Reviews from

in the past

Great art and designs, good writing, and characters really brought to life through a talented voice cast and charming animation.

Tem um plot maneirinho q vale a pena

A short and charming little murder mystery game a la Professor Layton.

The characters are well written, acted, and full of personality. The game is a little too short however to show off an arc to most of them, or see any meaningful interaction, which I would have liked.

Puzzles are pretty easy for the most part, and the game gives you a lot of direction so you pretty much never get lost. The main gameplay is really just looking around in rooms and finding the right things to click, which I don't find awfully exciting.

Ultimately it's cute and I see why someone might love this, but the gameplay isn't engaging for me personally.

Jogão, adorei a direção criativa e me surpreendi logo de início com a quantidade de diálogos dublados no jogo. A trama não é nada excepcional mas consegue ser muito boa de uma forma única no gênero de jogos de detetive. Eu realmente acho que o charme do jogo ainda é mais seu estilo artistico, e que seu único problema foi os momentos em que me senti perdido.

I randomly came across this game during a sale and the art style and animation were the thing that first jumped out at me.
I downloaded the demo first to see what I thought of it and less than 10 minutes and the sheer fact that this game has full voice acting and interactions for you clicking 90% of what you can see made me plunge into the full version instead.
I wasn't disappointed at all, I played it in one long whole day session.
First things first is that the story has a really good starting pitch, with it being a murder mystery with seemingly impossible circumstances and very quickly the exploration of the crime scene and the characters you meet shortly after that are just lovely, also really well voice acted, the casting of every character felt perfect with all of them adding to how the characters pull you further into the story, all the while the visuals, animations and music stay consistently phenomenal too, each character has different ways they'll address you, from stuff like how a grandiose character who likes to inflate his background changing his entire background to a star filled space scene until getting rudely cut off and that makes the background change back as if he'd been brought down to earth, to another character offering her opinion about the other family's members via poems that cut off the music and make the background black while she recites them.
The main mystery solving and puzzles also have a good amount of variety while never feeling like you forgot something along the way or get overwhelmed, but the main appeal is I think being able to keep track of who has and hasn't been lying, with the main twists staying refreshing and pretty hard to guess all the way through, genuinely phenomenal gem of a game that put the devs into my radar.

Even though the art is really pretty and the dialogue remains as funny as in Detective Grimoire, it didn’t grab me in the same way. I think the main mystery is just too boring, and too convoluted for its own good. Towards the end it picks up the pace and becomes more focused.

Jogo maravilhoso que te faz criar teorias para todos os personagens e no fim o motivo do assassinato faz a mente explodir.

An honestly really good game in its atmosphere and caracters. The story and the developement are both really interesting and well put. The overall case of the game is well thought out and give us a pretty convincing conclusion. I do recommend you to at least try the game.

a short, charming mystery game with a colorful cast of characters and a good story with a mystery that is enticing due to the well-paced structure of said story. I had my fun, laughs, and enjoyment out of it. pretty much all i have to say about it is that i like it.

Esse jogo é muito bom!! Mas tem problemas que conto um pouco mais abaixo.

Os personagens são muito divertidos e únicos, a arte e a musica é linda, as animações são incríveis, a dublagem é muito boa e realmente ajuda a simpatizar com os personagens, e o mistério te deixa instigado até o final.

Mas esse jogo tem um problema muito grande no final dele, ele pareceu bem rushado, deixou muitas pontas soltas na resolução do mistério, eu diria graves furos de roteiro em relação ao assassinato, e teve uma cena de 20 minutos de dialogo expositivo sobre o porque de todo o mistério, de forma maçante, e metade das informações desse dialogo poderiam estar no decorrer do jogo mesmo, pro jogador ir descobrindo, e não tudo ser jogado no dialogo final (falei sem spoilers, mas a situação dessa cena é pior do que eu deixei escrito, evitei detalhes pra voce ver por si mesmo)

Recomendo o jogo? SIM!! O jogo é realmente muito bom, paguei 7 reais na promoção e não me arrependo, o jogo só se perde no final mesmo, mas foi extremamente divertido todas as 7 horas de jogo que tive, se o final fosse melhor o jogo poderia facilmente ser 5 estrelas pra mim!

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Really great game, awesome artstyle, fun characters with interesting personalities and gameplay based on your own deduction capabilities. Only thing that was lackluster was the resolution of it all. Nevertheless looking forward to the next installment of the Detective Grimoire series.

Picked it up on sale for like a euro, absolute gem. I love solving mysteries, I love great visuals, this has both. It was fun, it was funny, the ending isn't what i hoped it to be but a stellar switch game.

Even if it’s not for me this game is beautifully made with clearly a lot of passion that I’d still highly recommended

Fun mystery, charming characters and a style that left me wanting 20 more of these games.

