Reviews from

in the past

this stinks, one star for the funny polar bear

nes classic 2/30

I'm already not huge on arcade-style games but this one controls especially horribly. Not worth revisiting unless you're a big Nintendo fan.

Antes de Mario Kart este era el juego "rompeamistades".

The polar bear has some swag, but other than that, why were these bozos playable in Smash?

Beat every level for my Smash mains. Was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

Black Box era games are really important but god are most of them painful to go back to

Pretty fun!! Jumping can be tough, but if you take your time, you're gonna be just fine. It's a game of coordination and it's even better with a second player.

Imagine paying like $40 for this back in the day

Do you like repeatedly breaking blocks that just slow you down and don't add anything? No? Well maybe you'll like the clunky physics and awful ledge detection. Why are the Ice Climbers in Smash Bros? What does Sakurai see in this game?

Probably would have been better in the controls were not so bad. I get it was one of the first games ever, but still. Maybe a remake.

This Might Actually Be In My Top 3 NES Games

The Ice Climber word of the day is "clunk"

hard as fuck for no reason

Combines light elements of Breakout and Frogger into a platformer with mixed results. Mostly the block breaking just doesn't really add anything other than a chore here.

Imagine the most monotonous, tedious platformer ever created with mechanics specifically designed to be the most annoying things imaginable and controls so inconsistent that it makes you wonder if the developers even intended for anyone to ever finish it, let alone have fun.

Whatever you imagined just now is still probably far better than Ice Climber.

Music is good though.

that polar bear is so cool...

played through Brawl masterpieces, mid

I do not recommend Ice Climber.

It's definitely hella aged but it's actually quite fun still

How did the creators of Mario screw up jumping?

This game might be hold responsible for having invented slippery physics. Enough said

Can be a fun time in short bursts if you’re in the mood for a very simple arcade style platformer. Holy hell though the jumping and the way you ricochet off walls is infuriating. Really makes you appreciate how well Super Mario Bros. or even just Mario Bros. controls. The really awkward movement in this game can make for interesting albeit probably frustrating challenge if you’re in to that sort of thing I guess. Doubt I’ll ever pick this one up again.

Its like the ice stage in mario but thats it. Some Mountains repeat themselfs with little change. Can get boring and the controlls are a little more on the difficult side but you can get your 10mins from this once you get the hang of it.

This game has one music track that plays during all levels and it sounds like complete ass

not picking this up again until I get my NES but its surprisingly fun