Reviews from

in the past

Absolutely AIRTIGHT experience, everything about this game is so fucking COOL. The whole "crime series" vibe, the urban feel of New York, THE MUSIC, the combat and nice cast of characters... What else do you need?

Just get through first two days, they're a bit boring, but everything else is amazing.

Bom dia, princesa
Por favor, sente na glock
Ótimo jogo e com uma gameplay gostosa, quem diria que uma mistura de rpg por turno, terror e tiro, iria resultar em uma experiência tão boa

A lesbian rookie cop story that includes ungodly horrors terrorizing New York City during Christmas 1998.

The soundtrack is also Yoko Shimomura's best work (imo)

Near unmatched style and presentation for a PS1 title. Parasite Eve boasts a stupid, out-there, and self-serious story paired with an insanely good OST. Combat is surprisingly fun, short, simple, and easy for the time, which makes exploration less of a chore than most JRPGs that came out around this time. If I had any gripes about this game it's the limited inventory space and sometimes confusing intractability.

Basically, Mitochondria Eve makes me feel hot.

-Combat felt kinda clunky at first but grew on me overtime, like it now
-Music/PS1 Square is raw
-Only major complaint is the random bullshit deaths, also let me use Haste outside of battle or have her run faster out of combat
-Aya is a queen

simplesmente um jogo que infelizmente ficou no esquecimento, que tem uma história bem daora e uns boss e inimigos com desing mt legais. Esse jogo ser subestimado e esquecido pela square enix deveria ser punível com prisão.

If I had played this as a kid, Aya would've been my first ever crush in fiction.

Midichlorians, either this is another Jedi story, or you are becoming a new life form. For a Japanese role-playing game, it falls short in terms of time format; the game can easily be completed in 10 hours, but at the same time it provides emotions from the gameplay and plot several times more than the time spent. Just play it, the game still hasn't lost its spirit.

Мидихлорианы, либо это очередная история про джедаев, либо вы становитесь новой формой жизни. Для ролевой японской игры она недотягивает по формату времени, игра спокойно проходится за 10 часов, но в тоже время предоставляет эмоций от геймплея и сюжета в несколько раз больше потраченого времени. Просто сыграйте в это, игра все еще не потеряла свой дух.

Esse jogo me entreteve em um momento que nenhum RPG estava me animando. No começo, esperava algo mais Resident Evil, o que não era. Ele tem seu charme próprio. Gostei do layout lembrar arquivos de um PC antigo e da forma como salvamos o jogo fazendo uma ligação. Meus únicos problemas eram a movimentação bem lenta da Mayara (Aya) e a falta de interações pelo cenário.

A jogatina foi avançando e eu estava ficando um pouco entediado. O combate tem seus méritos, mas acaba ficando repetitivo ao longo do tempo com os inimigos aleatórios. Voltei a jogar depois de um tempo e cheguei no final do dia 5, momento em que repensei se estava gostando ou não. O jogo me deixou salvar em um momento crítico sem volta, bem em cima do boss do dia 5, que até então eu achava ser o boss final de tão chato que foi. Tentei umas 30 vezes, vendo toda aquela cutscene demorada inúmeras vezes - porque o jogo não deixa pular - até finalmente conseguir derrotar a Eve. Levei um tapa na cara. Ela tinha uma segunda forma. Dessa vez foram apenas umas 10 tentativas e eu consegui derrotá-la de vez. Tinha até cogitado a ideia de usar trapaça, mas felizmente consegui passar, só rendeu muita frustração.

Então vem o dia 6, e minha nota também: 6, teve uma luta levemente mais tranquila que a anterior, e eu curti essa parte, a perseguição final e finalmente o fim do jogo.
A Mayara é durona igual a Samus.

Really delivers on the cinematic front. The first few hours of this game are enchanting, and the setting is so unique for a 1998 RPG. It kinda falls apart towards the end. The combat I can take or leave; it doesn't really seem like they thought it through. Love the OST!

