Reviews from

in the past

The game has massive flaws, some pretty big bugs, even to this day, but Mafia II's last set piece and story ending do some heavy lifting at the finish line to make it a pretty enjoyable experience despite those flaws.

The camera is wonky at times, every vehicle feels bad to drive, the AI can be unpredictable, including the cars on the road, which can be frustrating at times. A lot of this though is just an age thing though, so some of these frustrations are a bit forgivable for me.

A lot of it is big dumb empty calories of gangster cliches and action-movie-levels of gameplay depth. But if you like those types of games and want one that's got a better than average story, Mafia II is an easy recommend.

Bom jogo, o 1 e melhor em questão de história mas esse não e tão ruim, única parte que eu não gostei foi desse final mas de resto um bom jogo

Let's goooooo I just got the platinum trophy. This will always be one of my favourite games so I needed to get the platinum trophy and it wasn't actually that hard, it was just annoying at times but I'm so glad I did it.

oyunun son görevlerine gelince adeta tek başıma amerikadaki italyan nüfusunun yüzde yirmisini felan yok ettim. mantıkdan yoksun full aksiyon ilerledi bu da zar zor tutunduğum atmosferden kopmamı sağladı ama yine de oyuna puanım 3,5 yıldız olacaktı mafia 1 den daha çok beğenmiştim ama oyunun sonu olmadığı için direk sonu açık bir şekilde mafia 3 e bağlandığı için 3 yıldız vermekte karar kıldım

Bueno, por dónde empezar...
Gráficamente es un desastre, no se tomaron el mismo trabajo que para el Mafia I, el mundo está lleno de bugs y glitches visuales (no son los únicos)
La historia quizás es el punto menos flojo del juego, Vito es un gran personajes al igual que Joe.
Y el peor punto del juego, con diferencia (además de la PÉSIMA inteligencia artificial) son los glitches que tiene, tuve que reiniciar misiones, el juego y la consola varias veces, la versión que jugué es la definitive edition en PS5, la verdad un desastre

Well, where to start...
Graphically it is a disaster, they did not take the same work as for Mafia I, the world is full of bugs and visual glitches (they are not the only ones)
The story is perhaps the least weak point of the game, Vito is a great character as is Joe.
And the worst point of the game, by far (besides the TERRIBLE artificial intelligence) are the glitches it has, I had to restart missions, the game and the console several times, the version I played is the definitive edition on PS5, the truth is a disaster

Excellent plot lines, remastered really well, and overall does a great job at portraying the original game.

Tekrar oynadığım için inceleme yazmıyorum. Oyunu iyi hatırlıyordum, Mafia I oynayınca neden II.'sini oynamayayım dedim. Hatırladığımdan daha kötüymüş. Hikayesi sürükleyici olsa da mekanikleri çok kütük. Vuruş hissiyatı yok, silahlar tek tüke, araba sürme meh seviyesinde. Definitive Edition'da ne değiştirdiler gerçekten merak konusu. Karakterlerin sesi bile bazen değişiyor manyak herifler bari onu düzeltseydiniz.

Esse segundo jogo é uma maluquice! O Mafia 1 tinha uma narrativa inteligente e uma trama concisa, tudo rodava ao redor do mesmo tema, já esse jogo aqui ele não sabe que história quer contar, é uma coisa que puxa a outra e no meio disso vão te jogando nome atrás de nome e é muito fácil se perder ou sentir que você tá sem rumo na história. E os personagens desse também perdem muito pro primeiro jogo, quem se salva aqui é o Joe Barbarro, mas tirando ele o protagonista é uma porta sem sentimentos, ele foi pra guerra, ele vai preso, a mãe dele morre, queimam sua casa... e nada parece realmente afetar o Vito, o cara é uma pedra, e essas coisas não trazem consequência nenhuma pra história, então é muito difícil se conectar com essa história e deixou muito a desejar pra mim.
O gameplay foi uma complicação, eu tive que me adaptar aos controles da época do PS3 e XBOX 360, esse gameplay devia ser ótimo pra época, mas pra hoje em dia foi o motivo de quase desistir de jogar no início. Apesar disso eu me peguei me divertindo e querendo jogar mais, então não é um jogo ruim.

Mr Salieri sends his regards.

Mafia 2 in my opinion is the perfect sequel to the 1st game and comes out as a better game at the end of it. The story is somehow better, with two great likeable characters in Joe and Vito and a narrative that takes you on an emotional journey full of great missions and enjoyable characters.

When it comes to the setting in Mafia 2, as soon as you take the first car ride through Empire Bay you can see how perfect the devs have got that 1940s America vibe. The streets are busy, the shops and billboards all have that oldies aesthetic and the radio station plays some great 40s classics that really help drive that atmosphere home. Its also really nice to see that the environment changes depending what era you're in, as the game takes place in both the 40s and the 50s. The car models change, the music changes and so does the city around you. Little things like that really help immerse you.

So if the environment is perfect for the setting, what about the characters? Everybody you meet in this game is exactly what you'd expect an Italian-American mobster to be. As for the main character Vito Scaletta, wow what a character, and the same goes for his partner in crime Joe Barbaro who has some of the funniest one-liners in the game. 2K really hit the nail on the head with their character writing again.

The gameplay in Mafia 2 is such an improvement on the first (even compared to the remake), with shooting and driving feeling a lot more smoother and less frustrating to work your way around. There were also less times I found myself getting annoyed with a mission. In Mafia 1, there are quite a few missions that have you tearing your hair out but this one didn't really do that for me, with my time playing being a lot more enjoyable on this title. It's definitely still very simplistic and could maybe benefit from some more unique missions, but that's what you get with these sort of games

The story of this game is stellar. The best in the Mafia series and I hope if there is a 4th game, that they take a lot of inspiration from this one. There are a lot more unforgettable moments in this game that had me laughing, crying or just happy as hell. As mentioned earlier, Joe and Vito really make this narrative shine, bringing the magic to those scenes while you're playing.

