Reviews from

in the past

One of my all time favorite DLC's.

Immsims and stealth games have always been haunted by the quicksave, quickload strategy, and Mooncrash removes that fallback in a way that's far more interesting than simply deleting the options in the menu. Blending all of Prey's complex and consistent systems into an infinitely replayable roguelite is beyond genius on its own, but add in Arkane's charm and an interesting enough story, and you've got a real banger here.

My absolute favorite part every Arkane game is being given an objective, then spending hours finding information on how to accomplish the task in my own way. Prey Mooncrash adds the level of strategy and planning you'd find in Dishonored to a roguelite, and I think that's pretty neat.

Also I had to take notes on a physical notepad when completing this, which I think is very cool.

Arkane Austin, you deserve so much better.

Great idea, great DLC but lacks a fun playable loop

The best AAA rogue-lite you're ever gonna see.

Haces una obra maestra y uno de los mejores imsim de la historia, Bethesda decide llamarla Prey porque sí y no hacerle nada de marketing, el juego flopea

Decides sacarle un DLC con la misma premisa e idea que vuestro próximo juego completo para experimentar cómo funcionaría un roguelite imsim y creas otra obra maestra que es mejor que ese siguiente juego

Ninguno vende una puta mierda en su momento y la gente se va de la empresa, este juego nació para morir y ser apreciado por quienes debía unos años después y me da mucha pena

The sleeper roguelike that does everything right. I wrote this off as just another dlc but it's its own action-packed section of PREY that keeps giving.

this is hands down the best dlc ever made. deathloop wishes it was this.

Not as good as the original game but a very good dlc with incredible story

It's like Deathloop if it was good and didn't burn my pc

For retrofitting the mechanics of Prey on to a rogue like, this is actually pretty great! Once you get the hang of what's going on it starts to be pretty fun to plan out your 5 character run. It does get to be tedious once you're on that last run (especially if you have some close runs and fail), but the majority of my time playing this was a blast.

Love the procedural generation spin on the immersive sim, but I didn't really enjoy it that much and found it pretty repetitive.

Mooncrash feels like an attack on my favorite things about the original Prey: taking my time, exploring, immersing myself in an engrossing environment and experimenting.

A really, really good roguelite-side mode.

A completely new and really large map created for the DLC to explore, and the mechanic that everything you do in a full run persists between each character you pick playing after one another. Supplies you leave in a safe spot can be grabbed by your next character, and so on.

Certain builds completely break the balance, but that's on par for the course with the base game. And runs aren't super different from one another, even in the same "full run", most differences being some areas that get repopulated with enemies, as well as some areas being more dangerous due to power outages or fire outbreaks.

The different characters you can play as do change the way you play, as each of them effectively features what is a significantly reduced skilltree from the basegame, usually focusing on specific aspects of it, with very few new skills being added.

Overall, the gameplay loop is still largely the same as the base game, and I personally only recommend grabbing this DLC if you really want more of the base game with a few tweaks.

It's fun, and definitely a great side-mode for the base game. The only problem is that every run just feels the same. Sure, you can hack as the custodian and repair as the engineer, but everything else is almost completely identical. I got through a couple runs, and I think I had my fill.

Это прикольно, но с меня хватит.

Приємний десерт після основної гри у вигляді роуглайту. Спочатку ніби трохи важко, все ще таке невідоме, якісь нові противники, не знаєш що робити, а годинничок то тікає (з часом кожне проходження стає все важчим, тож бажано планувати всі свої дії наперед). А потім, коли вже вивчив локації, назбирав грошей та прокачав персонажів, то гра перетворюється у цікавий тайм менеджмент, де нам треба по черзі врятувати 5 людей з місячної бази, котра з кожним проходженням потрохи змінюється, так ще й способи порятунку мають бути різними.

A pretty good little DLC that brings some really fascinating ideas to the roguelike genre, which is one of my absolute favorites. It's basically just another, bite-sized Prey 2017 with some weird new gameplay quirks, so if you enjoyed the base game and want more of it, this should help satisfy that.

I was pretty skeptical about the prospect of stapling a roguelite mode onto a game that is about exploring a setting that is fueled by its strong sense of place. How do you make a location that is as interesting to explore as Talos I but also have it shift and change across dozens of runs? In the end I think that Mooncrash pulls off this feat with aplomb. The sense of familiarity you develop with the moon base is constantly being fucked with by new hazards, enemy types, and full on room variations that are just different enough to keep you on your toes.

I think a problem inherent to a lot of roguelites is that the final run feels kind of anti-climactic due to you just have complete mastery over the mechanics and also have gained so much power that you can steam roll over nearly any problem. I think that's exacerbated a bit here by the delay loop time item that allows you to just completely avoid taking on higher level enemies or even allowing enemies to repopulate, so on a perfect run by the time you get to character 4 or 5 there's almost no major threats standing in your way, you're pretty much just making a beeline directly to your escape route. I think this offers a pretty neat reward for players that plan their route through a run smartly, but at the same time it does make the ending of your final run feel very anticlimactic. Luckily there is a final sequence as a part of the framing device of the narrative that makes things have a bit more satisfying of a conclusion.

I think the problems here are extraordinarily minor though. Overall this is one of my favorite roguelites or immersive sims that I've played, and just by virtue of tying the two together so well it should be applauded. I'm much more likely to dip my toes back into this than the base game which I think is one of the highest complements you can pay to any DLC.

Pretty cool roguelike version of the main game, but unfortunately loses imo the best part of the original game which was the atmosphere of exploring Talos I, finding emails and audio logs which told the stories of the people who lived and worked there, even the fun evidence you'd find of things you'd read/ heard about earlier on like the dnd character sheets, the gloo snowman and the underground operator fighting ring.

That kind of charm is missing in this dlc where most of the characters stories are told in the first person via cutscenes, and even then the 5 characters are never given much personality.

Bueno pues arkane hizo un roguelite basandose en lo que habian contruido para PREY... Y funciona!!!!! Sin palabras