Reviews from

in the past

Extremely forgettable, and I still have no idea how this game has Smash representation.

this game is a giant bruh moment but it's okay for the time

Why the fuck do people hate this game so much? Sure, it's flawed and takes some getting used to, but it isn't a war crime like everyone says it is.

This game is awfully boring. I don't know why Sakurai added these irrelevant ass characters into a smash. Fuck icies.

Now, I'm not a game programmer and I know that making games in 1985 was a lot harder, but I feels like if you're making a vertically-based platformer where most of the gameplay is jumping, you're going to really want to nail the feel of the jump mechanic. Never have I played a game where the controls are so terrible that they effectively take a crowbar to the game's kneecaps the way that Ice Climber's terrible jump mechanic ruins an otherwise solid game premise.

A lot more playable on the Nintendo Switch Online service where you can easily rewind the game so that you can keep trying to make certain jumps, but don't bother playing it on the original hardware. I own a physical cartridge of this game. Don't suffer from my mistake.

Honestly, Ice Climber is a rare type of a game that I haven't enjoyed a moment of

i don't know how to play this

i feel like the only person in the entire world who can actually play this bit yeah pretty mediocre

If this game was made like two years later it would have been much better.

A good idea with weak execution, mostly in part due to the poor physics. Jumping is almost fun but it just doesn't get along with the game. Collisions can also be wonky.

The biggest sin is multiplayer is worthless since you'll just be unintentionally working against each other despite it being co-op, which (while not this game's fault) goes against everything Nana and Popo are known for these days.

Also visual level variety would have been great.

A ideia do jogo é boa, uma pena que as mecânicas sejam tão ruins que tiram toda a diversão de jogar né. Joguei até a Montanha 10, não aguentei mais que isso.

Nintendo please give these mfs a new game, they have potential for some new mobile game at least

The idea is neat but when jumping is like the only thing you do and its incredibly unreliable, it quickly becomes a chore to play

I might have committed multiple crimes, but clubbing seals? No thanks.

worst jump of any game I've ever played lol

A fun little platformer with eggplants

Era impressionantemente divertido, um classico

its not completely devoid of fun but its close

Dava pra se divertir legal jogando isso, mas nada muito absurdo. Jogo bem simples.

everyone who worked on this game should be blacklisted from the industry

still waiting on a sequel, Nintendo

Aquilo né, joguinho que eu jogava quando criança que hoje em dia e só bom pela nostalgia

Would have been fun if it weren't for the clunky controls. Very frustrating to just go "Come on jump!" And see your character just drop like that One marble in episode 6 of Squid Game (sorry that's like the best comparison my brain came up with at the moment.)

The game that the Ice Climbers are from is....alright to say the least.

Thx fuck, the ice climber controls well in smash, because good god, the game as unberable control, with horrible jump and slow movement, the game looks and sound kind of meh too and jesus its really repetetive

Today, the only reason this game exist is because we have popo and nana in smash, but THATS IT