Reviews from

in the past

This game series just did nothing for me.

Quando não só o Mundo Aberto, mas todo o jogo, tudo dele é bem feito e feito com carinho, a coisa é diferente.

I always enjoy anything capeshit, but I wish this game was a little bit more campy and stylized. I get what they were going for, but this game looked dated even when it came out...Everything looks like shit.

It was fun to jump from building to building and abuse of my electricity powers. Story was kinda whatever but eh, I had a decent time.

It has extremely gray tones, which makes the atmosphere boring. Even though it has much shallower gameplay options than other Infamous games, it's not bad for a game from 2009. Still, it's a bit difficult to look back and play nowadays. Although not as much as Infamous 2, it can provide an enjoyable experience. If you want to experience and see the story for yourself, you can try the first game, but if you want, just read the story and move on to the 2nd game.

great story but the gameplay is incredibly outdated.

I actually enjoyed this a lot. I think the PS3/360 era was the peak for open world games when they were made with a focus on fun rather than tedious collectibles. Everything here serves its purpose well and instead of feeling like a meaningless collectathon like modern AC games I found myself enjoying traversing the city like I was playing GTA.

The best part of this game is how it drip feeds you new powers and tools to play with that make combat seem fresh. The story is nothing special but it kept me engaged and I liked the characters. Traversal was fun but a way to launch off the ground like in Second Son would have made it much more fluid.

Overall, it's a little dated yes but it reminds me of why I loved the PS3 generation so much, first party developers weren't afraid to work on their own new IPs and be creative. It's also pretty cool that this stands up there with other superhero games despite not having any licensed or popular characters.

It’s fun, that’s kind of it honestly, lol. It’s definitely dated, and very wonky to play sometimes. Story is a little bare bones and the game looks really fucking ugly, which, I know is kinda the point, but idk.

É bem divertido pra quem quer algo diferente dos jogos atuais, a movimentação e o parkour são bons, mas às vezes bugam, o jogo sofre pra rodar em algumas partes, nunca roda liso, sempre abaixo dos 30 FPS, mas é super divertido

I thought the story was quite decent.
The gameplay is also fun and I really love the movement fluidity. That really impressed because it can be better than most PS3 games for that time.

Enjoyed revisting Imfamous on the PS5. Holds up well. Fun gameplay and a cool story.

Foi um jogo bom para a época. Já passei muito tempo jogando e os poderes que tu tinha era bem legal. Tinha também aquela mecânica de honra, em que se tu matasse inocentes, tua energia era vermelha. Isso era muito maneiro.

The idea of this game is a lot cooler than actually playing it.

Infamous is one of the ugliest first party PS3 games. This game dropped right in the middle of the brown and grey era. Though it may be unfair of me to criticize the colour choices in a post-apocalyptic city, other post-apocalyptic games managed to use colours other than brown and grey and were much less ugly as a result. The framerate also tanks hard every time you get into combat.

The comic book cutscenes, however, still look great, and I enjoyed the story.

The Sly Cooper inspired movement still holds up and traveling around Empire City is a blast once you have a few traversal powers. Unfortunately the combat, which is most of the game, is hit or miss. Being a guy with electric powers is an idea with enormous potential but it ends up playing like a typical third person shooter, with lightning instead of guns. Enemies are ridiculously accurate from massive range, making rooftop traversal a chore until you do generic side missions that clear them out. Some late game enemies are very annoying to fight, especially with the game's horrible framerate. This game also followed the annoying trend of many other seventh gen games, of making your screen go grey or lose colour upon taking damage, in place of a normal health bar. In a game already mostly grey and lacking colour this usually just made it more difficult to see anything.

I can see how Infamous was really impressive in 2009, but I was late to the party and it wasn't quite what I thought it was going to be. But it still kept me intrigued until the end, and I'm glad I tried Infamous 2 because that game became one of my favorite PS3 games.

I have super mixed feelings on Infamous. I think the concept and story here are really great. The level design is also really built around smooth traversal which is great. But there's also some serious issues with controls and the enemy AI.

From a gameplay standpoint, the game is decent. The initial gameplay loop of unlocking new powers and fighting off enemies was exciting at first. But as the game goes on and you start digging into the side content, it really starts to show its age. The side missions tended to be pretty repetitive, and obviously they're just side content, but I wish that there could have been a little more to them. I did really like the satellite uplink missions though, as they showed you how to get around the city fast.

I also wasn't huge on the morality system here. I get that for the sake of clarity, they wanted to walk through what would lead to a good karma choice and a bad karma choice for every decision, but it kind of broke the immersion for me when the game would freeze and Cole would weigh out his options. If they just allowed me to make my decision and then put a little good/bad karma reminder on the screen, it would have made things feel more cohesive in my eyes. Kind of like how Fallout communicates it's karma to the player.

