Reviews from

in the past

This game is amazing and I love it and it's so underrated and cool.

The online service is down so it's a shame no one can experience what it used to be anymore: finding players in the map where they died and became zombies. And the notes on the walls that were cryptic but also informative.

This is one of the only Wii U games that actually took advantage of the hardware. It wasent just a gimmick, it was a way to create an extremely unique type of gameplay dynamic. Looking away from the screen at critical moments when something pops out at you is brilliant. It seems small on paper but it changes the entire core experience.

Visually the environments still look very pretty. Lots of detail and fun to explore. Gameplay with permadeath was intense.

I had so much fun with this game I even beat the survivor mode where if you die once it's a game over. That felt amazing to beat. I survived so many moments with the tiniest sliver of health.

It has issues. It's super janky and buggy. Playing survivor mode is risky bc of game breaking bugs.

But this is one of those times where I look past the bugs. Because the experience I had was unforgettable. One of my favorite zombie games for sure.

Still haven't played a survial horror game like it.

Regarded as the best Wii U game that implements the pad i always wanted to play this, but after having done that i understand why some say this game does not live up to its fame. Story is really, really bare bones and the pad just distracts from the actual action instead of giving the so called "gameplay enhancements". The game loves to just kill your character with unexpected traps or ambushes that you can't do nothing about just to force the player into this switching-bodies mechanic, that in the end doesn't change shit and you just lose stuff and weapon abilities. In the end is just a slightly harder FPS with worse controls and uninteresting story, i'd say is worth it just to "experience" yourself the Wii U gamepad usefulness.

If you like looking at maps and still always being lost, boy do I have a game for you…

my mom called me a pussy when i played this game at 6 and since then i swore vengeance on her that i would beat this game. lowkey a better story than berserk

The multiplayer is actually better the worse the Wii controller connection is to the sensor bar.

Top 50 Favorites: #19 (2015 Zombi version)

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Phenomenal zombie crusher with some of the most unique gimmicks I've ever seen in a horror game. Clearly a product not afraid to take risks, and it's all the more nuanced because of it - its atypical quirks which, at the time, were read as blemishes now seem like highly original and bold moves. This includes but is certainly not limited to its terrific use of setting, moving keenly from the grimy slums of post-apocalyptic England all the way up through Buckingham Palace and beyond (each level as excellently designed as the last). It's got great scares, devilishly fun combat, tons of definable setpieces, and - a must for any good horror game - backtracking that actually seems tense, strategic, and enjoyable. Can't sing the praises of this criminally under-respected curio enough. It's wonderful - plain and simple.

Ao revisar alguns jogos para jogar, deparei-me com Zombi U, que joguei quando foi lançado em 2012. Lembro-me de que o jogo recebeu uma campanha de marketing bastante significativa, considerando seu nível. Na época, durante o lançamento do Wii U, o jogo se destacou por apresentar uma proposta completamente diferente daquilo a que estávamos acostumados nos consoles da Big N.

No entanto, para surpresa de zero pessoas, uma vez que estamos em 2023, esse jogo é medíocre ou até mesmo ruim em tudo o que se propõe a fazer. Isso não me deixa muitas opções sobre o que falar sobre ele, já que a palavra "medíocre" define completamente o jogo.

ZombiU is a tense and unforgiving survival horror experience set in a zombie-infested London. You play a series of survivors, each vulnerable and prone to permanent death. Scavenging for supplies is vital, and combat centers on careful management of limited resources. The clever use of the Wii U GamePad creates constant tension by forcing players to look away from the TV screen during critical moments. While it can be clunky at times, ZombiU delivers a unique and atmospheric zombie apocalypse experience.

very fun but my game bugged at the end and softlocked me so fuck you

Este es un gran juego con el Gamepad y un juego muy muy mediocre sin él. Aquí se ven las ideas innovadoras que no se pueden replicar en otros medios, lo de que te encuentras con tu misma versión muerta está interesante, pero... hasta cierto punto algo flojo especialmente cuando estás en un coliseo y si te mueres, pues, reapareces ahí.

for a launch title and ubisoft original it was fine I guess, cricket bat is funny and being able to salvage your gear with a new character after you died prior was a neat feature

It's a good thing british people aren't real

british zombie sucks ass. Otherwise the Wii U stuff is cool.

This was genuinely scary it had British people and everything

great gimmick. i do sometimes miss the gamepad for stuff like this