Reviews from

in the past

Quick, charming and Ds screen destroyer, good!

A lot of the touch screen based microgames are quite good, though not too many of them stick out to me, and the ones that do are also in WarioWare Gold. The microphone based microgames actually suck though, and I think they knew that since there's hardly any by comparison. Out of all the singular gimmick-based WarioWare games I do think this one suffers the most from the lack of variety.

Literally a perfect time killer

It's more WarioWare! The touchscreen adds a lot to the minigames.

she touched on my wario til i don't know ware i am anymore

My favorite WarioWare game is this one. That is mostly due to nostalgia though.

I'm willing to bet this is as at least partially nostalgia doing the talking, but this is probably my favorite WarioWare. There's something about using the two DS screens to interact with WW's trademark fast-paced, zany microgame goodness that's so darn appealing. Everyone's main story segments are good & the challenge modes unlocked later are satisfying as well.

Another amazing warioware game! Utilizing the stylus and microphone to create some really fun minigames! Of course everything else is just as good as before but in higher quality, would recommend!

I spent a looooooooooot of time on this badboy when I got a DS. Pretty sure it's the reason my touch screen ended up borderline unusable tbh. Loved the comedy - some of the games in the toy box that you unlock are amazing. I genuinely spent more time on table tennis than some of the actual minigame playlists. And grandma had me laughing out loud when I first unlocked her. Good memories

A great showcase for the DS. Lots of fun but kinda just ended abruptly I wish there was a bit more to it

This game is addictive. To be honest, that can also be said with the rest of the WarioWare games, but this one, in particular, was a personal favourite of mine. I believe that the aesthetic and pacing of the unlocks made this fun to pick up and play.

Coming back to it, I still find each microgame to be fun, intuitive, and wacky to play. I especially love the 9-volt games. With that said, the content is pretty light, even with the pretty hefty 190 microgames. The reason is that you don't have any multiplayer mode available. You can play the microgame sets, you can play each microgame individually for a high score, or you can mess around with one of the many toys. It seems like a lot, but the lack of originality concerning replayability makes this game stale fast.

This is still a fun time, and I think anyone who picked it up can find a lot of fun here. Just don't expect a very deep or intricate experience.

It feels like they spent 90% of the dev time on the microgames and then threw together the entire rest of the game in like a week

Ótimo jogo, apesar de que foi bem mais fácil que o primeiro, mas utiliza de forma muito criativa todas as mecânicas do DS (até o microfone que todo mundo esquece que ele tem KKKK)

Brabo, sinceramente prefiro mais o primeiro, ele é bem mais criativo, mas esse aqui não fica muito atrás não, só não achei tão marcante quanto o Mega Minigames.

MAS, eles usam MUUUUUUITO bem a canetinha do DS, realmente Wario Ware faz um uso perfeito das gimmicks de cada console da nintendo, tô animado pra rejogar o Gold agora que zerei esses 2.

Como esse tipo de jogo só fica legal jogando direto do console, vou guardar o WarioWare de WII, e o último de Switch para jogar no futuro quando tiver a oportunidade de jogar nesses consoles, vai ser um dos primeiros que vou jogar se um dia tiver eles.

i don't know about this one... i think the wii game from my memory of it as a kid is just way better. my immediate impression is this isn't nearly as charming (cutscenes, minigames, etc) and i don't know if i'm interested in sticking with it

Rempli de bonnes idées, mais une plaie à compléter, faut faire un high score sur TOUS les mini-jeux, c'est vite barbant.

Just classic goofy warioware, nothing but that

The microgames here are either far too easy, or require you to frantically search for which of the many things on screen are interactable. The latter leads to some very cheap feeling fails.
The blowing on the microphone bit is cool in concept but all of the microgames suck or else it would be too difficult.
The bullet hell boss stage is a ridiculous difficulty spike compared to the rest.

The Wii entry is way more fun.

I enjoyed this quick game which utilized many of the concepts in the DS like the microphone, and many other stuff which made the game very fun.

As I said previously with WarioWare Mega Microgame$ Inc., I truly believe this series is some of the best junk food arcadey gaming out there. It's not as simple as the first entry but this game works magic to introduce and demo all the features of the Nintendo DS.

I can scarcely think of many, if any, microgames that felt like flops. They're all nonstop fun full of wacky, off the wall art, goofy sound design, and frenetic gameplay. I really like the new characters they added with this entry too like Ashley, Red, and Mike. Much like the other entries, I always loved WarioWare as a go-to time filler game to just have mindless fun.

I don't remember playing any kind of story content, it may have been finished already because the game, along with the DS Lite it was bundled with, was pre-owned by the son of a family friend. Eventually, the game was lost, making it the only game in my brother and I's collection to be misplaced. As fun as it was, I will not be returning to this game.

Another great WarioWare game, with this one using the DS stylus to its best ability. This isn't my favorite in the series so far but still has the undeniable charm and endless fun that every WarioWare game has. Definitely a DS essential and one I will always come back to.

Acho ele muito fácil em comparação aos outros warioware, mas é um jogo divertidinho ❤️👍

Having this and Super Mario 64 DS as the console launch titles was magical. This one was insanely amazing the first time I played it.

Minha Review de WarioWare touched:

WarioWare touched lançado originalmente no Nintendo DS em 2004, ele é uma das continuação da séries de jogos do wario, chamado de WarioWare.

Os minigames são simplesmente muito divertido e bem criativo, usando bem a tela de toque do próprio Nintendo DS.

Graficamente falando ele tá bem mais bonito que o primeiro WarioWare, pois foi feito para o Nintendo DS que tinha mais capacidade e poder gráfico.

A soundtrack é bem bacana, ela cumpre bem a sua função.

Considerações finais:

No geral eu achei o jogo muito divertido, estou muito animado para poder jogar os outros jogos dessa franquia!

Minha nota para este jogo é uma nota 9!

esse jogo é muito nostalgico para mim preciso jogar o de wii agr so foi triste jogar ele agora que eu terminei ele em umas 2 horas no maximo pq eu nunca falhei