Reviews from

in the past

The glitches in the game are the main detractor of an otherwise great experience. Movement is sharp and can be corrected via FLUDD, levels are super creative even when forced to comply to the beach theme, and the songs are just instant classics. But the glitches as well as certain shines such as the watermelon shine and the boat inside of Corona Mountain prevent the game from being what it could have been.

the necessary step to get peak in later games (im talking about galaxy)

I used to be a hater of this game but then I gave it a real shot. Yes it can be very frustrating and janky at times but when it is not it is very very fun. It would be cool to see Nintendo make a version that fixes the glitches and adds more content or just make a sequel.

Este juego es buenísimo sólo y sólo si no quieres sacarlo al 100%, si lo intentas se vuelve una pesadilla viviente

Nunca ouvi falar muito desse jogo, mas ao jogar eu descobri que, na verdade, só tem a ver com o fato do game cube ser meio falido. É bem diferente do mario 64, com controles e uma mecânica única na série, mapas com infinitas coisas pra explorar, vale a pena dar uma chance pra ele.

occasionally some shines are frustrating but other than that its easily one of the most overhated games of all time and a top 3 mario game

I also had to clean brown stuff in my first job

played this on a shitty laptop running dolphin at 50% and i still 100%'d the game, thats how good this shit is

Favorite 3d mario. I LOVE the aesthetic and gameplay mechanics. The music is amazing, and each level feels very unique in its own way.

the skyward sword of 3D mario games

Best game on the collection. Wipes galaxy.

Mario Sunshine has quite a few problems, most likely too many to count, yet I found it oddly charming. I actually really liked my time with it despite how much of the time I think the game suffers from messy design.

I think the saving grace here is that it's a game I remembered not liking and everyone dogs on that I found myself having more fun than expected with, VS a game heralded as an all-time classic that just isn't clicking for me. I therefore weirdly had more time for Sunshine? And ended up enjoying it a lot despite the flaws? Sometimes these things blindsight you.

My childhood game now on a modern system. This port is enjoyable and despite Nintendo themselves not recommending a traditional GameCube controller. The third-party GameCube controller made for Smash Ultimate worked rather well and made this nostalgic experience even more special. Full completion does feature some of the most annoying Mario levels to date. The infamous pachinko level, the instant kill sewer water level, and the brutal chuckster level all nearly destroyed my sanity. Let alone trying to reach Bowser by rowing a boat inside a volcano...

very inventive, one of the best atmospheres in a game. mechanically a little challenged and some worlds were built with more love than others

Por estética, este es mi Mario favorito pero igualmente tiene muchas decisiones de diseño que simplemente son por joder más es tan minúsculo que no hace la experiencia un infierno

dont play this outdated garbage just watch a couple youtube videos on it and youll be fine

I hate this game so much I love it. I love the atmosphere and levels, the gameplay can be fun too even with the janky controls. Some of the levels though are… awful. Even with that I still really like this game.

I think this game is the most experimental and bold of the three in the port but all in all it is stuck between the 3D Mario defining Super Mario 64 and the 3D Mario mastering Super Mario Galaxy still solid however I don't think its fair to say the game as a whole is worse until I play it on GameCube, as a port its the weakest nut its the weakest of three giant hulking goliaths

i'm gonna tell u guys a secret. i got stuck on corona mountain and never finished it. fun as hell though

The game's maneuverability is horrible

Après tout le mal (et le bien aussi quand même) que j'ai entendu de ce jeu, je suis très agréablement surpris !
Si ils avaient un peu plus bosser la physique de Mario, qu'ils auraient fait en sorte qu'on puisse utiliser F.L.U.D.D. quand on veut dans les airs, et que le jeu avait 2-3 niveaux de plus, on aurait là un candidat pour le meilleur Mario 3D.

this game is awful and has the single worst level design in platformer gaming history and you cant change my mind.

Super Mario Sunshine was my Mario game during the formative years of my late adolescence rendering me a longtime defender of the title. Playing this one back as a part of Super Mario 3D All-Stars confirms to me that Sunshine is severely underrated. This is a creative, colorful, and joyful platformer. It's got variety in spades with its worlds and the movement through those stages feels great. I'll never understand the hatred this game gets, Sunshine is the Mario for me.