Reviews from

in the past

This game was better than Nanao's bread and water soup

honestly wouldn’t be bad if the tutorial didn’t hold your hand for 3 hours & also make you watch the mech reveal every mission.

it is cheaper to buy vegetables here.

It's hard for me to describe how much this game goes hard in words, this game just fucking rocks. If you think you know your way around mecha games throw it all out the window. These mechs are huge, hulking beasts that move slow as hell but pack a HELL of a punch, an uppercut from your mech can literally flip a guy and a punch can send it flying through buildings it's awesome and you can buy tons of new moves to make your robot even more broken. The voice acting is bad but that only added to my experience, I loved every minute I spent playing this. It's not a "so bad it's good" game like others might say, it's just super fucking good!

This is the BEST WORST game I have ever played. It's like they took Earth Defense Force, the English dub cast for the anime "Ghost Stories", and the gameplay loop of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots and thought they was cookin. They in fact did and for every good reason and bad, this game is really fun LMAO

This game fucking rocks. Are we allowed to swear on here? idk, but this game fucking rocks.

I don't know how I got it, and that name is goofy as fuck, but RAD is, to this day, not only my favorite mecha game but also the mecha game that makes me feel the most like I'm piloting a robot.

The dub is insanely cheesy but the game has a lot of charm despite this- ok but no what the heck was going on in those booths I'm convinced there was no director.

But anyway, being able to control the robots' individual parts or ride on their shoulder (or really) or the town changing over the course of the story and the damage that the town takes and what specific buildings get destroyed having small effects on the narrative...I don't know. This game was something.

I almost want to say that it's a shame that this game never got a sequel but really I'm just sad that other games didn't take inspiration from this one because it's a lot closer to that "mecha video game fantasy" than...well just about anything else, really.

Still absolutely worth giving a try if you haven't.

I have 1,000,000,000 videogames but at the end of the day I just wanna play robot alchemic drive on the PS2

Oh my godzilla this is weird but enjoyable

Is this game good? No. Is this game bad? Fuck no this shit is awesome. I was entertained the entire time I played it.

Here is a clip of the voice acting. Tell me you don't want to play this shit.