что на низких уровнях сложности они достаточно простые, а на высоких уже проявляют себя полностью...

В итоге мы имеем очень многообещающий продукт, который уверенно, хоть и крайне медленно, движется к релизу, и который действительно заинтересовывает и потрясает своим концептом, геймплеем и другим. Такие игры выходят редко, а потому и ценность их очень, очень и очень высока.

И все же покупать ее сейчас я не рекомендую. Лучше дождаться релиза и поиграть в полновесную, наполненную контентом и готовую игру, нежели довольствоваться редкими, пускай и насыщенными обновлениями...

Please dear god I hope this game gets finished.

é interessante! tô aguardando o lançamento completo though

unfinished at the moment but I was craving more when I left.

some of the best modern immersive level design around. might become a 10/10 when its finished who knows

That'sRight my fellow Thief: The Black Parade enjoyers, I would call this NuBlood early access product costing 19,99 sponduli units An Absolute Steal, if U know what I mean. An hour and a half of content (made in Unity) awaits thee o S rank stealth gameing aficionados, almost as much playtime as a single Thief FM, what's not to like...?

I am so, so sad that I hit the end of early access because I had such an insane amount of fun with this game. I'm not typically someone who is that good at stealth games, but MAN something about this one hooked me right from the beginning. Everything about the level and environmental design is polished to sheer perfection. The environment being one of the most helpful tools to stealthy move your way around is so brilliant, it makes every level feel like a big playground of possibilities. These limitless possibilities are some of the most fun parts, as it's always engaging to try things in multiple ways. I seriously can't get enough of the feeling and atmosphere in this game, it's intoxicating. The feeling of lurking around in the shadows with the pointiest sword ready to strike, a full arsenal of weapons to cleverly get you out of a pinch, or the use of the environment as a tool, it's all here and done masterfully. My only real gripe is that it's not currently finished, otherwise, I'd give this 5 stars easily. Can't wait for future updates, as they'll just keep getting better and better.

Finished up til the Fire at the Gates update. Absolutely love the game so far, and am very excited to see the Merchant update.

And... oh, I got to tell you, it was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details

Wasn’t really feeling it with the controls and gameplay

Wonderful stealth game that isn't even finished yet.

This game ticks all the boxes for me. Waiting for the next big update.

Fantastic atmosphere. Love that you can approach each enemy encounter with a different strategy.

Just when i was really into the game, the devs hit me with "Thanks for Playing the Early Access"
I really can't wait for this to be finished

It's a fucking sin to drop such an amazing game in early access.

Love absolutely everything in this game except the early access and caves. It's been a while since I enjoyed games this much.

Immersive sims are dead (alas), but they can be revived by games like this.

Definitely looking forward to Gloomwood's release.

I can't wait to Gloom harder than ever at full release.

very cool. looking forward to what comes post early access

I try to get out of fishery. There's a guard behind a door. I drop a bottle to get his attention. Silence. I drop another bottle, a little closer than before. He won't come. I go to a door and open it. He is standing right before me, holding his gun to my head.

Cleared the whole building of huntsman. I mindlessly break window and see a note on a table. Started reading it. Halfway through the text I hear coughing voices. Two guys from the outsude heard glass breaking. They see me, and one of them has a gun. I have... a table.

I set one guard on fire, his burning corpse casted flames onto another one. He ran in panic and touched elbows with third one, burning him as well.

Great game. Let's see if it stays this way when it comes out of Early Access.

(This review was made during early access)

Gloomwood is another game from New Blood Interactive and like their other games it’s awesome. In Gloomwood you play as “The Doctor” who has been kidnapped by the sickly huntsmen. Shortly after you are rescued by the mysterious merchant and are set free to start your journey into the nearby city.

Gloomwood takes heavy inspiration from the Thief games, for god sake the developers used to own the domain “” that would link to the games steampage. This doesn't mean that Gloomwood doesn't have its own identity. Right now Gloomwood focuses a lot more on the rural setting unlike Thief that sticks to an urban setting. secondly just like the domain says Gloomwood has GUNS and nice ones at that. Gloomwood has more of a flow between combat and stealth instead of Thief sole focus of stealth.

The maps of the game are also great. They have tons of ways to get through them and the immersive sim elements are fun and are logical. I’ve found tons of ways through the levels and interesting ways to use the game's tools too. The only map design thing I really didn't enjoy was The Mines. They were quite short, linear and without many possibilities for creative problem solving. But in the greater scheme of things it is not huge that one level is boring. The current final level is The City and I really enjoyed it. It really encapsulates what I enjoy about immersive sims and stealth games. That is the free form gameplay where you plan your own path with map markers or waypoints. So while there is only one objective in the city I'm excited to see the rest of them and locations get added in the future.

