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skator gator mastur- [gets blown up by an electric eel]

A brief platforming experience that suffers from imprecise controls and a severe lack of quality content. It’s passable, but only because of its dirt-cheap price point.

Full Review:

Really cool and quick 3d platformer. It's really cheap and is totally worth the price. The gameplay is solid and fun.

· Plataforma 3D
· Colorido
· Skate


Fun little game that took me about 2h to complete 100%. The main theme is excellent & the music throughout the stages fit the tone well & sound great. The presentation is very clean & vibrant, one of my favourite aspects of the game. Unfortunately the movement feels a bit rigid & the air control feels unusual & floaty. I also wasn't too hot on the focus on rail grinding. It takes too long to be able to act after a rail dash which discourages you from using it unless you are absolutely safe & I generally would have preferred more genuine platforming.

This is the second Gator-themed video game with very good movement I've played.

Skator Gator 3D is cute and good! Really short (I finished it in about an hour), but well worth the play time. Themes of "corporations suck, clean up your trash" rule always.

I'd love to see the level design ideas expanded upon a little further, but Skator Gator 3D doesn't overstay its welcome by any means as it is, and I've grown to appreciate these short-but-cool experiences.

I'm very excited to see what Weathered Sweater comes out with next, if anything.

Skateboarding is cool.

A g8 sequel to the 2D sidescroller that mixes grinding switching lanes with decent 3D platforming exploration. It has quite a bunch of collectibles, some really well hidden ones, cool tracks espcially the main theme with its "side to side" vocals. Not perfect as the movement feels a bit floaty and the lane switching isn't the best with hitboxes but cheap and cool for its price.

An extremely short game, a nice little short game that is essentially the rail grindings of sonic heroes in one entire game, fun little unlockable skins too, dirt cheap, i'd give it a bash.

I’ve bought this yesterday and completed it the next day, 98% (missing one achievement for now) in 4.7 hours. This is a different approach compared to 1 where I played about one level a day over a longer period of time. It has a lot to do with 1 being more challenging and less varied compared to 3D. It focused exclusively on skateboarding/pipes and some levels were more challenging than the rest.

3D still has some of that challenge but it’s more balanced and a bit easier. It basically tries to recreate most of what 1 offers in 3D instead of 2D and it mixes that with traditional platforming. So you have to jump around, collect things, then use the pipes etc. It works extremely well and it’s satisfying if you enjoy your typical platformers. The skateboarding on pipes is the little bit of gameplay that makes Skator Gator stand out instead of being predictable. It’s also really cool to see how certain enemies, items and moves have been brought to life in 3D.

There are 13 levels where you have to collect trash, Gator letters, boombox and beat the challenge times. The collected trash is used to buy skins. Exploration along with speed are both important. So you’re going to replay levels a couple of times if you want to get everything. Luckily it’s fun to get everything, it doesn’t feel like a chore.

Style is cute, the mascot is reminiscent of old school platformers, the soundtrack has some catchy tunes and the controls are very good. It’s not a perfect game by any means (minor things not worth mentioning) but what’s there is strong and begs to be expanded with a sequel. Both Skator Gator games are worth playing as they’re not just good, they’re also of good length (they don’t overstay their welcome) and the price is very appropriate for what you get.

Love to play small gator person. It's pretty difficult though, and it's the kind of difficult that has you replaying segments over and over. It's way too perfectionist for me to even consider a 100% playthrough, but it was cute once.

great time! a very short but sweet game, controls feel great, it looks great, and the level design is fun and satisfying! it never gets too over the top interesting and exciting but it never drags either. wouldn't mind more of this! very much reminds me of a siactro game, and as i was thinking that i unlocked toree as a playable character! great cameo! for $5 this is a great time, highly reccommend!