Reviews from

in the past

Removing the option to club seals is woke SJW pandering

Popo and Nana being cut from Smash 4 wasn't actually about technical limitations. Sakurai just finally got around to playing Ice Climber and deleted all their code and assets in a fit of disgusted rage.

NES Week: Day #2

Out of all the games to get characters in smash bros. The one I’ve always been confused about are the ice climbers. They’ve never really been that powerful in smash and I’ve never heard anyone really praising the game. Maybe it was time that I tried the game to see why they were in smash in the first place. Who knows…maybe it would be a kid Icarus situation?

Personally I really don’t find ice climbers to be that good of a game. If anything, I’m confused as to why Nintendo respects it so much. For starters the jumping is terrible. You don’t really notice how terrible the jump physics are until the platforms come in. I promise you that no matter what I do I can’t land on the platforms because ‘oh your only on the very edge so I guess that means your not on it’ and the controls feel so stiff with you trying to manoeuvre the climber to jump on these platforms and somehow catch the pterodactyl at the end. It all feels so stiff and when the platforms are really slippy that’s just when I lose faith in everything…

Stiff controls, terrible platforms, not the worst enemies, they should get a new job that doesn’t require them to jump

The jumping is awful but the game itself is a fun timewaster with some challenge. Despite my enjoyment of this game, I will say that it does not have the staying power for me to go through all 30+ mountains in one sitting.

Update: I finally got around to beating all 32 levels in one sitting. It does start to get tiresome toward the end but it is still enjoyable to play through.

Jump arc this, jump arc that. How about you jump off this game's dick?

Ice Climber's not anything particularly special, but I respect it far more than I ever did before. Starting quip aside, I genuinely do like the funky jumping. It's clearly designed around-- the entire game would be trivial if the physical execution of climbing was easy to do. You have to be aware what your actions will lead to because they're so committal, and I like that. It's not dissimilar to other NES games with "bad jumping controls."

I also played Ice Climber with a friend, and I have to say: the game is a surprisingly coherent multiplayer experience. Maybe one of the best on the NES. All the stuff I just said holds true, except now you have to consider the needs of another player. Getting too gung-ho and scrolling your buddy off the screen is distilled co-op essence.

There's still a lot to be desired; there's too much downtime in this game for my taste (optimal scoring, waiting for platforms to be built, etc.) and the presentation sure is that of a black box NES game, but Ice Climber's a decent little thing. I feel bad for hating on it so hard. Give it a chance!

Why the fuck do people hate this game so much? Sure, it's flawed and takes some getting used to, but it isn't a war crime like everyone says it is.

This game would literally be all but forgotten like it deserves if it wasn’t for Smash Bros

Nintendo could make a game about Popo and Nana losing their legs in a car accident, and it would still have better jumping control than this

its not completely devoid of fun but its close

great game for people who hate jumping and things that jump

Thanks to Smash Bros., I was curious in trying out the game where the Ice Climbers came from.

While I like the soundtrack, and the game has charm... man, do these controls suck ass. Jumping feels really heavy, and landing on platforms is a bitch.

After a while, I was not having much fun, and just stopped playing the game.

If there was another Ice Climber game with better controls in the future, I'd be all for it, but as for this one... nah.

You ever just make a game about jumping where the act of actually jumping is like getting punched repeatedly in the testicles?

Why do you jump like this

What if the funny vertical platformer with fast moving, tiny platforms also had some of the most comically terrible jump physics of all time?

worst jump of any game I've ever played lol

--Nintendo team meeting circa 1984--

"Hey, let's make a game about jumping."

"Yeah, let's also make the jumping itself horrendously homophobic."

"Sounds fantastic, it'll sell mucho copies."

All of them immediately shit their pants and start scooting their asses across the floor

Ice climber is a pretty fun game were you climb up a mountain whilst dodging enemies. It's a really simple concept that is executed pretty well.

My one complaint is that sometimes the platforming can be a bit janky, you sometimes clip through them and don't jump properly. Other than that though it is a pretty fun game that has aged pretty well for being nearly 40 years old.

Heartwarming: this one weird jump arc produces enough zoomer tears to provide water for an entire village.

Yeah, not gonna lie, I'm not really a fan of this one. As one of the games that Nintendo loves to remind you that it existed at one point, it's a simple game where you climb up a mountain with ice, and yeah, it can be fun at times, but I just find it more annoying then anything with the ice physics and the enemies. Yeah, I know that is the point, but it just isn't for me.

Game #69

Now, I'm not a game programmer and I know that making games in 1985 was a lot harder, but I feels like if you're making a vertically-based platformer where most of the gameplay is jumping, you're going to really want to nail the feel of the jump mechanic. Never have I played a game where the controls are so terrible that they effectively take a crowbar to the game's kneecaps the way that Ice Climber's terrible jump mechanic ruins an otherwise solid game premise.

A lot more playable on the Nintendo Switch Online service where you can easily rewind the game so that you can keep trying to make certain jumps, but don't bother playing it on the original hardware. I own a physical cartridge of this game. Don't suffer from my mistake.

Consultor Ivone desembrulho's better.

Extremely forgettable, and I still have no idea how this game has Smash representation.

The idea is neat but when jumping is like the only thing you do and its incredibly unreliable, it quickly becomes a chore to play

they sure did climb that ice alright

this games only mechanic is jumping onto platforms above you and yet somehow the ledges collision is broken. i hate da ice climbers

Alright ideas but man the jumping mechanics just kill everything. You have to be so unbelievably precise to land on any platform that I slowly had to learn to clip through the edge of the platform to actually land my jumps by the end of the game. Pair this with the annoyingly slippery blocks that litter the entire game's level design and this game really does feel like the equivalent of trying to get a thread through a tiny needle head. I liked the sprites and music though and levels with a fair amount of breakable blocks usually weren't that bad. And I also thought the enemy designs were cute.

I know expecting a child in a parka to jump their own height x3 properly is asking a bit much but come on man