Reviews from

in the past

This game is fucking unplayable

just like any other early game from a franchise is bound to be basic, but it's kinda cool they added some stuff from the anime and you can get all starters (even tho some just become useless when you obtain them)

The very first video game I ever played!

Tenía su Gameeboy Color amarilla a juego :3

Memory Lane time!

When I was a much younger Goddess, I ended up getting in serious trouble, they took my TV, SNES and N64 away and my Gameboy for doing a bad in school. A couple months later, it was Halloween. I was dressed as a Power Ranger, walking to house to house to get that good ol' candy (back when Halloween was a huge event and get candy by the pound, lol).
I got to a certain house and the couple came out and said that I was the 100th trick or treater, and they gave me a box in my bag. What was it that they gave me? It was the Special Pikachu Edition Gameboy with Pokemon Yellow. That system was awesome, being blue and yellow and having a Pikachu graphic on the corners of the screen. It's one of the more fond memories I have of my childhood.
With that being said, reviewing Yellow ends up with me being a little nostalgic for it. It's basically Pokemon Blue but with some elements of the Anime. Your starter being Pikachu was, for me, awesome. He followed you around and you can even check how he feels, and he talks in this! And Team Rocket's Jessie and James were also in this game, and i loved that as well. Other than that it's that classic Pokemon game that you know and love.
Gameplay is still solid but very basic in the modern times. The difficulty could range here and there but as long as yo fight every trainer you come across it shouldn't be too hard. The music will always be the major highlight here, some of the best video game songs in general stem from the 1st generation. Even the graphics are pretty good for the time, and since it's on Gameboy, the colors of the towns change as you walk through them, it was pretty novel at the time for me.
It's a basic Pokemon game that has Pikachu up front and center for everyone to see, and that's okay. Nostalgia does hold this up for me and you can probably see why. I DID play this somewhat recently on the 3DS, thinking i wasn't gonna enjoy it as much but honestly, it's still a good time.
Definitely a must play for me, do it for the Pika!

This was my actual first experience with Gen 1 pokemon back when it launched on 3DS. I guess there’s a chance I could like this version more too if I replayed it but idk I’m pretty confident this is just a worse version of Red and Blue since it doesn’t really fix anything and Pikachu kind of sucks!

Pikachu kinda weak as a starter, but the story is simple, but clean.
Great start to the highest-grossing media franchise of all time.

I straight up could not read when I played as a child but I thought Pikachu following the main character around was pretty sweet

The first thing I always do is to dump Pikachu. Get lost you rat!

Still holds up surprisingly well

eu conheço pouca coisa de pokemon pedi recomendação pra ir brincando e pokemon yellow serviu demais. é fofo, pode estar desatualizado em relação aos novos etc etc mas tudo bem, é a geração que mais tive contato então me diverti muito. TE AMO NIDOKING REIZINHO!

The worse Gen 1 game, I think. Less striking (albeit more consistently solid) sprites mixed with slightly more exaggerated colors, weird boss trainer changes, no easy to access Missingno. Still, it does have some neat stuff of its own, and at the end of the day remains the fundamentally same experience.

Deveriam ter deixado a mecânica de andar com o Pokemon ao lado a partir desse jogo, vale a pena ser jogado! É divertido pensar em como seria jogar isso se eu fosse criança, experienciar a jornada do próprio ash.

6/10 vale a experiência

I'll still keep the same rating I gave to Red, but this game is YES better, if you play Red, and then this one, you'll see an incredible improvement.

Remaining practically identical to its predecessors, with the addition of Pikachu and the ability to obtain the three regional starters in this adventure, Pokémon Yellow is just as fun as the other two games. The Pikachu that follows you and reacts according to its mood adds a special charm to the game. However, aside from the happiness system, which would be further developed in Pokémon Gold, it is more of the same as Red and Blue.

This was the first Pokémon game that I played where I didn't just level my starter at the expense of all others (go figure!). Brock was absolutely impossible for me until I stumbled upon Butterfree's confusion learned when it evolves at level ten. This fact is burned in my memory forever because the dopamine rush upon finally defeating that Onyx seared my little kid mind permanently. A game that has left such an impact on me can only earn full marks.

the only reason you’d play this version is either to bug the game out more easily, for pikachu or.. yea idk that’s it

This game is mostly the same thing as Pokémon Red/Blue, so I’m treating this as if it’s the first Pokémon game. With that being said, I’ve got to give it credit for launching maybe the most successful gaming franchise of all time. Having 151 unique Pokémon in the very first game is extremely impressive in my opinion. For the most part, this game has aged very well for a Gameboy game. The gameplay stands well today, and though the sound and visuals are worse than the future games, I can easily forgive that for how old it is. There is one major negative about this game though that makes it very tough to play today. It’s extremely slow. I played this game on Delta so I played at accelerated speed but when I tried to play at normal speed I just couldn’t. At accelerated speed, this game is a lot of fun and is downright addicting. However, this game in it’s original state is grueling and I would not play it that way.

-Team of Pikachu, Primeape, Parasect, Onix, Seadra, Scyther
-MVP: Seadra | LVP: Scyther
-Not enough big changes from RGB.

It's a little yellow rat! She's so little!!! Her sound design is so grating!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!

my first ever 30min Pokemon Gameplay

Il mio primo giuoco pokemon. Puoi avere tutti gli starters.

Esse jogo faz você se sentir na pele do Ash(mesmo vc sendo o red), oq eu jogava isso aqui na época do facebook e orkut n tá escrito, te amo pokemon yellow! <3

Everybody's got their one right? The Pokemon game that was their first. Mine was yellow, and just happens to be my favorite of all time. Not just because of blind nostalgia, but because of Pikachu.

Instead of having to pick one of the three starters, you have a Pikachu that follows you permanently in your party and you easily acquire all three starters throughout your journey. Making it feel like the anime.

I've heard people call this one difficult because you have Pikachu stuck in your party. ??? You can easily have all three starters with no trading!!

Anyways.. it's just classic pokémon. And if you loved the anime, this one really lets you feel like ash. At least in my opinion. I loved it. 10/10 with nostalgia goggles. O_o)

By the way... A wild Zubat appeared... FUUUuuUuUuUuuUU