Reviews from

in the past

I got jumped by thick Latina cheerleaders and quit gaming for a while because I felt there was no way anything could top that.

Se comió una mierda porque fue exclusivo de Xbox One al principio. Deberían sacar un segundo, de los mejores juegos de la Xbox ONe

Initially enjoyable (with the caveat that the writing straddles the line between moderately funny and insufferably annoying), mostly in the Tony Hawk / Jet Set Radio movement that slowly wears off thanks to how.... slow it is. The whole game should be twice the pace that it actually is.

Sunset Overdrive is a wild ride from start to finish! It's like Tony Hawk, but with guns, monsters, and a ton of over-the-top humor. Bouncing around the city, destroying mutants with ridiculous weapons, and trying to survive the crazy apocalypse is an absolute blast. The story's a bit forgettable, and sometimes it gets annoying when you HAVE to grind rails, but if you want pure chaotic fun with a punk-rock attitude, Sunset Overdrive delivers.

Tony Hawk meets Devil May Cry meets Guitar Hero meets Jackass in a zombie apocalypse. What more to say? Super fun game to play :)

adoro toda a mecânica e estética irônica desse jogo me diverti pra cacete

its a bit too hectic for me, the traversal combat is neat but they force it on you too much. writing feels very middle school. felt overwhelmed at times and it also feels too floaty

Apesar da ambientação que dói aos olhos, é muito bom para passar o tempo, jogo muito criativo mecanicamente. A boss fight no final me decepcionou um pouco, mas as missões secundárias supriram qualquer tédio que eu pudesse sentir, dá pra jogar!

This was a very fun experience.

i hate that for years all i heard about this game was that its “just kinda mid”

a little janky, some jokes can fall flat
but it’s obviously made with passion, and its fun

eu não sei como e nem quando e nem como esse jogo parou na minha mão, só sei que foi um clássico que marcou a minha infância

Real ass hidden gem! Going from learning to improving to mastering the movement and gameplay loop is super satisfying and rewarding. Feels like maaayyybe it started to overstay its welcome towards the end but this is coming from someone who did every single trial and side quest in between main missions. (Would be a 9/10 if I didn’t have to hear Yuri Lowenthal say “NeoGaf”.)

The first video game I ever played to completion, and a fantastic one at that. Amazing character both in the humans you work with and the city, fast paced and crisp shooting, and while some of the character customization is a liiiittle bit fugly there's still a lot to love. A super cool game

The closest thing I experienced to LSD.
10/10, please I want a 2nd game

Slow and uninteresting. This game doesn't feel like it's allowed to cuss. It's bad.
The corrupt save file thing is very real. I am BAFFLED that it ships like that, out of the box. I cannot access the save menu at all without it crashing. Blind Squirrel continuing their streak of terrible ports.

Fun gameplay but slightly wears out it's welcome, especially when you realize there's no penalty for dying. On the other hand, King Buzzo.

O Orochinho é professor de Irônia dessa faculdade aqui.

Man, I really adore this game. Super underrated, the guns are a blast to mess around with as always with other Insomniac's work, but I think they really shine for me here.
Dialogue is also really fun here and I was surprised they even pulled in Buzzo from the Melvins for a cameo 💀
Only wish we got a sequel to this cause there is a real solid formula that would only get better I'm sure, you can see a little bit of animations for traversal that was reused in Spider-Man I'm sure lmfao.

Fuck the bird killing mission

Juego divertido para pasarse una vez y poco más.

Insominiac games fazendo seu único jogo de xbox, acertou pkrl, jogo mt divertido

Hit or miss humor constantly tripping up an otherwise pretty cool movement-based shooter.