Loved the original flash game Detective Grimoire, so I'm happy to boost the rating of this one :)

Simpático, carismático y divertidísimo. Probablemente sea demasiado pequeño para su propio bien, pero el misterio es intrigante y los personajes encantadores. Ojalá hubiese pasado más tiempo con ellos, ojalá la trama se hubiese abierto para involucrarlos más directamente; pero Tangle Tower tiene un final terrible que, aunque aceptes el dudoso giro final, resulta insatisfactorio y deja algunos GIGANTES interrogantes.

A parte de ello, lo único que me ha molestado es como al mostrar pistas a sospechosos, los detectives actuarán siempre igual aún sabiendo qué señala esa pista o conociendo el secreto del sospechoso.

El cómo del asesinato me parece de lo más ingenioso y bien escrito, pero la identidad y las razones son tan débiles, y las preguntas sin contestar tan importantes, que sin una secuela Tangle Tower me dejará un sabor agridulce.

A fresh twist on the mystery visual novel with beautiful 2D animations and an abundance of voice acting. Tangle Tower, is murder mystery with a locked room premise and a colorful cast of characters. The art direction and clever use of solving using deductive reasoning makes this game better than average.

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absolutely adored this game till the ending where it just didnt hit and let me feeling disappointed

Straight up one of the best mystery games I've ever played. The production is ridiculous, and I mean that as praise—the music, voice acting, animation and witty dialogue all come together to form a delightful little game. Me and some friends streamed this one together, and had a grand old time trying to piece the mystery together as a group. The characters are all fun to talk to, and the sheer amount of flavor text with each one is such a treat. No bad puzzles, either, though the clock face one could be a bit agonizing.
The very final scene with the culprit fell a little flat for me, but the build to that moment is top-notch. I won't spoil it, but the "oh, shit" moment when it all comes together? Absolutely amazing.

What I think I'll remember most about the Detective Grimoire trilogy is how each game acts as a benchmark for it's time period in independent development. The first game is a clear flash title, the second evokes the mobile game boom and early digital storefronts, while Tangle Tower feels like one of the high quality passion projects releasing today.

The art, animation, writing, music, and voice acting are all excellent. Truly top of their class. The simple interfaces of Secret of the Swamp have been replaced with full puzzles. The mystery is a good deal more involved in my opinion. If there's another game in this series currently in development, I'll be there day one.

My ideal adventure game in terms of production value. The way this looks, animates and sounds is just best in class. There's not a single character without amazing voice work, that enhances the already great animation, which in turn hides its limitations deftly with a lot of careful placement and variation of how these character animations are reused. I really can't say enough good things about the production value of this overall, it's gorgeous and full of heart and character.

The story and overall design is where the game doesn't achieve "all-time great adventure game" status. It's still in my personal top-tier but a few things hold it back.

The final act feels rushed and too many threads are left dangling or are written off conveniently. Truthfully I just wanted to see the whole story play out cause it felt like there's at-least another game's worth of story to be told. I'm fine with leaving things open to a sequel, but this did neither successfully. This is far and away my biggest gripe with it the game.

To a lesser extent, there's a problem of missed potential with it's game mechanics. There's a lot of interesting ideas with it's 'sentence construction' method of puzzle solving and giving you dioramas of the action. But the dioramas are more for visual flair and maybe give you occasional hints. There's next-to-no gameplay element attached to them. While the sentence construction seems like it never evolves or becomes difficult enough for clever solutions or AHA moments. It's fine and functional, but it just feels like a replacement for typical 'use-item-on-X', rather than a truly transformative feature, like the log-book in Obra Dinn was. This isn't necessarily a knock against the game, but more so a feeling of "this could go from great to 10/10 with another iteration".

That's my ultimate hope, that SFB take what they've learned from these games and do another final sequel, blown-out to it's full potential. Take this game, treat it as act 1, and then do 2 more acts that develop the systems gradually, and you've got yourself an all-time great adventure game, that can stand toe-to-toe and surpass most of the greats in this genre.

And even if they never meet that potential, this still remains a high watermark for art, animation and voice work in adventure games, indie or otherwise.

LOVE the voice acting!! really fun mystery, but the ending threw me in not a good way :/

Detective Grimoire is once again called to solve an elusive case: this time, they're taken to the eponymous Tangle Tower, a place in a mysterious island that houses the Fellow and Pointer families. Freya Fellow, one of the youngest in the former family, has been murdered, stabbed in the chest by... her own painting, found in the scene of the crime eerily holding a bloodied knife in front of her dead body.

A sequel to 2015's remarkable point-'n-click adventure Detective Grimoire: Secret of the Swamp, Tangle Tower improves upon its prequel in almost every regard. The game is rendered in even sharper visuals, with beautiful 2D backgrounds and fluid hand-drawn character animations, thanks to which its scenes and characters brim with life. A gorgeous soundtrack completes the immersion, with tracks that reflect the personality of each character and the atmosphere of each moment. The experience is worth the price of admission for the vibes alone.