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

First playthrough in 2023, held up shockingly well as I usually have a hard time with PS1 games. Cant wait to play the 2nd

A unique entry in Square's prolific and experimental PSX era, Parasite Eve adapts FFVII, with its grandiose FMV cutscenes and pre-rendered environments, into a survival horror. It's still a JRPG at its core, but one which trades micro-level complexity for macro-level; the single-protagonist combat cannot match the complexity of the party-based approach of Final Fantasy, but limitations in inventory, ammo, and items mean that choices regarding how you invest in your character's attributes and equipment have consequences that paint a complex picture in the long-term. The "long-term" thankfully isn't too long, clocking in at around 10-hours for me, resulting in a game that's well-paced and with areas that feel fully-developed and lived-in - no endless nondescript dungeons here, it's all-killer no-filler. Pair all this with a bonkers sci-fi story, wonderful music, and a diverse cast of characters, and you're left with a game that completely lived up to its potential.

A really neat and creative JRPG, something that I can really only see coming during Square's golden era.
The gameplay is pretty fun and it has a great score, plot was very much over the top, but it was a fun ride all around

This game is great, with it's body horror and all truly a charming game. Game itself is pretty weird actually, since Square makes EVERYTHING a Jrpg this not uncommon though. These guys are the same guys that made a RACING JRPG named Racing Laggon, lmfao. But hey, this games battle system is quite fun actually, it's not like those old rpg games that you press attack button and wait for the enemy to attack you. You have full control over your character in battles and you need to dodge projectiles like you're playing a rogue-like. This was WAY better than i expected. Music is awesome, but in sometimes it can get repetitive because all of the musics font feel like the same. Enemies and their design look great, cutscenes also look great. My problem was that you sometimes need a map, which can be hard to find your path. My biggest problem was 'THAT' shitty chase scene. Story itself is okay, characters are good and Aya is cute as hell. Moreover the bosses, enemy placement, or item placement and level designs are pretty good too. One other thing is that this game isn't that scary, maybe i got too old for horror games but i still shit myself when i play Silent Hill 3 idk. Ending doesn't make sense that's why they needed to retcon it on the second game. Overrall an amazing game, definitely holds up even to this day. I strongly recommend it.

If you have any appreciation for body horror then this game is a must play

I really need a remake of this or FFVIII for the voice acting alone.

I hate fluids now because of this game

First date idea: you and me vs the ultimate being

A cool science experiment of a game from a time where Squaresoft making some of the coolest games of all time. Yeah, the run speed can be a bit slow and the combat isn't fully there but I honestly don't even care. This game looks so good in all it's low-poly pre-rendered glory and the story is the dumbest thing I've ever seen (positive). Every time an FMV cutscene starts playing you know you're about to see some of the hardest visuals ever put on the PS1. Also short and sweet clocking in at around 10 hours. It's not life changing, but it's like a really good junk food sci-fi b-movie and it absolutely rocks.

Alright so I'm not gonna play this. Only reason I wanted to play this cuz I was about to play 3rd game on psp so I thought I should play 1st and 2nd too. But I just can't get into this game. Maybe this genre isn't for me. Idk how control works there isn't even a tutorial. Trust me graphics and slow gameplay isn't my problem, it's just this gameplay mechanic (if it's called rpg) isn't my thing and I really have no idea how to shoot the gun. I still might play the 3rd game tho cuz I some gameplays and it was third person shooter.

we have to shut down the sperm bank to save the city!

Técnicamente no he estado yo al mando pero Xabi sí. El juego ha estado bastante curioso, con muchas cosas que me han hecho reír y otras que han sido una fumada. Me han gustado algunos diseños y la banda sonora pero el argumento no me ha atrapado.
Está bien.

Great! The DNA of FF7 Remake series can definitely be traced back to this game's combat, which I really loved. This game is oozing with charm, and with some tweaks this would be an all-timer. I hope Square decides to bring this back with a remaster or collection one day soon.

Eu amo a jogabilidade e soundtrack desse game, a unica coisa que pode incomodar talvez seja o pouco locais de save.

Why dosent this game have a thousand game projects based on it like metroidvania. One of the coolest games square made and then just forgot about.

Jogo ruim.

O único motivo de Parasite Eve ter se tornado uma franquia é pq a Aya é gostosa pacarai, se não fosse por isso, as pessoas nem jogariam esse jogo e ele acabaria sendo esquecido no churrasco.

i love this game's amazing combat and crafting system. I like the characters. Aya, Daniel, Maeda, Wayne, Torres all are really charming.

I will say, fuck getting the ng+ ending. terrible dungeon full of identical rooms, annoying final boss with too much health, combat with mobs becoming buttonmashy stunlock hell with the strong equipment the game gives you, and you dont even get an extra cg cutscene. if this was mandatory, this would be a 3 or maybe 2 and a half star review.