Something I would like to point out though, is that if you are going to play this game, I would suggest going for the classic edition. Unfortunately this port has a lot of audio and visual glitches that happen throughout the game. The devs haven't fixed them since the Mafia bundle dropped so I doubt they are going to do anything anytime soon

Bugs aside though, I really did love this game and would highly recommend checking it out. It's just a shame everything goes downhill from this title

I played it through back-compat. Unfortunately the game didn't get patched for PS5 4K support.
Great game. This is obviously the way to go if you want to play this game now.

Estava muito afim de jogar um jogo de gangue que se passa no passado, não tinha Red Dead então foi Mafia II, mesmo sabendo que a época que os jogos se passam são bem diferentes. O jogo progride em dois tempos distintos, um em 1945 e outra em 1951, após um timeskip relacionado com eventos da história, durante todo esse tempo o player controla Vittorio Antonio Scaletta, de apelido Vito, imigrante italiano vindo de família pobre que decide entrar no mundo das máfias ítalo americanas para mudar isso.Em todo o tempo o game se passa na cidade fictícia de Empire Bay, que tem uma ambientação fantástica e é possível ver a diferença em questão da modernização antes e depois do timeskip, o que é perfeito. A história é simplesmente bizarra de boa, prendendo o jogador do início ao fim, tendo personagens muitíssimo carismáticos com o Joe e Leo, dentre outros, um enredo que progride de maneira leve e vai ficando mais pesado conforme o jogo evolui e um final que é extremamente foda, um dos melhores em quetão de narrativa que joguei ultimamente. Sobre a trilha sonora, ela surpreende principalmente quando se fala das rádios que tem no jogo, que tocam algumas músicas da época que o game se passa, dando uma maior imersão, são poucas músicas, só que elas dão para o gasto e como o cenário, após o timeskip as músicas também mudam, já os efeitos sonoros são muito bons. Porém nem tudo são flores, a gameplay é típica do gênero na pegada de GTA, um mundo aberto em terceira pessoa que tem ambientação base as cidades, mudando só os cenários, mas infelizmente ela deixa a desejar, a câmera do jogo é horrenda, deixando difícil atirar quando está subindo ou descendo escadas, só que o pior ainda está por vir que é o quão mal otimizado é o jogo no PS4, quedas de fps, bug visuais que transformam prédios em borrões e outros, além de uma ia bem fraca para os npc’s. Na minha opinião o jogo vale a pena, mas só compensa pega-lo em alguma promoção ou em forma de serviço, como a PS plus.

Really enjoyed this Mafia game too, you play as 2 new protagonists in Joe and Vito. The story is good and the missions are really fun too. Also get to see Tommy Angelo again which is good.

Jogão para quem curte histórias de máfia! Evolução dos personagens é legal e mostra que na máfia nunca vai ter algo bom no final… gameplay gostosa de jogar e tem coisas que gosto mais que GTA!! Bom dms

The game world is pretty, but unfortunately also completely irrelevant. Everything only serves as a backdrop. As a result, the sometimes long journeys to mission goals are boring. But those who stick out here will still be rewarded with a great, atmospheric gangster story that shines with interesting characters throughout.

Good shit, but I hate these open endings.

Basically same game with facelifting

Increíble como pueden haber jodido (glitches, bugs visuales, errores que antes no estaban...) un juego tan pulido con un "remasterd" tan pocho

My feelings on this game are really confusing because while it's story and gameplay both eclipse Mafia 1 the issues the game itself has completely ruins the experience, with it's extremely large amounts of bugs that led to me dying loads of times in missions and overall souring the experience, if this game had the proper love and care put into the remaster it would probably be one of if not my favorite game of all time

A true masterpiece of gaming industry.

Mafia 2 is a Goodfellas skin over Grand Theft Auto 4 that hasn’t aged so well, but hits all the right notes even today.

We follow Vito Scaletta, an American-Italian from a poor Sicilian family trying to make an honest life in Empire Bay’s poorest neighborhood. After Vito’s father drowns while drunk, Vito becomes frustrated and resorts to petty crime in tandem with his best friend, Joe. Petty crime begins to escalate towards Vito and Joe making made men of themselves.

Vito’s story is a great hook into the era of The Great Arrival of 1910, where many Italians fled to America toe scale the internal conflict as Itaity worked towards becoming a unified nation. Many of these families came without a.cent to their name, and would take up any work. This back breaking work would keep workers alive, but not out of poverty, and many Italians looked to organized crime to enjoy the American dream. Take2 Czech did a fantastic job of taking such rich history and making it into a world you could become part of.

That story can get you through this game alone, especially when you include all the fun driving around you can do in 1940s cars, the 1900s weapons of the time, and even experience the same Wanted System from Rockstar’s more famous titles. What took five stars from this game for me is that the more grounded mechanics this game experimented with was often at odds - one time I had to restart a chapter because my car was out of fuel and the mission was time based - and another time because the car the game gave me wasn’t fast enough — and its these things that quickly grind your gears.

Generally, I think this a great game, but not one I would go out of my way to play again.

very fun game with a pretty good story but id be lying if I said there weren't parts that absolutely pissed me off

Once again a great story but really feels like a game from 2010 despite being a remaster and the ending is kinda ass

Zamanında düzgün çalışan oyunu bozmuşlar a.

A história é dinâmica e memorável, porém a 2k otimizou a versão de 2020 igual à cara dela, tem um pouco de gameplay no meio do bug.
PS: as DLCs são uma merda em tudo.