While Gloomwood is far from finished but I see true potential for some truly great even in New Bloods portfolio this is already one of my favorites from New Blood.

this is gonna be an all-timer when it's completed

(Gloomwood Market District Update)
Gloomwood is shaping up to be one hell of a successor to Thief in all the best ways. A thick Horror atmosphere with lots of sneaking and a dose of really solid item management is the name of the game as you move closer to the mysterious City that we still know nothing about. If I have to give any criticism, It's that I still dont like the ugly guard vision cons and I wish guard behavior would be shown through more animations like in Thief. I still think the mines are the weakest part so far, with easily exploited enemies. Asides from those complaints, I love Gloomwood and the new Market district is already spectacular, with some of the best moments I experienced in a stealth game. I already fully recommend you check out the early access, but beware that once Gloomwood gets its hooks into you, you'll get why the wait for this gem continues to be so agonizing.

worth trying, updates come very slowly but a ton of potential for the final product

Actuellement à jour sur l'early Access (marketplace) je vais arrêter de jouer et attendre la sortie définitive je pense. Le niveau 1 est à peu près le top du top de l'immersive sim, et si le reste est un peu en dessous ça reste exceptionnel. J'espère que la fin du jeu sera au niveau

Queria mesmo gostar dele.
Adoro a arte e a atmosfera, o sound design é ótimo também, toda a parte artística dele é bom na verdade.
Mas eu simplesmente não CONSIGO TANKAR a inteligência artificial e a gameplay completamente horrenda. A falta de constância dos inimigos é simplesmente inadmissível em um jogo stealth:
Você joga uma garrafa em um canto, o guarda anda até lá e fica parado igual idiota pra você matar ele.
Você decide fazer outra vez com outro guarda, ele anda até metade do caminho, para e olha pra trás DO NADA.
Essa inconstância combinada com o save que você só consegue fazer no gramofone é simplesmente idiota (mas pelo menos você pode ligar o quicksave nas configurações).

Prepare yourself for a descent into utter despair and disappointment with Gloomwood, a game that fails to deliver on its promises and leaves players longing for any glimmer of enjoyment. From its unremarkable gameplay to its lackluster atmosphere, this dark and dreary experience will leave you questioning your choices and yearning for brighter horizons.

Let's start with the gameplay, or lack thereof. Gloomwood presents itself as a first-person stealth-horror game, but its mechanics are as murky as the shadows that engulf its dreary environments. The stealth mechanics feel clunky and imprecise, making it frustratingly difficult to sneak past enemies or execute stealth takedowns effectively. Coupled with inconsistent AI behavior, the experience becomes a guessing game of trial and error rather than a strategic dance of shadows.

The level design in Gloomwood is equally underwhelming. Instead of offering intricate and captivating environments, the game bombards players with a seemingly endless array of dull, repetitive corridors and uninspired rooms. Exploration quickly becomes a monotonous slog through indistinguishable spaces, devoid of any meaningful rewards or surprises. The lack of variety in the environments only adds to the sense of tedium and disinterest.

While a dark and brooding atmosphere can be effective in a horror game, Gloomwood takes it to an extreme, leaving players trapped in a monochromatic nightmare. The relentless gloom and lack of visual diversity contribute to a visually stagnant experience that becomes tiresome and visually uninteresting within minutes. It feels like the game is intentionally trying to drain every ounce of joy from your gaming experience.

The audio design does little to alleviate the suffocating mediocrity of Gloomwood. The sparse and repetitive sound effects fail to create a sense of immersion or tension. Instead, they serve as a constant reminder of the game's lack of ambition and attention to detail. The absence of a memorable soundtrack further contributes to the overall sense of emptiness and missed opportunities.

The narrative, if it can be called such, is a disjointed mess that fails to engage or captivate. The minimalistic storytelling leaves players grasping for any semblance of meaning or purpose. Characters are forgettable and lack depth, rendering any attempt at building a compelling narrative utterly futile. It's a jumbled mess of vague hints and half-baked ideas that never come together to form a coherent and satisfying experience.

In summary, Gloomwood is a game that squanders its potential at every turn. Its lackluster gameplay, uninspired level design, and oppressive atmosphere combine to create an experience that is as dreary as its name suggests. With its underwhelming audio design and disjointed narrative, Gloomwood serves as a prime example of missed opportunities and unfulfilled promises. Save yourself from the gloom and seek brighter gaming experiences elsewhere.

TLDR: Hope it gets better and I can stop nitpicking it xD