Reviews from

in the past

I have not played the first game so the narrative was quite confusing

Also hilarious, but not in the way it wanted to be.

The dialogue is so extremely awful. The adults have the biggest potty mouths I've seen in a game in ages. It is so immature and nonsensical. The bad voice acting does not help either.

As a game it's a very hollow experience. It's janky and the animations are not great. The enemy AI is a total joke. They didn't even play test this I guarentee it.

It's not all bad. Sometimes the visuals and environments can look nice. I can def see that there is potential here for a better game. But it missed the mark in basically every area. It's VERY funny though. I laughed many times. So it's worth that

even worse than the original somehow. can't speak as to the narrative since there's no way in hell i'm sitting through the rest of this to see for myself but whereas the first attempt had at least some promise amidst its mess that wasn't really the case here.

the game looks Better at the cost of some of the stronger environmental design while the gameplay itself plays like they decided to take the heavily scripted encounter at the end of the last game as the framework for the whole thing. busted stealth mechanics with awful stalkers, misguided boss battle attempts, unexplained mechanics, and so forth.

playing this today was a severely unpolished experience in regards to bugs. in the two or so hours i gave this i encountered doors that wouldn't give a prompt/open, freezes after cutscenes, multiple broken QTEs, and more. if this is how it is now i can't even imagine playing at launch.

gonna play an actual Clock Tower game as a palate cleanser soon probs.

I don't know why this game is rated lower than the first part if it is superior in every way. The gameplay mechanics are more polished, the escaping and combat have a bit more depth and the story and its characters are MUCH better. The only thing I would say is better in the first one is the atmosphere of the Felton mansion.

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Same pros and cons as the first game but doubled down with EXTREMELY transphobic dialogue, yes the people being transphobic were framed as bad people it felt like too much

I wanted to play something like clock tower because of the recent announcement and this was on sale for cheap so I played it without the original.

A couple crashes and usually objectives leave me scratching my head a bit. Still not too hard to get through and some mild frights. I think I mostly understood the story, but it's probably messy either way. Good enough for the price if you want something scary.