Reviews from

in the past

jugar esto luego de jugar Spiderman y Miles Morales, no tiene sentido

You ever play a game and think "this feels like it was made for me." Yeah. That.

the writing and story are really not that good at all, the dialogue ranges from being cringeworthy to mildly amusing, but honestly i feel like the game nails the vibe it's going for and it isn't meant to be taken seriously much

the gameplay itself more than makes up for it really, it's so much fun to just play and blow shit up, especially around the end of the main story there's a lot of sections of just brainless killing that isn't even like too easy and it's really fun

there's a few missions where i felt like they were dragging it on but overall the story is the weakpoint but it's serviceable, bit like a racing game story where it's only really there to give you slight motivation to keep racing

goofy as hell but i love it
game is actually really underrated even though the writing can be questionable at times and was actually a pretty solid exclusive at the time

still better than assassin's creed

the gameplay is incredibly fun, it is just mindless killing and constant moving that you just can not stop one second to think about what you are doing.
The Writing is, like some other people said, fine at best. It's not insufferable, you have your main character that is kinda bland, like a generic wise-ass quip spitting loser turned hero. The other characters are basic parodies of certain groups, all to be mocked by the protagonists, you got: entitled college kids, japanese looking survivalists and LARPERs.... Yeahhh.
One thing to note is that it's a insomniac game and you can see the talent in making moviment mechanics a fun part of the experience. You are always fast, always have a thing or 10 to shoot, something to collect. It is kind of a better moviment system in Spider-Man, not that it's bad to swing around, but in Sunset you just need way more thought and have more options to go about.
Also in the topic of Spider-Man the male voice actor for the Player (name of the main character) is Yuri Lowenthal. It's just weird hearing Peter Parker swear and say how lame science is.
Basically, play it for the gameplay if you like a fast paced shooter in the veins of Titanfall, Ultrakill and other moviment shooters this will give a good 10 hour fun game. The side quest are a bit boring and a didn't really bother 100% the game.

Cringe the game. I did have some enjoyment during my only run.

very fun movement, but I'm allergic to orange soda

اكثر لعبة مظلومة لعبتها بحياتي، قيمبلاي خرافي ما ينمل منه، تنقل ولا اروع بسبب تصميم المدينة، قصة بسيطة ساخرة وكوميديا رائعة بفضل كسر الجدار الرابع،ك.

Sunset overdrive is a game that feels endearing with how shitty the dialogue is at points, like on one hand it's obviously very shitty, but it never gets to the level that borderlands does with ultra cringe dialogue that makes me want to kill myself. Depending on my mood I'm either like "hell yeah dude this is awesome I love my gigachad protagonist and the biggest group of betas for a supporting cast ever" or "holy fuck please shut the fuck up my ears are bleeding can you please stop talking for 3 seconds" and few games can match that perfect amount of cringe, for what it is I have incredible respect for this game for being to pull that off.

Going away from the dialogue the game itself is fun, exploration is super satisfying and the gunplay is fun enough. I don't like a lot of the weapons and NONE of them feel as good as Ratchet and Clank weapons but with how combat actually plays it works out. I like jumping on shit and grinding on literally anything it's a good time. Honestly my biggest problem is the side content and collectation aspects of this game kinda suck. Especially the side quests, they're really boring.

Basically the game itself is fun if you ignore side content. Dialogue is the perfect amount of cringe to at the very least be endearing. Good and short game to waste a few hours on

one of the coolest games ever played for same reason it get repetitive after some time and feels like the game is a joke or I am not good enough to judge this creative masterpiece any way good initiative from insomniac studios.

Played this in 2016. Very happy that it's getting a little more attention.

I can't stand the humor in this game. I'm not sure where I draw the line, since I think that Hi-Fi Rush is charming, while I find SO's humor to be unbearable. It could be due to the over-use of reference humor, but I honestly don't know.

However, the gameplay is really fun. It had a bit of a learning curve, but I found myself bouncing on cars, grinding on electrical lines, shooting baddies and racking up pretty big combos in no time.

I might be able to overlook the writing because of how good the gameplay manages to be, but good humor would've been a huge plus for me.

I love this game's style, combat, and movement. The story was a little off, but I feel like it didn't need it. Everything else about it makes it up for me.

It's like someone combined the rain riding of tony hawk with guns.

Forgot about this game. But once I remembered, I remebered how good it was.

I love everything about this game but it's side quests.

the side quests are the same.

Fun movement and high action gameplay, a real gem which got completely overlooked by the majority of people. Super goofy story which doesnt take itself too seriously, nothing overly complex or needlessly intricate, fun ALWAYS comes first in this game. Highly approved!

Movimiento divertido y juego de alta acción, una verdadera joya que fue completamente pasada por alto por la mayoría de la gente. Historia súper tonta que no se toma demasiado en serio, nada demasiado complejo o innecesariamente intrincado, la diversión SIEMPRE viene primero en este juego. ¡Muy aprobado!

i finished almost the entire game, i got stuck on a post post game dlc side mission. game was super fun, very funnys and like good traversal and all

From the studio that gave you Ratchet & Clank, and would soon after give you Spider-Man, is a game that fittingly enough feels like a halfway point between the two

Writing is...not good, and it can feel like the highs of the gameplay and the lows of that are pulling the game at opposite ends, but for me at least the highs win out

The biggest hidden gem of this year for me. Never expected this game to be THIS good. I enjoyed it's every moment except for "tower defence" missions. The story is bad but it's so bad it becomes good. Very fun to play. Very underrated

Sunset Overdrive had to walk so Spiderguy could fly.

I tried really hard to like “Sunset Overdrive”, but the gameplay never really felt fluid nor fun and the gunplay never felt entirely responsive. Worst offender above all though, this games’ sense of style is just not my thing. There are far too many contrasting colors on screen at a given time. I felt blinded. The humor and attitude also felt like a some some internet kid on 4Chan trying way too fucking hard to be funny. Glad it seems like it works for many, but for me I’m out.

really solid game but it can get a little boring at times. i remember having a blast with this on my xbox one back in 2014 and rebeat it on pc about 2 years ago

Really good gameplay but the story is pretty pointless.

speedran this game through pure joy and adrenaline but after about ten hours i was left with not much left to do? i wish i didn’t peak so early into the game though i guess it’s kept relatively simple to learn and play intentionally. anyways i loved it where’s the sequel