Despite the seriousness of the case at hand, the tone of the writing is mostly on the light side, with eccentric characters and humorous exchanges. The game's Teen rating, however, is well-earned, as there are some tense moments as well as a subtle darkness hiding behind the island and its inhabitants. There is a history to this place, what with the mysterious nature of the lake surrounding the island, multiple members of both families having left for unknown reasons and the people that remain on the island each harboring secrets to be uncovered. And uncover them we will, because this is a detective game.

The original game's investigation mechanics were iterated upon, but the gist of the sequel remains more or less the same: Grimoire and his assistant, Sally, both of which are controlled by the player, move between locations by selecting them on the map, and examine the scenes point-'n-click style to find clues. Sometimes, said clues are gated by puzzles which, intentionally or not, end up being one of the standout points of the experience, being of a similar caliber to the more high quality puzzles from the best Professor Layton games. Even the BGM used during puzzle-solving is somewhat like of those in that series games.

The closest parallel for the overall mechanics, however, would have to be the Ace Attorney series, what with the assembling of a case file full of clues, the gathering of statements from each witness and the presentation of evidence to those same witnesses in other to have them set their testimonies straight. Grimoire and Sally, however, have the freedom to explore the many rooms of the titular mansion in a non-linear fashion, giving the investigation in Tangle Tower a more player-guided, deliberate feel that sets it apart from its inspirations.

Of course, which such freedom comes an increased chance of the player missing a clue or otherwise getting stuck, and the game is especially careful not to let that happen: a hint button in the map screen, when pressed, mentions a room that would yield a clue if investigated; in addition, whenever the set of evidence needed to press one of the witnesses becomes available, the game is even more explicit, with the playable characters notifying the player that the option to press on a suspicion is now available via voice lines and an on-screen call to action. The hint button is for the better, but its when these prompts come up that Tangle Tower's biggest flaw becomes more evident.

Progression to the final sections of the game is gated behind finding the contradictions in each of the witnesses' testimony. Crucially, this must be done at once, which is why the game makes a point of notifying the player that the option to do so is available, but because it happens right after getting a crucial piece of evidence, the result is that the player must, all at once, make several conclusions about that witness that they might not have had time to digest. This takes them away from the driver's seat as they are tossed into a gauntlet of multiple choice questions that, due to their very nature, stop short of spelling out the answer to the suspicion in question.

It's an issue with the design: had dialogue options not been standardized, and instead, had there been multiple opportunities to, piece by piece, break down lies and/or answer questions about the witness, the player could have been eased into the conclusions the game expects them to take without losing the feeling of agency. The Ace Attorney series also sometimes uses testimony records as pieces of evidence, and something in that direction could have helped give players more freedom to solve the case by themselves, for instance, by having to choose what to press the witness on.

Potential improvements to the investigation mechanics aside, Tangle Tower is still a very satisfying experience: the relaxing vibes, approachable tone and exceptional voice acting alone are enough to justify the experience; the intriguing mystery, great brain-teasers and, despite its issues, still entertaining detective work seal the deal. I sure hope this is not the last we see of Detective Grimoire and Sally, and that SFB Games puts forth a new case for them to solve coming up some time in the future.

What a charming little mystery game. The presentation is immaculate and the game is paced incredibly well. Honestly this sets a high standard for indie mysteries.

Tangle Tower is a delightful, engrossing experience.

It looks fantastic, its soundtrack is a treat for the ears, and the mystery it presents to you keeps you on your toes throughout the duration of the story.

The voice acting for Tangle Tower is something that it wouldn't have been half as enjoyable without, imo.
The voice direction for most if not all the characters is excellent and together with the writing, brings the characters to life and makes their personalities stand out.
The puzzles are also very well-done and not too hard although I did get stuck on one of the near end-game puzzles.

Tangle Tower has one looming, rather disappointing flaw, however.

The way the story unfolds is GREAT, I think it does a good job of investing you in the mystery and really makes you think as you try and put the pieces together in your head as to what had happened, and who is the culprit.
BUT, it all falls apart at the very end as the plot seemingly screeches to a deafening halt at the edge of a metaphorical cliff....with no true resolution whatsoever.

It doesn't explain a lot of things and you're left with empty hands and an apparent cliffhanger of sorts. Which is a colossal disappointment for a detective-themed game where you try to unravel a mystery.

Overall, it's just such a good detective point and click game ruined by the disappointing ending, but still a massive step-up to the previous Detective Grimoire game in every sense of the word.
I love it quite so.

a neat indie mystery that’s so compelling i stayed up till the late hours on christmas eve just trying to reach the end. sorry santa. the ending twist is a biiit too telegraphed for my taste but the whole thing is so cute and charming