Reviews from

in the past

O que era pra ser um aperitivo para Resident Evil 6, acabou tornando-se uma pedra no sapato da Capcom. Com um enredo sem maiores explicações, gráficos medianos e uma jogabilidade dura e falha, Resident Evil Operation Raccon City é mais uma tentativa frustrada da empresa de ramificar a série com jogos que não interfiram no andamento da franquia principal. No final das contas, é apenas um game mediano para se divertir online com os amigos.

- Ambientação em Raccon City
- Modos de jogo online

- Isso é Resident Evil?
- Gráficos medianos
- Jogabilidade falha
- Enredo sem lógica


Some will lead you to believe that this is the worst game in the series; some will tell you that it's not even close and that RE6 is the real worst game in the series (and they'd be rigth).

It's not a good game but it can be sort of fun, specially in co-op. It can also be unbelievably unfair so play at your own discretion.

Tenho sentimentos mistos a respeito desse belíssimo exemplar. Por um lado, o fato de ele ter a pachorra de se chamar Resident Evil me enfurece profundamente; por outro, se você esquecer esse fato, ele é um jogo de tiro até que divertido. Gostaria muito de um dia poder testar o fator cooperativo dele, mas, infelizmente, hoje em dia não é tão fácil assim.

O jogo não é nem bom nem ruim, apenas ok. Serão oito horas da sua vida que você não vai sentir que perdeu.

You get to shoot Leon Kennedy.

Sempre tive preconceito com esse jogo, e nunca consegui dar uma chance, mas resolvi tentar de novo jogando em coop, achei bastante divertido, passear em RC por outra perspectiva foi bem maneiro, cheio de referências espalhadas pelo cenário, inimigos e chefões.

Recomendo jogar com amigos, pois jogar solo é terrível, os bots são simplesmente inúteis e burros.

Mediocre game, but a fun time with friends.

não é bom, mas também não é pior que o resident evil 6, tem personagens originais q curti muito e aliás, as batalhas com o boss (mr x e nemesis) eram bem daora

To jogando esse, game, depois que eu jogar, eu venho falar aqui! Mais pelo pouco que experimentei, não é muito bom, além de ser bem difícil!

Não é exatamente bom, mas um Resident de matar monstro com um equipe da Umbrella muito gostosinho!

O que acontece quando segue metas da empresa? É lançado isso, mas deve ser bacana em coop.

This game is BAD.
The only reason why I'm giving it 2 stars is because I think the concept of the game (playing as Umbrella) was cool, and because I still enjoyed it more than Resident Evil 6. At least I was able to finish this one.

I was one of those fools who pre ordered this game back in 2012. I tried really hard to convince myself that it's not flaming garbage lol

Funnily, I actually kinda enjoyed playing this back in 2012.
However, I recently replayed it and HOLY SHIT, it was so much worse than I remembered. Even Capcom is not bothering to fix it on Steam, so they just delisted it lmao

The darkest times of the RE franchise.

Great coop story mode and fun MP

Capcom clearly tried to jump on the co-op cover shooter bandwagon with a game that feels like 'the greatest hits of Resident Evil' by pitting you and three squad-mates against familiar franchises heroes and villains.

Over the course of 7 short missions, you play as one of several characters with their own unique weaponry, abilities and perks as you blast your way through hordes of enemies.

Unfortunately the game feels clunky, with terrible AI enemies and team-mates that lead to many annoying moments. For example, you cannot switch weapons while running, certain enemies can stun lock you with melee hits and grenades are absolutely rubbish.

There is no discernible art style, with very flat graphics, poor character models and very bad lighting.

As a massive fan of Resident Evil, this was potentially the worst game I've played in this franchise. Everything here is under-baked, from the barely existent story to the shoddy game-play.

Operation poop city

don't ask me why i played this, i have no idea why i even completed it

You would think the SOCOM devs would know how to make games for the PS3 but apparently not.

This game will sap the will to live out of your life. I wish I could get these 2.5 hours of my life back. This is insulting to resident evil and gaming as a whole with nothing redeemable about it. Glad I’m playing TTYD right now.

Siempre he pensado que los juegos "malos" son más interesantes que muchos AAA aclamados por la crítica. Y habiendo dicho eso... Operation Raccoon City no está tan horrible como los Youtubers les han hecho creer. Pero tampoco es una obra maestra.

Es un clon de los SOCOM de PS2 donde te armas tu equipo de 4 mercenarios y despachas zombies y BOWs en el setting de RE2 (y RE3 si tienes el DLC). Es rápido, los disparos se sienten bien y puede que algunas cosas hagan que este juego sea un Elseworld o algo no canon, pero la verdad es que yo me la pasé bien jugándolo. No todo juego tiene que ser una obra maestra del género para ser divertido.

I spent like 30 minutes just looking for the one part I remembered about a random Resident Evil game that I played, where you fight Nemesis in like a gas station or something...Since I didn't even know how it was called. Well, it seemed hopeless, but I FOUND IT! I FOUND IT AND IT WAS THIS GAME!

That's it. That's the only thing I'm gonna say about this game.

Sinto muito por vocês que não se divertiram com o jogo, mas eu me diverti horrores, só não dou uma nota maior pq admito que já falhas… mas no geral eu adorei

nao tem o chris
mas tem 6 bonecos fodas

Interesting action take on RE. But still nothing specail. If your desperate for another co-op RE game this might fill the itch.

The only other interesting aspect was the multiplayer that was PvPvE. You could mess with the other team by fighting in the middle of zombie hoard. So it was a different MP experience for the time.

I'm playing through a couple of RE games recently and revisited this one. I'm playing offline, but I also checked out the dlc.
While the main campaign is still lackluster it offers enough to keep you kind of interested. The dlc missions are surprisingly though noticeably better.
There are different enemy types which need some tactic and the levels are designed better, there is a better story and the team is more distinct. It still doesn't live up to it's potential though and just could have been better.
The gameplay is also pretty lackluster.

If you want to hear more about it you can check out my video review.

Jogo foi praticamente feito pra jogar no online, como não joguei o modo online então...meh

Divertido demais, adorei a progressão dos personagens e to louca pra upar geral e pegar todas as armas. Com amigo deve ser mais divertido ainda, principalmente por causa dos outros modos