Reviews from

in the past

This is an in-progress review. But yeah I think this is a great take on Mario as a $10 app, sorta like a stylised auto-runner with a strong emphasis on replaying levels to collect coins and building upon the Mushroom Kingdom. It reminds me a little of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat in the manner of score attack mode and “style points” for those competitive toad audience stages.

I just cleared the stages and already I’m back for pink coins, relays as well as opening up the Star World stages! Whelp I think I’m being drawn in, at least I’ve already bought in.

i paid for this game twice...

Mario can run, but he can't hide from this bad review

Fun game. Nothing special, but a nice time waster.

Ta divertido hasta que rescatas a peach y pues se vuelve monótono, eso no quita lo divertido

this game makes me appreciate new super mario bros u

Bastante divertido, especialmente para los estándares de un juego móvil, pero a la larga se vuelve monótono. Gracioso pensar que este juego a día de hoy sigue recibiendo actualizaciones.

if you played this more than 20 minutes please stop wasting my oxygen

y'all are just mean this game is fun for what it is

Actually such a fun game, way better than people make it out to be, but. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO PAYWALL HOLY SHIT

This asks for £10 and can be beaten in 1hr

Un marathon pour le compléter mdr

En vrai le jeu vaut le prix selon moi, il reste moyennement cheap mais pour un jeu mobile j'suis désolé il mérite pas le flop qu'il a eu

not paying for this game dude wtf

2☆ - Nothing interesting but nothing bad, average mobile game to be honest.

Oh wow, another bland 2D Mario platformer but for phones!!!!! I only played the free levels, I ain't paying for that shit.

2 stars and a half just cuz Daisy and Yoshi are playable.

Uhhh... reply and like if you HATED THIS GAME!

The fact that you had to pay for this is not a good reason to give this a low review score, as the actual game is high quality and has enough content for a Super Mario mobile game.

pretty normal mario mobile game, go check it out it's fun

I was a young teen excited to play Mario on my phone only to find out I had to pay to get past level 3 or whatever.

The fundamental control concept works better than you might think but it leaves little room for creativity.

The wider marketplace aspect of the game is of no interest to me and I don’t really consider this to be a Mario game in any serious sense.