Reviews from

in the past

It's probably the best indie game I have ever played, but I think it's not for everyone since it is driven by your own curiosity instead of quest markers.

this is the best game I’ve ever played in my life

Blanca dejame en paz friki

pedid un deseo pq no habrá un juego igual

the game is good, probably. maybe it's even great!

but i cant control the god damn interplanetary roomba so i havent been able to enjoy the parts of the game that are actually good.

I f**king love this game. It has quickly become my favorite game of all time.

jogo muito fraquinho, melhorem

It gave me motion sickness so i had to stop unfortunately

Le chupan demasiado los bowlings que tampoco me ha cambiado la vida eh. Ha habido bastante momento de skill issue mecánico por mi parte, como no manejar bien la nave del carajo o no entender si estas haciendo algo mal o tienes que intentarlo no se cuantas veces (pero de perder el tiempo yendo varias veces a un planeta para fallar inmediatamente o que el piloto automatico me arroje al sol xdd)
Por el resto tremendamente original el concepto en sí y extremadamente recomendable, como ya dije ojala poder controlar al personaje con la mente en vez de que salga volando porque le diste demasiado fuerte al propulsor

Le plus grand jeu de tout les temps. Ce jeu m'a fait apprendre des choses sur moi.

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eu nao tenho nem palavras direito. sério. acabei de terminar ele e to com a cabeça doendo ainda de tanto chorar.
foi um presente do meu amigão Cobalto e nao poderia estar mais grata por isso.
Não tinha como impedir nada. Todas as estrelas se explodiram e toda a luz se apagou. É isso, acabou. Mas a jornada, meus amigos, foi uma jornada para se lembrar.
Eu evitei TODOS os spoilers até o momento de finalmente poder jogar e tive a experiencia completa 100% de surpresas e meudeus, que jogo é esse?? Eu descobri um medo do espaço que nem sabia que tinha, um medo do desconhecido absurdo mas ao mesmo tempo minha curiosidade era maior que ele. A cada descoberta eu tinha mais e mais teorias, e a companhia em call dos meus amigos(beijo agatha e ayslan) me dava coragem pra continuar(pq eu sou cagona).
Provavelmente tudo que tem pra ser dito sobre esse jogo já foi dito, mas sério, como pode existir uma experiencia assim? isso é absurdo pra dizer o minimo, videogame eh a forma perfeita de mídia por causa de jogos como esse.
Obrigada Outer wilds, tenho certeza que não vai sair da minha mente tão cedo.
"O passado é passado, mas isso... sabe, tá tudo bem! Nunca está realmente terminado. O futuro é sempre construido no passado, mesmo que não consigamos perceber".

osea está muy bien, pero esq la gente lo pinta como el mejor juego de la historia y la mitad del tiempo estás frustrado q no sabes ni por donde tirar q te follen felipez

Okay probably the story is really good, has a deep message... whatever.
This game has the most fucking boring gameplay ever, you'll spend a lot of hours lost, doing nothing and wasting your time.

This is one of those things you just need to play to understand the hype.

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Do you ever wonder about what happens when you're gone? And I don't even mean like, in the death way, but more just when you leave an area. Say, moving out of your home town (or death, if you want that existential dread). Has the thought even ever occurred to you?

The fact that things move on, they keep going, people grow and change and continue on, you are missed or loved or hated or whatever, the trees grow and flower and fall and die, the mountains erode and form once again, the sun sets and rises until one day, it doesn't. Of course, at that point we'll be long gone and the universe will be on it's way out.

But what happens after that?

It's a daunting thought, sure, and one that I know for a fact most of us are not equipped mentally to really think about. This idea of a legacy, what we leave behind or rather what is left behind after everything is gone. And that's what this game is all about.

As a Hearthian exploring the solar system you have called home, you come to the end of everything: your own sun going supernova, killing and destroying everything that you know.
And then you wake up.
And you learn, and explore, and find the legacy that the Nomai left behind, their secrets that you and your peers knew nothing about, even going as far as finding an echo of the Nomai and learning things straight from the mouth of these people who have enabled so much of your progress. You use everything that they made, they learned, and they did to get to the one thing they never could or would be able to get to: the Eye of the Universe. Along the way, you learn that not only are supernovae happening at an alarming rate, that your own sun is about to die, but that the entire universe is dying.

But instead of fading out into nothing, is where the meat of Outer Wilds is. You're given an option to use everything you've learned to create something new: get the band together, in a quite literal sense. The only thing is that you'll never see what happens and what comes as a result.

I've seen this game referred to as a horror game, a nightmare, a tragedy. It's about accepting your death, it's about the legacy you leave behind, it's about coming to terms with the things you can and can't change. I'm here to say it is really all of these things at the end of the day, but it's something more than all of that. It's really just, hope.

