Reviews from

in the past

I ran right and mashed A great game :)

De todos MS que joguei esse é o mais elaborado a missão final e bem maior que as missões finais do outros que joguei.

Carismático e divertido, jogão demais!

ultimate game of all time

Metal slug é tipo: "vamos matar uns nazistas arrombados"

sepa esse foi o primeiro q joguei. o melhor pra mim até hj

What if he was called the freaki and i broke into your house

El mejor de los 3 primeros juegos, no hay discusión.

PD: Espero poder rejugarlo en sus distintas rutas.

provavelmente o favorito de todos, não tenho do que reclamar. CARA A SOUNDTRACK MIDNIGHT WANDERING É TUDO NÉ?????

Esse jogo é legal, mas devia ser frustrante jogar em fliperama

The pinnacle of the Series and maybe the Neo-Geo as a System (with the last blade 2 and Garou MotW). The game is so good that it was released as standalone game in the PS2, although you can beat it in less than an hour, but who even cares?

i like it when you turn into a zombie and have the best grenade in the game

Aqui o jogo começa a ficar zica,não tem nenhum travamento,é bem divertido,bem apelão e é uma ótima versão,parabéns SNK

minha infancia! adorava jogar com meus parentes.

The real summit of the series: constantly ups the ante until it reaches dizzying heights of Ancient Aliens mysticism and world-spiritual crisis. Unfortunately it's a bit too much for one sitting! That final stage is brutal, and long. Like half-the-whole-game long.

I remember there was a Bowling centre near my hometown: it was pretty crowded and it also a bunch of arcade machines near the entrance: that was amazing, at it kinda sucks that now most of them are gone.

But also one of those cabinets literally scared me to death and always made me avoid eye contact with the left side of that hall for the rest of the time I went through

I remember vividly being haunted by this specific level, set at midnight, with unsettling zombies lurking around, alongside people crying or desperately trying to run away. Eventually your character became a zombie and starting vomiting blood all over the stage, all accompanied by a creepy music and all leading to an encounter with aliens??? Really tall and creepy aliens with worm heads?

I wondered for years what this title was about: what horror series was even allowed to be so publicly showcased? ... oh wait it was metal slug.

And that is the magic of metal slug, especially MS3: is a shooter that throws to you so many crazy things that while weirded me out as a kid, are so crazy and creative that now let me just.... go for the ride.

You got a cartoonishly sense of humor that doesn't shy away from more crude aesthetices, and lets you go from militry bases, horror themed settings, arctic ruins where you shoot yetis with an elephant loaded with machinge guns, aztec temples and deserts where you fight the military on top of a came (also loaded with machine guns), giant robots... and then you playable character is kidnapped by aliens and you gotta go to their base in space, defeat clones of them and fight a giant brain while falling back on earth.

It's ana amazing and memorable experience that outshines not only a lot of other arcade shooters, but also a lot of other SNK titles, famous for oozing with personality and charm from all their pores.

Of course it's tough as nails: it's a game that can result unfair at times because of the philosophy of arcade titles... but the charming graphics and incredibly addicting gameplay and options for combat are the reason why tons of people spend money on this in the first place.

MGS3 is a classic, absolutely something to try.

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anti gnose

Esse é simplesmente fantástico!!

Incredibly fun side scroller shooter. Easy to pick up and play. The end is a bit long, but hey more explosions. It's a game wherein I can just turn my brain off, put some music on, and just have a great freaking time. (4 because the ending is literally longest level to ludicrous amount lol). Edit: Lowkey 3 is more accurate for how I feel about this game

beautiful looking game full of 50000 cheap shots you will insert coin a lot especially in final stage but it's great co-op play

Eu já perdi as contas de quantas vezes eu joguei isso nas festas de aniversários kkkkkkk sempre joguei com um povo aleatório que só conhecia nesse dia e nunca mais via. Finalmente pude zerar essa maravilha com meu primo em Junho de 2023 na festa de aniversário de um priminho meu (e sobrinho desse primo). Jogão apenas, a gameplay é muito fluida e divertida, atirar é gostoso demais.

Terem adicionado mais personagens jogaveis foi otimo e terem tornado os aliens os inimigos principais foi uma jogada louca mas incrivel por parte da snk, dá-me uma nostalgia gigante, simplesmente fantástico


What a fantastic final mission! In general Metal Slug X is the best part. But this final mission...OMG! So creative, so dynamic, so crazy! How much I've enjoyed it!
And it was cool to see some references on films and games, like A Space Odyssey, Alien, Space Invaders.
An incredible end of Nazca's Metal Slug trilogy!

The best of all time. SNK, I kneel

Okay I change my mind, this is the best one.

El mejor de todos. El peak de la formula en todo sentido. Con caminos alternatios en cada mision, animaciones maravillosamente fluidas, jefes super divertidos y desafiantes y una variedad de enemigos enorme. Simplemente hermoso.

El mejor Metal Slug de la saga.