Reviews from

in the past

nunca tive tanto prazer em zerar um jogo antes vai tomar no cu Justice boss mais insuportável de todos os video games existentes

Nota: 7,0/10,0
Aqui estou com mais um jogo de cria, sendo o primeiro jogo da franquia GG de play 1. Seus pontos positivos: Uma Gameplay de combos extremamente gostosas e dinâmica, personagens com design maravilhosos, ost maravilhosa de fundo, sendo ela uma ótima guitarra.

Pontos negativos: layout envelheceu mal para um caralho, alem do espaciais que dão uma dor de cabeça, tu dar alma para matar o gilha da puta e sé tu receber o especial, tu levar um hit kill e por contar de ser primeiro jogo, tem poucos persongens que mesmo que entenda, ainda meio meh.

Main: Milian Rage Deusa ; Potekin chad.

The game is hard as hell, keep getting through by spamming Volcanic Viper as Sol and fighting Ky Kiske is actual bull, but I keep coming back to it because it is fun despite all that. 6/10

This game fucking sucks. Still 100% it though.

Guilty Gear presents everything they wanted since the first game with proud. The anime fight feel, the metal inspired soundtrack, the complex characters, the cool as fuck history is all here without any filters. Sure the game is broken and have some problems here and there but at the same time is just way too cool. Ishiwatari is really a legend.

Wow, this is rough. I mean, it's pretty fun and a lot of the stuff you can do is hilarious, but looking at it a game, it's very, very rough. It's very unbalanced with instakills being so incredibly annoying to deal with especially in the later stages, Justice just spams from full screen, and it's almost impossible to unlock Baiken without some crazy infinite from Sol or something, it's just not that fun to play through. It's not all bad I do like a lot of a versus stuff and the mobility is very very loose but that's fun. Wacky stuff.

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, “Is it good, friend?”
“It is bitter—bitter,” he answered;

“But I like it
“Because it is bitter,
“And because it is my heart.”

This was my very first Guilty Gear that I ever played, and at the time I thought this was the most awesome game ever made. It's... ambitious at least.

Justice fight was annoying as hell I kept at it for a good hour and 30 minutes straight. Definitely never even getting to Baiken

It's mostly a fun game, there's a lot of personality here and the soundtrack is fucking amazing but the main problem i have with Guilty Gear 98 is Instant Kill. The final boss has a badass entrance but then you can... just use IK on him. And if god forbids, you try to fight him normally like you would on any fucking fighting game on existence, he will just spam cheap moves at the corner of the screen and sometimes IK you too, this mechanic serves zero purpose besides ruining the match.

(100% Completion) My thumb is gonna need a massive break but I did it! Beat the arcade mode with every character and unlocked Baiken, unlocking all the trophies! I'm extra proud of this ngl cuz losing repeatedly really makes you lose ur sanity.

the gameplay is very clunky but its fun with friends

While it's certainly heavily stylized and full of uniqueness, it's not quite there yet to make me look away from my Street Fighter 2 fourteenth revision.

if you ask me, GGML is one of those games carried entirely by its graphical style. i think the spritework in this game looks a lot better than some of the later 2D guilty gears, like accent core. they've got this really sleek look to them, and i really like the muted colors. theres also a lot of really nifty effects they do with polygons and the like, and i think it looks really good.

unfortunately for it, GGML is one of the most busted up fighting games ive ever played, second only to street fighter 1. in a game where you can take both rounds by doing one move (and hoping your opponent doesnt react to it) can you blame me for calling it that? i also just dont think the movement feels all that great compared to something like Accent Core or Xrd. that being said, i do still love GGML even with all its flaws, and i think its something any guilty gear fan has to check out if they're interested in the series history.

A case where I gotta bear in mind the context this was made under. It's a game made by a small team who had never made a fighting game before, spearheaded by a very passionate lead who just wanted to make something he thought was cool. And the game very much has that written all over it.
Very janky. Air dashing is like moving through molasses. Some moves make no damn sense. Hardly balanced. And occasionally pulls something so damn goofy I go "The fuck was that?". Yet there's still something so charming about this game. Maybe it's how much Daisuke put his interests into this one game that he had no way of knowing how well it'd do. His passion for Heavy Metal can be felt in the OST. How much he loves Bastard in the art and designs. And his love for his fighting games as a whole. It really is an interesting beast of a game.
I would by no means ever recommend this as someone's first Guilty Gear. It's too flawed for me to do that in good conscious. But I can recommend it to die hard GG fans, and gaming history nuts. It is well worth it to see one of the foundational games in anime fighting games.

It can be a little janky but the fact that this was the team's first attempt at a fighting game, the jank is kinda fun for a bit, and that this has a neat story makes it a classic worth visiting.

A fighting game’s player party game.❤️

Nice argument, unfortunately P+K+236+Attack Button

One of the only guilty gear games that has a chronic case of "not good". Get well soon!

this game is janky as fuck but it still goes hard install it only to ragequit after being instant killed

Bom game de luta 2d, gosto muito do design e principalmente da trilha sonora, a gameplay não foge do padrão de qualidade dos games deste genero da época de seu lançamento, se curte jogos de luta 2d classicos experimente esse.

Essa merda é toda mal balanceada, mas é esperado já que é o primeiro jogo

It's better than Street Fighter 1, and it has a killer soundtrack too.

This game is absolutely broken and dogshit. I love it for it

Es como esos vids de MUGEN donde estan los personajes rotisimos y los efectos que te rompen los timpanos


Mucho estilo propio, buenos diseños, es un juego bastante desnivelado, efectivamente parece un MUGEN, pero aún asi se disfruta, sobretodo y gracias a la buena OST que te instiga a seguir peleando hasta ganar.

Doesn't play as great as I gave granted for. Aged a little poorly.