Reviews from

in the past

bom começo pra série. roster pequeno, mas cada boneco tem particularidades bem expressivas e alguns dos melhores character design que ja vi em um jogo de luta.

well i guess that's where the franchise started lmfao

Le daría 6/10 porque en general me gustó... pero los ataques insta win me pueden comer el testículo derecho, la mitad del izquierda y la punta de la que me cuelga.

going through a guilty gear brainrot rn (playing strive and +r religiously) so I decided to check out the game that started it all

not bad, but MAN this game did not age well

the sprites are the only nice part about this game

This is the worst games ive ever played and i wish nothing but anguish on daisuke ishiwatari and even worse on the people that saw this game and let him make more.

if you ask me, GGML is one of those games carried entirely by its graphical style. i think the spritework in this game looks a lot better than some of the later 2D guilty gears, like accent core. they've got this really sleek look to them, and i really like the muted colors. theres also a lot of really nifty effects they do with polygons and the like, and i think it looks really good.

unfortunately for it, GGML is one of the most busted up fighting games ive ever played, second only to street fighter 1. in a game where you can take both rounds by doing one move (and hoping your opponent doesnt react to it) can you blame me for calling it that? i also just dont think the movement feels all that great compared to something like Accent Core or Xrd. that being said, i do still love GGML even with all its flaws, and i think its something any guilty gear fan has to check out if they're interested in the series history.

While it's certainly heavily stylized and full of uniqueness, it's not quite there yet to make me look away from my Street Fighter 2 fourteenth revision.

the gameplay is very clunky but its fun with friends

(100% Completion) My thumb is gonna need a massive break but I did it! Beat the arcade mode with every character and unlocked Baiken, unlocking all the trophies! I'm extra proud of this ngl cuz losing repeatedly really makes you lose ur sanity.

It's mostly a fun game, there's a lot of personality here and the soundtrack is fucking amazing but the main problem i have with Guilty Gear 98 is Instant Kill. The final boss has a badass entrance but then you can... just use IK on him. And if god forbids, you try to fight him normally like you would on any fucking fighting game on existence, he will just spam cheap moves at the corner of the screen and sometimes IK you too, this mechanic serves zero purpose besides ruining the match.

Justice fight was annoying as hell I kept at it for a good hour and 30 minutes straight. Definitely never even getting to Baiken

fight wife
wife fights back
kill wife
wife gone

arguably the most painful 12 hours of my life

Eu gosto muito de Guilty Gear, bastante pra falar a verdade. Mesmo só tendo jogado o XX+R e o Strive (com umas 2 partidas no Xrd) eu já sabia que ia adorar esses jogos por serem incríveis. As musicas, personagens, história, combos e estilos, desde que eu apanhei pra um amigo jogando de Sol, eu já estava fascinado pela franquia, e me comprometi a tentar jogar os outros jogos dela.

O problema é começar por essa desgraça aqui, eu sei que o jogo é do estilo "papa-ficha" a IA dessa porra é injusta e quebrada, algumas coisas não fazem sentido (vendo como eles arrumaram depois), os personagens simplesmente ignorando golpes, fazendo spam de especiais e os Intant Kills que são ridículos, e o abuso de taunt vindo de uma maquina não me agrada, mas ainda é Guilty Gear. Combos incríveis e insanos que até são simples de se executar, musicas que fazem você começar a gostar mais delas do que o próprio jogo (escuto mais as OST do que jogo os jogos), personagens carismáticos e visuais fodas. É Guilty Gear, inegável.


Edit: Jogar de Sol deixa esse jogo bom, é bem claro o favoritismo

(sou um jogador casual de Fighting Games, não fico 10h por dia treinando nos modos de treino pra chegar em certos jogos e só estraçalhar tudo, levem isso em consideração)

I'm going to preface this review by saying that I am NOT a fighting game veteran, in fact, I believe I've only actually played like 3 traditional fighting games before this, and only one of them I am actually somewhat competent at. So, please keep that in mind as i talk about this game and the upcoming games.
I woke up about a week ago at the time of writing with an INTENSE urge to get into Guilty Gear, which was already a franchise I was a bit acquainted with and wanted to get into, with only one problem: it was a fighting game series. I'm no good at fighting games, plain and simple, but I've been meaning to get into this series and ALSO play every game in the series in order (well, mostly), so, here we are!
I was immediately engaged with this game's story from the start. None of the backstory is explained in the actual game itself, but it's all explained in the manual. Information about the world, the plot, and the characters, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed. I was actually very surprised at how interested I was with every character, their stories, and their motivations to enter the tournament with the prize of one wish being granted. While it's very clear that this is only part of a grander story, I think as it stood it was pretty neat! I can't wait to see how it advances in the future.
The gameplay is...alright. I like how snappy the attacks feel, and combined with the beautiful pixel art it's all so pretty and feels nice. The actual combat took some getting used to, but I feel that by the end I got a grasp on how to play and enjoyed most of the characters in the game. However, it did feel as though some characters were DEFINITELY better than others, and the instakill move that won the ENTIRE game pissed me off so much while playing. As agonizing as fighting felt in this game at times, I could actually see myself playing the game again in the future.
The music is also alright! Guilty Gear is known for it's great OST, and this game definitely had some catchy tunes, even if I'm sure the future games will trounce this game's soundtrack in comparison.
Overall, this game is a-okay! Everything about the game is nice, except for the actual gameplay which is a little hit or miss. But, this first entry has already grabbed me, and I'm itching to see how the series continues!

Kinda a rough starting point for a franchise I love. A lot of things are fundamentally broken in this game, and instant kill wins the entire game instead of just the round, everyone can just spam their supers once they lose half health, and even the AI does this, and sometimes there's pretty much no way to outplay it. Almost every character can do infinite combos thanks to the weird charge mechanic. This is not a good fighting game.

But I wont lie, its kinda fun, and finally beating Justice was so satisfying. I'm going to attempt to beat everyone arcade mode before I lose my mind, and we'll see if I can ever fight Baiken.

Doesn't play as great as I gave granted for. Aged a little poorly.

Mucho estilo propio, buenos diseños, es un juego bastante desnivelado, efectivamente parece un MUGEN, pero aún asi se disfruta, sobretodo y gracias a la buena OST que te instiga a seguir peleando hasta ganar.

Es como esos vids de MUGEN donde estan los personajes rotisimos y los efectos que te rompen los timpanos


This game is absolutely broken and dogshit. I love it for it

It's better than Street Fighter 1, and it has a killer soundtrack too.

Essa merda é toda mal balanceada, mas é esperado já que é o primeiro jogo

Bom game de luta 2d, gosto muito do design e principalmente da trilha sonora, a gameplay não foge do padrão de qualidade dos games deste genero da época de seu lançamento, se curte jogos de luta 2d classicos experimente esse.