Reviews from

in the past

dad used to kill me in this game

it's so fucked up that we're never going to see C Viper again man

This game was developed by Dimps?! WTF.

the tech just ain't as technical in this mafucka

Fue mi primer juego del Xbox 360, un buen juego de peleas que inicio mi gusto por ellos.

I like Ken a lot. Rueben Langdon did an amazing job. His voice and performance is just the definition of cool. I honestly don't think there is a cooler voice in the world than his.

My first experience with playing fighting games online, long before I knew not to use Wi-Fi. Even I knew how broken Sagat was in this first version of the game. Loved it, and it got me back into fighting games in general.

Direção de arte com expressões caricatas, gameplay super fluída. Uma dor de cabeça na minha adolescência.

One of THE first fighting games I ever played, I was young, so I never did any commands or such, but I had fun, my dad bought the game for himself, and I decided to play it.
The cast is huge and I absolutely love it, especially Seth and Adon.
Story is also interesting, and it is wonderful.

A pretty decent addition to the SF franchise. The mechanics are solid and the character designs are fine. Can't wait to see whats in store for this franchise :)

lembro que jogava isso com meu amigo de escola, muito nostálgico, ótimo jogo

dito isso Mortal Kombat ainda é o melhor jogo de luta

I'm not very good at Street Fighter but I played this one loads and by the end of it I was still not very good at Street Fighter.

My Dad, my older Sister, and I loved this game. We would play this time and time again. Playing against my dad on the Volcano stage with Ryu Vs Ken is a core memory. As I grew older and we stopped playing, I discovered Low Tier God on youtube. His rage quits on this game are the best lol! I watch them from 2019 all the way to this day, and it's made me a fan! So, this game has a strong place in my heart.

Sadly doesn't benefit from the QoL of more modern fighting games, but it's still great. Best Street Fighter has ever looked in 3D.

the artstyle of this game is pretty good! the cast and gameplay are as great as always and the ost is just as great!

A great game to get into fighting games as the command inputs are reliant and easy and the roster is not too complicated. The roster here aint great and the gameplay does not feel as satisfying as 3rd strike.To me the artsyle and 3d just fits street figher worse than 3rd strike. Overall ultra is just better in any way.

I remember getting my ass whooped for my uncle when playing this game good times.

Jogo difícil da porra, bom demais.

Still better than the new one, all these years later.

Acabei jogando esse após ter jogado Street Fighter V, porém não estragou nem um pouco minha experiencia. Gostei muito do jogo e de seu estilo e me diverti bastante do inicio ao fim. Me surpreendi com os gráficos e com o quão bom é. Joguei a muito tempo, porém tenho ótimas lembranças e me trouxe ótimos momentos. Super recomendo!

ganhava de todo mundo, sempre colocando a camisa por cima do controle e saía apertando qualquer botão

Não sou um entusiasta de Street Fighter, nem de jogos de luta em geral, todavia, devo elogiar a facilidade e agradabilidade de jogar este título, especialmente quando comparado a outros do mesmo gênero.