Reviews from

in the past

O jogo é lindo, tudo parece uma pintura e é extremamente bem feito, com mais detalhes e a evolução vinda do 1 foi clara

Porém, algo que deixa o jogo mais travado, é a necessidade em obter recursos específicos e consideravelmente raros
(coisa que não acontece no 1, por conta do laboratório, que necessitava a extração de minérios ter sido lançado nas ultimas atualizações do jogo, então é mais um plus do jogo do que algo que é realmente necessário)

No 2 em alguns momentos eu acabei travando por que precisava de 1 minério mais raro que os outros, o que me desmotivou de jogar, por quê o dinheiro ia acumulando e eu não conseguia avançar no resto do jogo, porém o jogo é constantemente atualizado, então espero que mudem pra deixar a progressão mais fluida, mas ainda assim é slime rancher slk é o goat n tem como GG

Es igual que el 1 o peor, porque lo sacaron más caro y sin historia con el contexto del early access y un rendimiento horrible. Al menos el mapa es decente para explorar un rato

Not bad, I will go back and play the original since the sequel is incomplete. I had fun, it's just not the full package.

joguinho de fazendo um pouco menos divertido que o anterior, mas quando sair completo talvez supere

Super stinking cute, but pretty easy to feel like you have finished everything

Pink slime lowkey colonizers

cute like the first but never got into it

Couldn't get into it. Maybe i had enough after the first one, which i thought was great and played years earlier. The simplicity of the first one was lost in the second

they copy pasted the first game with more slimes and different places so it's great too. not giving it 5 stars because nostalgia.

As with the first game it's been in early access for well over a year and will surely stay there for several more.
The basis is there but there is barely anything to do.

On top of that it feels like they put the game on 2x speed since the last one.
Crops grow, Chickens lay eggs and slimes eat and plort at an incredible rate to where you can hardly leave the farm and something new will require your attention. You'll come back from an expedition and find all your plort collectors to be full, thus making earning money incredibly easy.
Combine this with the vastly lowered prices and you'll find money is of no object in this game.
Off of just two corrals I found myself being able to buy all farm extensions three times over before even having gotten a single upgrade.
And thus there is no incentive to manage your farm efficiently or expand it, you're making more money than you can spend already anyways.

I have no interest in exploring the game further in it's current state, all that's left for me to find is new areas and since they're not going to get me anything interesting but landscapes, I'd rather go back and play the original Slime Rancher again and come back to Slime Rancher 2 when it is in a more complete state.

If you're a fan of the first game I highly advise you to keep playing that one instead of Slime Rancher 2, the first game has much more content and is better balanced.

Its alright, I like the first one better

The prettiest idle clicker I've played

(early access) game looks very promising so far, and does a great job capturing the vibes and perfect art-direction of the first. At the time of my playing there wasn't all that much to do once you explore around for a bit.

the fact this is just so peak and they're hardly done...

Joguei assim que lançou pra comprar, e achei q tiraram as coisas boas do primeiro jogo

Bah c'est le même que le 1 sur une autre map.

Falta MUITO conteúdo pra chegar aos pés de seu antecessor, podemos só aguardar e esperar que chegue lá.

Amazing sequel to slime rancher with more slimes, pastel coloured areas, and overall a cooler vibe

O jogo mais fofinho que eu já joguei, ele se torna um pouco cansativo de jogar no controle e muito demorado achar alguns recursos, mas é um jogo muito lindo e adorável.

Can't wait for the full release.

me parecio una verga, es igual al juego anterior, con menos contenido

its a good sequel but not even close to the original

Genuinely gorgeous, the music and gameplay is so nostalgic. it doesnt have as many quests to complete as the first one but it makes up for it with the amount of areas to adventure through.

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Really creative, I really enjoyed the new slimes, food, chickens and specially the map design.
The music was really good and appropriate.
I like how the game explains just the bare minimum, the rest is learned through player experimentation and pop-ups.
My biggest complain is the lack of purpose to collecting all the slimes and earning money. It is easy to become extremely rich, and from that point forward, you don´t get as exited about new slimes, they are reduced to just a cool thing that you want to discover, but once you do, wouldn´t bother to feed or even collect. I think that if they implemented a bigger reason to explore and optimize your ranch, other than just for the sake of collecting, it would be a much better game.

just didn't click for me the same way the first one did