Reviews from

in the past

There is a lot to like about Airborne Kingdom, it has a great soundtrack that makes the game tranquil as you fly above the cities and cliffs below you, and I liked the resource gathering, sending the little planes down to gather what you need.

But generally, the city building doesn't need you to think too much, and because of the small building area and the need for propulsion and lift, you are a bit limited in your approach.

The game's levels also feel underdeveloped, there could be more going on down there, more to see. I also thought the first area where visibility was the best to be the best area by far. I was a bit underwhelmed as I flew around to the other places.

I wish I could fly far up in the air. Or that the world was auto-generated, so I could just take off in a direction and never look back.

The missions are also the same in every city you come to, they give you a fetch quest and rinse and repeat from start to finish.

There is enough charm and uniqueness in building a city in the sky, but I sat with a feeling during the entire game that this could be so much better. It feels like a great 1-hour demo stretched into 6 hours. But I can't say enough good things about the music, it does a lot for the game. It's on Spotify.

Lovely looking game, world building sort of there but not quite. Gameplay loop too slow. I don't like sim games where things get too chaotic, but at one point I had to wait a total of 24 hours for techs to research before I could do anything. I ended up saving, and doubt I'll go back.

The visuals are clear and it's easy to pick up the gameplay loop, but the game's set ups for challenges are more frustrating than they are compelling.

It's pretty good! I really hope the sequel can give me more weird random events, but I had a good time playing through this.

Competent but not for me, not very deep but good enough if you like the premise.

It's pretty good! Sort of a very chill frostpunk in that it's more of a resource management game than a city builder. It's very easy, and I'm not sure if the flying city gimmick really adds all that much to the loop... there's a hell of a lot of waiting around for your ship to get anywhere. But it's fun. Good for podcasts!

I think this would work really well as a competitive multiplayer sort of thing. Like CIV but with a city you can fly around and hoover up resources. Imagine racing your friend's city to go get some coal or something. Add in some ship combat and you've got a masterpiece in the making.

+ Nice twist on the citybuilder genre.

Got boring after an hour.

Enjoyed what I played but the text is too small to read on the TV and I think it'd be better with mouse and keyboard. Might play it later on PC

An RPG where you play a city. It's a neat idea but I can't help but feel it was executed at bit too simplistic of a level as I go around fetchquesting. Rather slow at points but I can't deny it's cathartic to watch your floating city grow.