Reviews from

in the past


1CCd the arcade version on the "Ray'z arcade chronology" steam ports. Really cool Taito shmup with kick ass atmosphere, sprite scaling and parallax. Zuntata yet again knocks the music out of the park and really contributes to the games vibe. Both OSTs are fantastic. Played for survival but was chaining the early stages a bit, you can push the score quite a bit like any good shmup if you want something more to chew on.

I'm convinced this is one of the best STGs ever made. Simple clean action with scoring revolving around landing cluster kills with your sub-weapon. Saturn port has an arranged soundtrack, but personally I prefer the arcade original. Sounds punchier to me.

Cool STG game, loads and loads of pararallax and scaling, but the ship movement is a little slow for my taste.

Played on the PS2 Taito memories II JOUKAN

What sets it apart is its melancholy, cinematic style and very cool, laser lock-on feature. It's fun to train yourself to pay attention to two planes at once, but I wish shoot-able and laser-able targets were clearer.