Reviews from

in the past

Ehh es un musou normal y activa mis neuronas como debe.

Le pire de la série. Aucune améliorations par rapport aux précedents si ce n'est un mode histoire inventé et naze qui aurait pu être rajouté à un autre en DLC, ou alors s'en passé c'était aussi faisable hein... La seule raison d'avoir sortie ce jeux: volonté pécunière.

My first One Piece game. Was very hype back when i first got it because I could olay all my fave characters but the game wasnt actually that good. Had an originial story which was alright at best.

Não gostei do conteudo filler esquesito

Just a non-canonical fillerish musou (which Koei Tecmo loves to do) OP game.

Similar to its predecessor and sequel I will eventually finish, One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 has been in my backlog for a good amount of time. After my playthrough of Pirate Warriors 1, I wasn't looking forward to playing this one because of my urge to want to beat every character log. However, I figured if I'm gonna continue to clean out my backlog and also stick to my goal of reviewing every One Piece game on this website I figured why not? It isn't my favorite One Piece game, but it is an improvement over the original Pirate Warriors.

Unlike the first game, this game has a completely original story. Given that Fishman Island & Punk Hazard were the only new arcs in the anime & manga when this game came out, it was the correct choice to make. While I didn't pay too much attention to the story this time (I was more concerned with unlocking everything), it beats having to go through the same story bits for the 50th time. It's a shame Pirate Warriors 3 or/and 4 didn't take notes from this in that regard.

Platforming in this entry is completely gone and it plays just like your average Musou. Honestly, I'm happy they removed it because even though the platforming made Pirate Warriors a little more unique, its presence in the first Pirate Warriors was more of a nuisance rather than a pleasant addition. One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 does get a bit repetitive, but this is likely the case with every other Musou game. I did enjoy the game, but Musou might not be everyone's cup of tea and I suggest taking a break in between the main story and the other logs if you plan on unlocking everyone.

In terms of new content, it adds quite a bit. Punk Hazard is a new stage and Skypeia & Thriller Bark get stages this time after being absent in the original game. There are a bunch of new characters that honestly should have been added in the original game including Buggy, Mihawk, and the 3 admirals. The most noteworthy newcomer would be Trafalgar Law who has become increasingly more important to the story since the timeskip. The game even has both pre & post-time skip Straw Hats which is good fanservice and a nice way to pad out the roster.

One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 is an improvement on all fronts to the original Pirate Warriors. If you enjoy One Piece and Dynasty Warriors, you'll like this one.