Reviews from

in the past

This was pretty good I still think the Valis 3 is better though.

A serviceable side-scroller action game, the SNES version is undercooked compared to the PC Engine originals but hey graphically it looks cool and is very aesthetically pleasing to look at with a good soundtrack.

The game has decent hooks in that bosses life bars build as time accumulates and special attacks, armour and hearts are often a little out of the way. This is very much Castlevania but not as good.

I found prioritising a stock of armour and hearts for the end of the game to be the necessary strategy, the bosses are built with repetition in mind, learn the patterns to take them down - especially the last boss who is not particularly hard he just has a lot of health and requires close combat to take down.

It’s another average side-scroller that aesthetically looks cool with the bikini warrior look to her. I hear the Valis collection is now available, I’m unsure if I’ll give it a look.

Not a bad game, but incredibly hard, boring and frustrating

To be honest, go straight to the PCE version, this one deserves a lot more your time, and this version has the double of the content of SNES Version

Not as good as the first three, but enjoyable. I suppose it might also be due to changing main characters.

A cut-down rework of an already mediocre game.

Very cool action from what I've played. I hate how hard they tried to make it look american on covers and all when by the immediate it's anime af.

The first level was bad. Not a good sign.