Hope that this isn't all that's left for us.
Hope that what we do will persevere long after we're gone.
Hope that, despite everything, we will be regarded not as icons or gods, but as simple people. That who we are will never fade.
Hope that those who come after us can forgive us, even if we don't think we need forgiving now.
Hope that the good that we know and love now, will continue on.

Moving on from where we are now is incredibly fearful and scary, and that's alright.
What we do now will be remembered and taken and built upon until we are surpassed, in the biggest and smallest ways. And that's alright.

That should be our goal. Our goal of peace, love, and hope spread down and down, further and further away from the source until it becomes one with everything - another facet of life that continues on, like a campfire to roast marshmallows by. A warm, comforting image that encapsulates that idea in the end credits.
Our names will not be remembered; we'll be lucky if they're even notable enough to mark it in any history. But our actions will be remembered. They will be explored, taken, misconstrued, built on, and made better.

And isn't that just a wonderful thought?

We can rest easy once we're done. Our actions will persist, the memory of us will persist, even when our buildings crumble and our words lose their meaning. Because there is the hope that they will. And it's, really wonderful.


This game just... it's practically perfect. Echoes of the Eye will come later, but this is a perfect game. I have nothing else to say.

One of a life time experience. I wish i could forget everything that i know about this game just to re-expirence all over again.

I had already played this for a couple hours on PS4, so it was nice playing it again and paying more attention this time around.
The visuals, soundtrack, story/lore all very good and interesting, you're always curious to learn more about this universe. I think the gameplay gets a bit stale after a while, some parts can be very confusing and one thing that really bothered me was that you could only see the logs from stuff you've found in your ship.
That aside, this is a pretty unique game and if you like slow paced games this is amazing for you!! I didn't play the dlc, maybe in the future.

i found this game from a tiktok about emotionally devastating games, and yeah it didnt disappoint. the soundtrack is what really does it, that alone deserves 5 stars but the game itself is also really fun to play. open world space exploration doesnt get done well very often but the controls and worlds in this game were very satisfying to use/explore. my only negative is a section near the end (no spoilers but screw anglerfish). anyway, good game glad i played it

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Still can't believe they didn't blow up the sun


Es el mejor juego que he jugado en mi vida, no puedo describir con palabras las sensaciones que me trajó outer wilds. El juego llegó en el momento correcto a mi vida y cambió en gran parte mi forma de ver el tiempo, la vida y la muerte.

uma experiência necessária.

Outer Wilds is one of those games that can be talked about forever or for no time at all depending on if the other person has played it. Suffice to say it's the best game ever made.

Vamos lá... Esse jogo é um indie espetacular em todas as formas, arriscaria dizer ainda, que aplicou sua proposta de maneira perfeita. É muito dificil falar do jogo sem spoilers, já que seu progresso nele é baseado em quanto tu sabe sobre a historia, por isso vou evitar falar muito.

Nele tu é um etzinho que tem uma nave, e seu objetivo é explorar o espaço e conseguir informações sobre uma civilização antiga, enquanto encontra nos planetas seus amigos que também foram explorar o espaço. O jogo é muito bom no que faz, pois ele te dá liberdade total para explorar e progredir no seu ritmo, fazendo personagens cativantes, e uma história comovente que faz qualquer homem barbudo chorar quando ouve o toque de um banjo...
A história é construida de maneira impecável e BRILHANTE e a DLC do jogo só amarra ainda mais algumas dúvidas que ficaram no jogo principal. Se tu nunca jogou ou nunca ouviu falar sobre ele, a melhor hora para jogar é AGORA. Uma experiência única, e inesquécivel, um jogo que só se joga uma vez.

Meu relato:
Pode ser meio engraçado, mas não cheguei a jogar o jogo... comprei ele na epic, mas por causa do meu notebook ser modesto não conseguir jogar o jogo todo, infelizmente, minha empolgação não me deixou esperar. Vi gameplay, Dlc, finais, tudo pelo yt e me arrependo, o jogo é lindo, não me arrependo por isso, me arrependo porque sei que não se joga obras primas assim todo dia, e bem, vai demorar um bom tempo para que eu jogue um outro jogo como ele.

I really really really really really wanted to like this game. If people vibe with it, it's almost always one of their favorite games of all time. The physics engine is pretty amazing, but man is the gameplay boring/convoluted. Spent most of the time lost.

Como pode um jogo tão perfeito existir?

simplesmente cinema puro. é uma das histórias mais lindas que já me foi contada, e apesar de eu ter zerado esse jogo pela primeira vez a mais de 3 anos atrás, eu sempre volto pra ficar ao redor de uma fogueira ouvindo uma melodia completamente inefável enquanto asso marshmallows. a música nesse jogo é um grandíssimo ponto, e pra mim é justamente nesse ponto que história foi feita, o que andrew prahlow fez certamente não será refeito, pelo menos não nas próximas décadas. sou completamente incapaz de não derramar lágrimas vendo o final verdadeiro desse jogo, e o fato de ele ter ficado na minha cabeça por tanto tempo certamente faz um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei