Reviews from

in the past

I'm gonna be honest, the first hour when I play this game I thought to myself that this game is great but it can't go anywhere to the level and hype I heard about it all these years. And boy was I wrong. The beauty of this game is: I don't know how to describe it in non-esoteric or artsy terms... but is simply full of vibes, it's moody, tear-breaking and lovingly crafted and it's definitely polished with a lot of care to it, and if you're willing to let yourself go of a few layers of "realness" to delve into this ̶t̶a̶l̶e̶ Undertale and get attached to the characters you're in for a treat!

If there would be a museum for video-games as art pieces, an archive of the most unique of all and the ones that push both the medium and the overall artform of human expression: Undertale would deserve to have its place there, since it's definitely one of those games that brings up something new. Its graphical fidelity of retro game aesthetics tricks you into believing deeply into some facade nostalgia that withers itself the more its story, metareferential perspectives unfolds. This kind of experience is one that "lasts" - it is iconic, to simply put it in a word. You play it once, and then it sticks with you. You can understand and feel its whole pop-culture references, memes and the whole influence it had on indie-gaming as a whole while completing the game and that's not a bad thing at all, it is almost daring and inspiring. Good art inspires & great art prevails its legacy; I adored the whole metereferential dialogues and techniques and that it is in a way a game about games and an incredible creation for an indie of its size.
Loved each battle and the uniqueness brought into each of them, I liked the characters and as I said they're nicely written. It is a wonderful trip that feels surreal to take for the first time and even second time around and although at first glance it seems that it cannot further than what you expect its gameplay remains both fresh and familiar, in a weird sense I'm getting the Signalis feeling all over again : "I played this game before even though I didn't" and streaming this game to a few friends some evenings - most who are already familiar with the game already made the whole experience far more intimate and special to me.
Genocide route was where I almost lost my mind, especially at Sans battle, not familiar to this genre of gameplay at all, but despite all of this I appreciated what Sans/the Game was trying to create. It remained me of a lot of games I played over the years and in a weird way of tiny young me trying to make sense of pixels seen in an old, squared size monitor. And upon finally beating him, around 5 hours in I finally felt relief. It really speaks more about you as a player and individual that more about the characters and their stories. Indeed I think Undertale is one of those games I'd advise going into as blind as you can, which I almost completely did -- and the game left me shattered at times, thoughtful at the end. There's a lot to unpack about its meaning, or its motifs or themes but I think, like most pieces of art its conversations are to be taken mostly inwards with ourselves but its nice to think that such a simple, mostly overlooked (just like I did) game can hold so much within them: such huge emotions for such a tiny game, and it's mostly an argument for the fact that yes the indie scene is thriving and most of the time it does more greatly by willing to take necessary risks.


Joguei só uma das rotas, mas dá pra apaixonar pelo jogo, a história é detalhada em cada pequeno fragmento da experiência.

look its a good game but I suck at it and that makes me mad

I remember writing down whole notebooks with Easter Eggs, Pacifist guides and Genocide run boss analysis for my friend way back.

Very beautiful and I LOVE the cast. Ignoring the atrocious fandom this is an amazing and unique game. A must-play with very emotive moments. WARNING!! The songs with be stuck in your head.

most important game ive ever played in my entire life

i dont like this game

its still better than valorant

changed my life after true pacifist then shit all over it after genocide

I am so torn on my opinion of this game and the sad part is that it has nothing to do with the game itself. The game is good but it isn't perfect and i'm genuinely concerned with getting flamed for having that opinion.

Some people say video games are an art form (I am some people) and like all other forms of art there are some people who are REAL snobby about it. I don't know exactly what it is about Undertale that has people so ravenous about a game where they cried because a goat lady gave them a slice of pie. There was a bit of a mob mentality when it came to Undertale to the point where even now every time I see it pop up I end up rolling my eyes in mild disgust even though I LIKE THE GAME. Maybe it was because I was still doomscrolling through the wasteland of Tumblr during this games height of popularity and watched it go from underrated indie to quite possibly the most overrated piece of media i've ever seen.

4/5 for just the game I guess?
2/5 for the game + the internet

It changed the way I play games.

Ya me lo pasé en su día, pero tocaba revivirlo y ha sido toda una experiencia.

Son de esos juegos que tienes que jugarlos al menos 1 vez en tu vida, y tanto la música como los personajes molan mucho.
Eso sí, la ruta neutral es la mas meh

Classic and also peak fiction, one of the most memorable games to date. I hope to revisit it when I get the chance to since I originally didn't play it on my own.

i really hope the pope played this

woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah story of undertale

Undertale is a well-told story with a genuine sense of humor. Undertale is a resounding triumph of metafiction, a commentary on video game conventions, and the dissection of the fourth wall. Undertale is a game where a trans robot likes it if you compliment his legs, and where a panicking lesbian fish demands your opinion about whether anime is real. Undertale is a game where nobody has to die, as long as you have the determination to save them.

And you should.

Ignore the fanbase, play this masterpiece. You won't regret it. Go for a pacifist run first and then genocide.

Pacifist run is too hard for me. Still a great game.

I found this immensely boring and dropped it within the hour...

Tutudutu tudududududedee (kill everything)

Yeah. It’s good. You should play it. I should had played it nearly a decade ago. There’s nothing to say about it that hasn’t already been said.

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

Undertale es uno de esos juegos que no sé por qué no los había jugado antes. En la descripción de Steam pone que es el RPG donde no es necesario matar a alguien. Y es verdad. Es un juego en el que todo lo que hagamos tendrá repercusión en la partida y donde todo es posible. Pero bueno, para eso está la reseña. Así que voy a hablar de muchas cosas del juego y por si acaso quieres jugarlo sin saber nada, te recomiendo que no sigas leyendo. Ahora sí empieza la reseña de este maravilloso indie.

Jugablemente, me ha gustado bastante. El mundo del juego está bastante bien construido y en general, se siente muy orgánico, incluyendo también otras actividades como puzzles con mecánicas diferentes que refrescan un poco la experiencia. Pero sin duda lo que se lleva todo es el sistema de combate. ¿Os acordáis que no era necesario matar a nadie para completar el juego? Esto es por el curioso sistema que tiene. En nuestro turno, podemos elegir entre atacar, actuar, usar un objeto o "merced" (no sé acabo de buscar la traducción y me ha salido eso). Nosotros somos un corazón que está en una caja y el rival en su turno, nos hará un ataque y tendremos que ir moviéndonos para esquivarlos. El sistema de combate se ve muy potenciado en las boss fights que son excelentes de jugar. Solo esa propuesta es súper original, pero es que podemos hacer tantas cosas que es impresionante.

Eso es de lo que voy a hablar ahora precisamente. Esto es spoiler pero bueno, ya si sigues leyendo es tu culpa. Al final del juego por ejemplo, en una llamada de teléfono, nos hablarán los personajes que no hemos matado, diciendo también que echan de menos a los que hemos matado. Esto hace que cada archivo pueda ser completamente diferente, aunque solo haya 1 muerte de diferencia. Aparte, en la partida también hay cambios como diálogos que cambian o incluso secciones enteras que pueden variar si hemos decidido dejar a uno vivir.

Audiovisualmente, se lo carrilea la OST. EL juego visualmente es bonito (no me malinterpretéis). Tiene buen diseño de zonas, personajes y enemigos. Es un pixel art simple, pero que funciona y es bonito. Pero es que lo de la banda sonora de este juego está a otro nivel. Es excelente. Pocas veces he sido tan consciente de la OST de un videojuego como en Undertale. Y es que todo es temazo tras temazo. Mis dieces a quienes compusieron las canciones, porque de verdad que son buenísimas.

Y donde más me ha gustado el juego ha sido narrativamente. Es una pena que solo esté en inglés y que si no tienes un buen nivel, probablemente te pierdas mucho. Pero si pasas esa barrera, te vas a encontrar con unos personajes muy bien construidos y únicos, con un sentido del humor que es bastante inteligente y con una historia única. Aunque el juego también sabe ser serio y habla de muchos temas éticos como la vida, la soledad, la honestidad... Sinceramente, me ha sorprendido mucho en este aspecto.

En resumen, Undertale es una obra maestra que sobresale en casi todos sus aspectos. Que no te deje engañar ese aparente minimalismo, porque es un juego muy profundo que aunque sea bastante corto, va a dejar huella en ti por un tiempo después de jugarlo.Si te gustan los indies o los videojuegos en general, es un must-play.

this game defined my personality in middle school and I still reference it and listen to the music to this day. looking back on it now it wasn't perfect but holy shit was it a internet and person defining game/ experience. one of the only RPG's that I have cared about the story.

could the pope appreciate just how funny this is?