Reviews from

in the past

Not bad. But annoying after a while. I don't like the triumphant music after the game. I also can't complete the challenges. Can complete the main quest though.

the perfect "keep your hands busy while listening to podcast/video essays" game, endlessly replayable, has surprisingly some depth to it, has a somewhat outdated artstyle which kinda makes it even more fun to look at, the soundtrack is nice and the sound effects are really what makes this an almost addicting experience.
where my pegglers at ???

My friends and i love pegging together

I <3 pegging. It’s an actually addicting game like i get withdrawals when not playing this.

Summer in the house in Ann Arbor with Louisa. Great way to spend the dog days of summer.

Simply the greatest game on the planet

Entertainment has a rich and diverse history, spanning millennia and evolving alongside human civilization. In ancient times, communal gatherings featured storytelling, music, and dance, serving as both cultural expression and social bonding. The invention of writing systems facilitated the preservation and dissemination of stories, enabling the emergence of theater and literature in civilizations like ancient Greece and Rome. Throughout the Middle Ages, traveling performers entertained crowds with plays, music, and acrobatics. The Renaissance witnessed a flourishing of arts, with the rise of opera, symphonies, and theater. The industrial revolution introduced mass-produced entertainment, including novels, newspapers, and eventually, cinema and radio. The 20th century saw the rapid expansion of entertainment mediums, from television to video games, shaping global culture and defining modern leisure activities. Today, entertainment continues to evolve with digital technology, offering immersive experiences through streaming services, virtual reality, and social media platforms, reflecting the ongoing evolution of human creativity and expression. anyways this game is great

The Game with more pegging reviews on this site since idk genshin impact

Incredible sound design. Short and sweet. I hate that dragon dude

Massa que quando você passa de fase toca a Nona Sinfonia de Beethoven

its peggle what more could you ask for

Who else wants to join me in pegging?

best game to play during calc class 🙏

This gave me multiple heart attacks

why is this game so good. why did i spend 40 hours playing this game over a week. help

I was playing this on my grandma's iPad in like 2009 haha
Very good memories, and great for getting crazy trick shots

the peggle fandom is dying! leave a like if your'e a true fan of pegging

Oh this was a thing back in the day.

i could take it or leave it