Reviews from

in the past

People shit on this and it's the most fun I've had with an arcade game.

A very cute concept for a vertical platformer done in by the worst jump physics in any Nintendo game I've ever played. Momentum doesn't work like you would expect, and platform collision is terrible. I'm glad Smash could salvage the characters from this game, at least...

Shockingly bad, even for NES standards.

Climb the mountain. Score would be higher if the physics didn't suck.

Ice climber is a pretty fun game were you climb up a mountain whilst dodging enemies. It's a really simple concept that is executed pretty well.

My one complaint is that sometimes the platforming can be a bit janky, you sometimes clip through them and don't jump properly. Other than that though it is a pretty fun game that has aged pretty well for being nearly 40 years old.

Thanks to Smash Bros., I was curious in trying out the game where the Ice Climbers came from.

While I like the soundtrack, and the game has charm... man, do these controls suck ass. Jumping feels really heavy, and landing on platforms is a bitch.

After a while, I was not having much fun, and just stopped playing the game.

If there was another Ice Climber game with better controls in the future, I'd be all for it, but as for this one... nah.

a game where the bad controls and repetitive levels are the point. yeah, i don’t get why nintendo is so proud of this one

Classic. Fun. Breathtaking. Has a great cast of characters with a lot of charm. Who could forget Popo... and... uh... Polar Bear. Simply one of the greatest games of all time. Some people will be like "This game sucks" "The controls suck" "I hate the slippery feeling of this game". But then praise games like Jump King, Getting Over It, and Only Up. They don't understand, this game was the ultimate challenge, and it beats every single one of those games that I mentioned. Not only for it's platforming gameplay, but the super in depth "hammer" combat system.

Fun but kinda frustrating platformer. Great vibes though

this stinks, one star for the funny polar bear

nes classic 2/30

I'm already not huge on arcade-style games but this one controls especially horribly. Not worth revisiting unless you're a big Nintendo fan.

Antes de Mario Kart este era el juego "rompeamistades".

This was a game from 1984, this is an ok game for pre-Super Mario era. I played this game when I was a child and i have nostalgic feelings about it.

Dude, Ice Climber makes me want to throw my controller. Okay, the jumping feels more like the ice climbers are floating up a mountain instead of climbing. Plus those birds and seals are the WORST. It's kind of fun, but way too frustrating.

I remember trying this game one the 3DS eShop, and I am pretty sure most people, like me, tried it because of Smash Bros.

And much like any other people, I played it for a while before concluding that: ""YO THIS IS KINDA MEH!"

It is a cute little title, with cute sound design and with charming characters and premise. There are enough decent aspects of it to turn it into beloved Famicom classic.

But GOD, even compared to other arcade titles, this is a really janky one: the unfluidity of the controls and the addition of ICE PHYSIC lead to you making wrong jumps all the time, with levels that turns literally unforgiving after the first 3 levels.... the addition of a timer to all of this Sisyhus climb does help either.

That said, it's not a really awful experience.... and mostly because I grew attached to Nana and Popo thanks to Smash..... I am not honestly able to completely hate it.

It does its job, even if just barely. Sometimes I kinda hope the Ice Climbers will get the "Kid Icarus: Uprising" treatment and return with a banger sequel on modern consoles.

They're better in Smash than this game

Played on Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online, did not make it very far. The controls have not held up well, so I do not intend to return to this game.

President Mauno Koivisto's son-in-law was friends with the guy who imported the NES to Finland. He introduced the system to Mauno who became an avid gamer. Ice Climber was his favorite game and according to one anecdote he would always challenge politicians he had invited over to a match and then mock them when they lost by repeatedly asking "can't you handle it?"

I say with no exaggeration that this is some of the worst physics I've ever seen in a video game.

I can tolerate the ice physics, since it's literally in the name. But if I land on a platform, maybe let me land on it! It was already a pain in the ass to get on it to begin with with that shitty jump. But you just had to clip me through the floor didn't you?!

Ok, the jump momentum is horrid. Never felt bothered by the slippery since after all it is indeed an ice climbing.

It's one of those very early NES games, so don't expect anything lasting long.

Nintendo could make a game about Popo and Nana losing their legs in a car accident, and it would still have better jumping control than this

The main reason I don't like this game is because it cost (and still costs) money to play
After some research, I found that they sold this for around 40 dollars in the 80s, accounting for inflation that would be around 116 dollars nowadays, or roughly 108 euros- Jesus Christ it's worse than I thought

hard as fuck for no reason

Combines light elements of Breakout and Frogger into a platformer with mixed results. Mostly the block breaking just doesn't really add anything other than a chore here.

Imagine the most monotonous, tedious platformer ever created with mechanics specifically designed to be the most annoying things imaginable and controls so inconsistent that it makes you wonder if the developers even intended for anyone to ever finish it, let alone have fun.

Whatever you imagined just now is still probably far better than Ice Climber.

Music is good though.