Reviews from

in the past

One of the greatest gaming psyops is pretending this game would be good.

Watch the E3 gameplay and count all the numerous AI and presentation bugs. Then remember Human Head told you the version shown was "pretty much complete". Then remember that back in the 360/PS3 days it cost $10,000 to certify a patch, meaning the odds of it being fixed into a playable game were next to none. Then look at The Quiet Man, the embarrassing arthouse Yakuza wannabe Human Head developed years later. Then find out that after creating and pushing the "we didn't want to get bought out by bethesda so they cancelled our game" narrative for years, they intentionally shipped a broken sequel to Rune and got bought out by Bethesda the very same day.

...Starting to see where I'm going with this? Prey 2's nonexistence is required to maintain HH's ideal image of victims and not as what they actually were, hack developers who lost the sauce years before this game was on the chopping block. If this actually came out I think it would've been bargin bin material.

Take the red pill, Neo.