Reviews from

in the past

i get to kill people which instantly puts it at the top

Predicting and creating every pandemic in the century just to never be able to take over the world and actually finish the game. Fun and interesting game

i beat the game three times i believe it was okay but idk

Spread the virus! It was a bit dark to play this during the pandemic but in a good way

Je connais des gens d'extrême droite qui ont choisi comme nom "arabovirus"

It can be pretty fun, but once you get the hang of it it can get pretty boring. Most plague variants are basically identical, very small and subtle differences aside, and some of the more complex ones can be really neat, but the game does not do a good job at explaining them to you well enough to understand them fully

2☆ - Personally find this very repetitive and largely uninteresting after the first few minutes.

Too bad the more "creative" modes are behind payed DLCs

Very funny game! As if something like that could happen...

I feel like you could call this a horror game
Fun but can wear it's welcome fast.

Fuck the same 3 countries that close everything down five seconds in the game why won’t you let me kill you


many people dont know this but plague inc is one of the best role playing games out there. i know people were RPing corona to a T when that shit came out. "yea im adding the no taste symptoms and maybe corona will make you shit your lungs out idk"

The world was infected with the Mikey virus and there was nothing they could do about it.

very fun simulator loved playing the 2 player mode

Lacks any depth in the main game outside of the advanced virus's. Those and scenario's are cool I guess but it's still really boring if you know what you're doing.

Fun for a while and has plenty of different modes, but gets repetitive quickly. Not much strategy to explore.

Once you understand all its systems, which are not many, it does not take long for the game to get a bit boring.
Good for an afternoon of nothing better to do

Infected the entire world with gay,funniest shit I've ever seen

It's a very fun idea, unfortunately it's not fitted for longer sessions. Nice to come back to it every 6 months, play the hell out of it for a day or two and forget it exists.

- Fun idea
- Some of the more complex modes (vampirism & planet of the apes dlc) are a bit too confusing. Unclear how to play & normal methods get crushed quickly
- Overall, good but not enough variation to keep engaged through different diseases