One issue that I had with the game was the climbing. The climbing does this auto-snap onto ledges, which is nice in concept, but a lot of times it totally breaks up the flow. There were multiple times where I would struggle to get a battery core or I couldn't get to where I wanted because Cole was snapping on to some random ledge. The climbing also tended to just be spamming X and moving around the direction stick. Given the limitations I sort of get it, but the levels are designed with a good amount of verticality so its a shame that the platforming and climbing don't feel great. If there was some type of electric launch or electric wall-run, I think these problems would've been less noticeable. If they wanted climbing to be an "autopilot" mechanism, they should have shortened the amount of time it takes to reach the top of buildings. But if they wanted it to be more technical or player involved, I wish they would have done that too. In their past games, they had added sparkles so that the player could tap a button and make the choice to land on or climb an object. Although I don't know how well the sparkles could work, I think that the climbing could benefit if it allowed for more player input. I think making the climbing more involved would make it more player-driven and fun, or making it shorter would make it less mundane.

The horizontal traversal is really nice though, I like the rail slide and the momentum you can carry into your static glides. You could get some cool sideways launches, and it really made the traversal feel nice once I had finished the game.

The other major issue I had with this game was the enemy AI. I did a playthrough on both Hard and Medium, and the issue was the same in both. While you play the game, it constantly feels like the enemies have laser accuracy. This wouldn't be an issue if they only had this accuracy up close, as it should feel overwhelming to land in a hoard, but the enemies in this game have insane accuracy from multiple buildings away. Pretty much anywhere you go, you're constantly being shot at which breaks up a lot of the fun of traversal in the game.

This game shares a lot of DNA with Sly 2, but one of the biggest parallels I see is in the jungle-gym nature of the level design. In Sly 2 this design really works because as a thief, you constantly want to sneak around on the rooftops and scope out where you're going. For Infamous, this design should work, as the rooftops are where you can travel around the fastest. But it doesn't work because the rooftops leave you exposed from all angles. Instead the safest place to walk through are the alleys as there's really only two directions you can be shot from. The way I see it, Infamous has the design of a stealth game without any options for stealth. You have a really great city design where you can take multiple paths to avoid the enemy, but the climbing is fairly slow and the enemies constantly know where you are. If you're on the rooftops, you will be shot at until you take out all the enemies in the area.

I don't like being negative about this game because it's really clear that a lot of work and love and passion went into this. Sucker Punch made a really solid first entry to fun and gritty super hero series, and I think that's awesome. I really love the graphic novel cutscenes they do between the chapters, and the little phone calls between the different characters. They also made a pretty neat combat system, with loads of cool stunts and fun ways to mess around with the environment. There's a lot that's really great here, I just feel like it's held back by the time it was made and some of the design choices. I'll probably be playing through Infamous 2 sometime this month, so I'm hoping that game improves some of the issues I ran into here!

Bell'inizio di una saga sottovalutata.

I’m going to blast and splurge all over you

Jogo com história muito interessante, gráfico ok para a época, mas o drop de fps constante deixava a desejar muito, algumas sidequest repetitivas e jogabilidade ok.

Man this game is aggressively grey

Good mobility and powers; mid and repetitive open world super hero game.
It's interesting to see the similarities with sly cooper: the extended air time while jumping, the silly in game character expressions, the cutscenes with comic/cartoon style etc. At times you can feel that they hack in a super hero game into their sly cooper engine.

sony gave me this game for free because of gross negligence with my data :)

Foi divertido, tenho de jogar o segundo.

I miss Infamous so much. I loved this game's whole vibe. It's gritty, it's bleak, and not only that, it's fun. It encourages a second playthrough due to its Karma system, and the choices to make get difficult at times too. A truly fun superhero experience by Sucker Punch that somehow feels like an Insomniac game with its fast-paced action and parkour.

I just wish there was an easy way to play it on PS3 without having to stream it via PS Plus. Give us a remaster Sony, please.

Score: 87

A very polarizing game with a unique premise and cool gameplay bogged down by dull missions and duller artstyle

o jogo em si é muito legal, a história e o protagonista são muito legais, os personagens secundários igualmente, tem mecânicas muito interessantes que inclusive eu acho que mais jogos de herói deveriam ter, você pode seguir o caminho do bem ou do mal nesse jogo e isso vai influenciar na forma que a cidade e os habitantes vêem você, além da gameplay que é bem fluida e dinâmica, apesar do ps3 ter diversos problemas de otimização então o jogo dá umas lagadas monstra, e outro problema também infelizmente é que a dificuldade do jogo é muito mal balanceada, por muito tempo no jogo eu até joguei no modo difícil sem saber mas quando eu mudei pro normal ainda ficou difícil pra caralho kkkkkkkkkk mas é legal que os inimigos são também tem muitas variações e os poderes diversos, fazendo com que o jogo não fique repetitivo

If the PlayStation network hadn't been hacked and closed for over a month and this game hadn't been given out as an apology for that, I might not be who I am today. I love so much about this game, being my first non-Nintendo endeavor is a big deal and actually realizing the potential of my PS3 from inFAMOUS was truly special.

A very fun sandbox super hero game. Infamous uses it's own unique IP to create an electricity wielding hero (or anti-hero if you choose to play that way) battling evil in a ruined city and gaining powers as you slowly level up. I really liked the way it introduced you to new powers slowly, and then gave you missions that forced you to use them. By the end you really felt like a bad ass as you blocked, blasted and blew up your enemies. Great game.