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You are the king! King of what? Well, of your kingdom. However, you need some peons! Welcome to Kingdom: Classic (yes, the first of its name !)

So, in terms of gameplay and explanation. Every day, you must collect gold coins to improve your kingdom. You'll need to recruit builders, archers, and farmers. But... watch out for the nights when monsters come out to try to steal all your wealth! If the crown falls, it's game over for you ! The gameplay is quite simple; you really have 3 keys: left, right, and drop a coin. Simple gameplay but also quite repetitive, I'll come back to that for the achievements.

Graphics and Art Design:
In terms of graphics and art design, it's cute. I like pixel art, so the game already scores points with me. Same for the music, it's really chill, and during the blood moons (haha, I'll let you discover what that is), the music and atmosphere are really intense. The only downside is that even if you have a NASA PC, you may experience slowdowns as you progress. Indeed, around day 70, I experienced lag due to my hundreds of archers and hundreds of monsters on the screen. A small optimization issue from the game's side.

Achievements and Other Aspects:
Let's talk about achievements. You'll need patience and to restart your game several times. There's a small series of achievements to accomplish in the first 10 days (some are quite annoying), and then it's simply survival. As I mentioned earlier, the gameplay quickly becomes repetitive. For the last achievement, I waited more than 4 hours because there was really nothing left to do.

So, Kingdom: Classic is the first installment in the series. I assure you, it will improve over time with many more possibilities and new mechanics. It's really a first installment made for discovering the series. No DLC because, in fact, this game is available as free-to-play, so grab it !

My final score: 14/20
Recommendation: A little free game to grab and play to chill (or spend 20 hours of your life like me just to complete it).

Still the best one in some ways. Makes you figure everything out yourself. Every second counts.

Preciso jogar mais, mas é bem bacana. Vc é um rei numa terra bizarra e todo dia vc pode explorar para esquerda ou direita enquanto fortalece seu castelo e toda noite tem uma onda de monstros. A premissa é simples, mas vai ficando bem interessante, boa curva de aprendizado e de surepresas(?) com o que as coisas que vc encontra na floresta fazem e como zera o jogo, rola aquele efeito de "tá, só jogar mais um dia" e ai do nada são 1h da manhã.
Preciso jogar mais das sequências da franquia que dizem ser melhor (principalmente o two crowns e seus DLCs) e ter mais coisa pq quando vc descobre a maioria das interações vai ficando sem graça.

Kingdom: New Lands é o que deveria ser o clássico, com mais objetivos, novas mecânicas, etc. Esse jogo estava apodrecendo na minha biblioteca, que pecado, foi bom zerá-lo e platiná-lo, uma experiência desafiadora, como eu disse na análise do Kingdom Classic, eu tenho um carinho por essa franquia Kingdom, o Classic foi o primeiro jogo que comprei na Steam, e eu não seria audacioso em dizer que foi um dos primeiros jogos que comprei na vida, com certeza esse jogo me ajudou entrar mais de cabeça no mundo dos games.

Grafico lindo e jogabilidade gostosa

This game was one of my first steam games I have purchased and I loved it. I would play this game for so long. I didn't know that you can actually beat this game until a year later. I'm a bit biased but this game won my heart when i was younger. I also enjoy the style of this game a lot.

Really enjoyable side scrolling base builder! More addictive than I thought it would be!

Very relaxing game and a great beginning to the franchise.

é bom maaas muito rápido.
Eu só tava com preguiça de terminar logo mesmo :)

Just about as much involvement as I like in any kind of simulation/survival game: distant, observant, sorta influential but not really, and mainly there to just to absorb vibes. Kingdom has Untouchable Vibes.

+ Good artstyle.
+ Very simple to begin with, but gets increasingly more challenging as time goes on.

Looking back on it, there's not a lot that it has that's super unique but it was fun playing it.

Real-time strategy game, direct and simple.

Graphically I love it. It has beautiful pixel art during the day and is dark with good light effects at night. In addition, the music accompanies it, giving it a tone of fantasy with mystical overtones. The set is very good.

On the other hand, its gameplay has a good learning curve. Its playable mechanics are simple and you learn them quickly in just 1 minute at the beginning of the game, no problem. Another thing will be to master the game and make your kingdom prosper, something that you will have to learn through trial and error. A path that I have loved and that has made me enjoy almost 30 hours.

Highly recommended. I think that its great asset lies in its simplicity, accompanied by a general atmosphere that is very pleasing to the eye. 8/10


Better then the games that follows

Jogo relaxante de construir seu reinado

Les graphismes, la musique, les décors et le gameplay simple donne une ambiance très chill et agréable. Cependant il y a un côté très frustrant à devoir reset complétement à chaque fois et paradoxalement au coté chill du jeu, très stressant à devoir courir partout quand on avance des les jours. Mais le vrai problème viens surtout de l'impossibilité de gérer les NPC. Une fois un coté débarrassé des portails, les chevalier et leurs archer sont passif et inutiles. Les builder et farmer qui ne rentrent pas la nuit. L'obligation d'avancer la catapulte à chaque nouveau mur. L'herbe qui ne pousse pas et donne des zones inutiles à moins de raser toute la foret. La force avec laquelle les mobs attaquent après avoir cassé le portail explose d'un coup. obligé de tester pour voir et le moindre faux pas oblige à relancer une game et plusieurs heures pour retourner à ce point.
Toutefois l'idée de mécanique est très intéressante et me fait revenir sur le jeu pour essayer de le finir en ayant appris de mes erreurs. Une fois la strat comprise (farmer les archer, pas de catapultes, s'etendre pour farmer les lapin sans casser les camps de peon et utiliser tout le temps les statues), le jeu devient assez simple.

Engaging gameplay loop that's fun for a couple of hours.

This isn't the sort of game I generally play and I didn't really expect to enjoy it so I was pleasantly surprised

Looks and Sound
The pixel art is simply gorgeous. It's not as detailed as some popular pixel art games but I liked the style a lot and that is what matters the most to me. The weather effects and reflections particularly stand out. There are some nice effects like the crown moving up and down when the horse gallops or the animation that plays when the horse can't gallop anymore

The soundtrack was pretty good. I can't say that any of the tracks stood out to me but it fit well with the game itself

Like I said, I haven't played strategy games but I can tell Kingdom Classic is very simple. You manage one currency that is used for everything. Not counting vendors who aren't managed at all, there are only four 'units' and they mostly command themselves. You can order the knights a bit but that is it and direct builders where to construct but that is it.

This simplicity is what I enjoyed. I didn't feel overwhelmed with options or things to do. I don't mind complicated games but sometimes simplicity is also fun. I liked the feeling of expanding the kingdom

I will probably end up checking out the other Kingdom games at some point

Review EN/PTBR

Short but offers a great challenge that can take hours, beautiful soundtrack and fantastic pixelart
Give it a try, It's free on steam, you have nothing to lose :)

Grátis, curto porém oferece um ótimo desafio que pode levar horas, trilha sonora relaxante e linda acompanhada de um pixelart fantástico
Pode testar, você não tem nada a perder :)