Reviews from

in the past

The graphics are colorful and appealing, but everything else wears out its welcome fast. The controls are sluggish, and the jump feels awful from the moment you press A. Once you've played one level, it's likely you've had your fill like I did.

For the past several years, I had wondered why Nintendo hadn’t made a two-player co-op Ice Climber game for Switch, because you would think it would be a natural fit. Now I know why. Nothing worth seeing here except for some pretty good music. Go play Mario Bros. or Donkey Kong instead.

I tried this game for a little bit and it absolutely sucked. Terrible controls, boring levels, and filled with frustrating enemies and death pits

Ice Climbers Walked So Celeste Could Run

Doesn't feel good to play but it is cute when he jumps and clings onto the bird at the end of each stage.

Um dos piores controles que eu já vi em um videogame.

Fucking Peak, as you climb the peak, ontop the peak, where you witness peak, with peak climbers!!

I think I will misinput and jump into the ceiling 50 times as a polar bear approaches

A cool concept that desperately needs a revival.

The concept of this game is really enjoyable. However, the controls is in the way of this game. The jump momentum is really inconsistent that it can be infuriating. The treadmill are hard to identify between the one that goes to the left and the one to the right (the orientation is only shown by the stripes). The two players mode helps, but can be annoying if one players goes too high

Game # 15 of my challenge

God, the controls aged horribly

I honestly don't get why these bitches are in smash.
Even back in the day I'm sure this shit sucked.

A versão que eu joguei quando criança era a japonesa, então eu sempre esmurrei as focas e nunca achei nada de errado nisso, elas eram fofas. Muito depois que eu descobri que trocaram por yetis ou sei lá
No mais, é um jogo simples e divertido por uns 4-5 levels, até que fica complicado demais e desisto :v

good time waster if you somehow have nothing else to play

Nintendo games from before they became the go-to adventure publisher are so often overlooked or actively maligned.

I love these little games.

wow they made a whole video game about the smash bros character

this games only mechanic is jumping onto platforms above you and yet somehow the ledges collision is broken. i hate da ice climbers

This game sucks. Bad controls, awful jump physics, platforms dont have collision boxes on the sides and very little stage variety. There's a reason the series ended here.

If someone told me the famicom was going to revive the industry and showed me this I would say just let it die

Actually a good platformer. Gives you a good amount of stuff to think ahead about so the level design doesn't get too stale. Good speedgame too

I don't know what to say besides I am not a fan of this game.

Used to play this when I was a kid in those cartridge thingie
This was one of my favourite game even though I was terrible at it.
Reviewed purely for nostalgia.

While this game may be extremely difficult, I have to admit that this game is pretty fun sometimes. Probably one of the underrated main Nintendo games on the NES, if I were you.

I cannot tell you the utter dread I felt finishing level 10 only to look up how many levels there are and realize I was not even halfway. The levels are tedious and repetitive, controls and collision are barely functional, and it just drags on and on.

This game is super frustrating to play. Jump physics/controls is ass, the music is really soft, and your hammer has very poor range. How the heck did this series get represented in Super Smash Bros again?