Reviews from

in the past

Arte muito bonita, gameplay muito gostosinha. A mecânica da dupla, podendo escolher um tiro alternativo, é muito boa. E um final bem gratificante. Gostei bastante desse

Cave never misses with the art (this time the theme is Steampunk WWII Dogfighting), but there's something about horizontal shmupping that feels like it doesn't suit their design philosophy. It's good, though.

Feel weirdly conflicted on this, in that I don't really have any problems with it on any level but it just feels like it's missing something to really put it over the top for me. Aesthetically gorgeous and plays well enough but I just didnt really gel with is as I think I wanted to. From a casual play of a few bullet hell type shmups I think it might just be that I'm not as hot on them as more traditional ones. Will probably end up coming back to this as I play more to reassess this cuz at the moment I'm stumped.

Genre: Bullet hell shoot em up with children! | Released: 2001 | Platform: Arcade, Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One (it’s part of the Capcom Arcade collection)| Developer: CAVE | Publisher: Capcom | Language: English | Length: 30-60 minutes | Difficulty: Hard to Very Hard | Do I Need To Play Anything First: Nope | Accessibility Options: Zilch | Monetization: Part of DLC for collections | Microtransaction: IF you are playing on a real machine (somehow) preparer to spend A LOT of quarters. Otherwise free play is the only way | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Very mild cartoon violence | Parenting Guide: Look, this is a very very hard game, but it has lots of colours and flashing lights. Younger players may grow frustrated | How Did You Play It: Via MAME | Did you need a guide: No… But on my second playthrough I looked up a tutorial and learned a few mechanics that would have been nice to know | Mods: None

Is It Good: Yes

Back of the Box: Weeeeeeee! BANG BANG! BOOOOOM! Video Game are FUN!

Progear is wonderful animated, has a really bubbly artstyle (which is needed due to the child warfare angle, ‘cause otherwise the implications are horrific), and is HARD. I loved the sprite work, soundtrack, and overall had a great time. A lesser known Capcom classic, definingly worth a spin for those looking to try a bullet hell shooter for the first time.

There is a great push and pull mechanic the rewards careful planning, and enough context for an exciting romp. This video made me want to play it.

As hard as is it beautiful. Love the art and world made for the game.
Dual shooting mechanic is interesting, still need to learn how to crowd control properly.

(Played on Capcom Arcade Stadium on PC)

The bullets come horizontally instead of vertically. That’s about all what I can remember of Progear tbh. Shame the volume is so low on the Capcom Arcade Stadium port, barely could hear anything while playing.

Great stuff here. Sidescroller with a lot of fun looking stages, bosses, and characters. Nice music/gameplay as well.