Reviews from

in the past

[Played via the Never7 -the end of infinity- Eternal Edition v0.6 fan translation]

I didn't have high expectations for this going in - Uchikoshi has some writing quirks that can bug me and this is one of his earliest works, not to mention the fact that I've heard nought but bad things from people whose taste I trust. Unfortunately, my expectations weren't betrayed. I don't really have complaints about the presentation - the art, while not for me, isn't bad, but that's about it. The problem lies in the story and characters.

By chance I recently watched Welcome to the N.H.K, which at one point has a character explain the philosophy behind bishoujo/gal games; as I played through Never 7, I couldn't help but notice that it conformed almost exactly to that formula. The threat or act of death for women serves almost solely as inspiration for the main character, a variant of the 'fridging' trope, and the female characters have very little depth. The treatment of female characters is misogynistic and, in one instance, borderline pedophilic. Also, the protagonist kicks a dog. The supernatural elements are the highlight here and my understanding is that the rest of the series going forward has less focus on romance and more on plot and science fiction themes.

I wouldn't have played this at all if it weren't the beginning of the Infinity series, and I certainly can't recommend it on its own. If and when I get around to other entries in the series, I'll come back and update this review to indicate whether the series is worth playing and if so, how important Never 7 is to it or whether it can be skipped.

I read this one because I liked Zero Escape and AI but honestly I did not enjoy it at all.
I only did one of the routes and I just didn't care to do any other ones.

I wanted to play the others after but I really don't want to read 50 hour long male pov visual novels

Arte (aliás feita pela autora de karin: Chibi vampire) e trilha sonora muito boas, personagens ok
Porém achei que historia ficou muito chata bem rápida

Yeah so I saw many people being like "oh you like the Zero Escape saga? You should try these games too, they're from the same author!" And then you have a story about some guys conducting a psychology experiment to detect some god-complex schizophrenia syndrome that makes you inmortal, cures all illness or allows you to warp reallity and time travel (I wish this was satire).
The best part is that the game takes the form of a romantic visual novel, so you have to time travel your way into romancing 4 different girls before unlocking the true "curé" ending (in which they explain all of this, because anyone would think that the time travel shenanigans is an excuse to allow the MC to kiss random anime girls and not a plot-relevant thing, but yeah after like 20 hours the game actually turns into sci-fi).
At the very least, someone made a complete diagram to unlock all different endings that ressembles an eldritch entity not because they did a sloppy job, but because the game has so many random flags that it is chaotic to follow all of them.
I want to cut the man some slack because it's the first game of this saga and come on, this was made in 2000, the OST is glitched and I had to play this on 600x600 sure, but how on Earth did this guy write all the shit that happens in VLR but before that he made this monstruosity of a visual novel? Who knows, but the next games in the saga have much higher scores so I guess I'll eventually play them after I recover from this one.

galge don't get much worse than this folks

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Schrodinger's Cat is going to haunt me for the rest of my life

Never7 is a game that says you should simply imagine a better story in your head and make that into reality.

que rayos es eso?

una idea interesante, especialmente con el giro del final, pero el 99% de la obra se siente como un capítulo de relleno de playa de un anime slice of life generico, solo que aquí en vez de ser solo 22 minutos, son 22 horas...

My friend made me play it, it's great

this game almost made me give up on visual novels as a whole. you should play it