Reviews from

in the past

You have no idea how funny it is to be playing this going "oh okay another invaders-like, I get it" and then a fucking Galaxian shows up and its literally called a Galaxian in the game. Also, the arcade cabinet is incredibly loud, and involves a bit-crushed voice yelling at you and when you die it goes "HA HA HA" as slow and robotically as possible. Beautiful.

This game was originally meant to be a Star Trek game, it’s Frog spelled backwards due to some guy in college having that as his nickname, and it literally copies from both Space Invaders AND Galaxian in the same game. Never thought a game called GORF would be such a clusterfuck just by existing. Oh, and it is good, I guess.

Game #253

I remember this one from playing as a kid but recently tried it again. Its weird. The way firing the bullets work took a bit to get the hang of. You can only have 1 bullet on screen at a time so you can't spam them without destroying you're previous shot... the upside is if you notice you shot was misaligned you can go ahead and try again. Odd game but still a good time.