Reviews from

in the past

Super unique puzzle game that gets really tough

It's cute for a bit but it gets too brain hurty for me by the end. I had to look up the final solution and I was like "oh, yeah, I was never gonna get that."

Cute puzzle game with some really fun and creative mechanics. Unfortunately had to quit within like 2 hours because I do not have the brainpower at all to actually figure this out. I'd really like to give it another try eventually, though.

I thought I was smart but then the game got too smart for me

good game but vaulto yelled at me so it have to five it a four instead of a five

Super cute and fun but I'm bad at puzzles. Baba is confused, all the time.

A brilliant, mind-bending concept, but I just don't get enough satisfaction out of solving the puzzles for it to feel worth the work. I need something to latch onto other than the intrinsic motivation of puzzle solving. A story, some humor, pretty visuals, anything. This is just too minimal of a puzzle game for my taste.

I got through a good chunk of this. Puzzle games are great and Baba is top tier - there are some insane head scratchers in here. I'm not clever enough for the later worlds and got stalled out. Very good practice for a hobbyist programmer like me though - it helps with logic related to if/thens, loops, and the like, even if it's not obvious at first. Really enjoyed it and the practice but not-practice.

Awesome game that I am way too stupid to finish

i loved the fucking empty silence that would happen whenever baba was not you

I think puzzle games are uniquely positioned to be precisely 'perfect' in a design sense. If a puzzle is tightly and thoroughly designed, information is clearly communicated, and achieves its fullest potential, then theoretically it could reach a state where it cannot be improved. By comparison, in a first-person shooter you could always make the gunplay 'feel better' or the movement 'more responsive.' There is always room for improvement and what counts as an improvement is subjective. Puzzles (actual logic-based puzzles, not like adventure game moon-logic puzzles) are, I think, abstract enough where subjective improvements can be negated. And if you don't ruin it by putting in silly things like a 'story' or 'characters' then you could, maybe, I think, perhaps, have a game that cannot be improved - a functionally perfect game.

Baba is You (since this is a review for Baba is You) is probably as close to the functionally perfect game as you can reasonably get. I really can't think of anything that could be added or taken away from the game to improve it. And yet it is not perfect because we humans are not perfect. Our brains are not developed enough and we are just not intelligent enough to fully grasp this game.

My working theory is that Baba is You fell out of a portal from a dimension where humans are an average of 20 - 60 IQ points smarter than we are. They had grown bored of the simple puzzle games that they had played and wanted a real challenge. And so the smartest minds of their nerd-ass society, in between their rounds of quantum chess and hypercube 18x18 sudoku, decided to make Baba is You. And they rejoiced for they couldn't figure out some of the solutions immediately.

Unfortunately for our society, a copy of the game fell through a dimensional wormhole and onto our digital storefronts. Even more unfortunately, some of those smart people from that nerd dimension fell through too and now live online to tell us that the solution is actually very simple and we're just not thinking hard enough and it only took them a couple hours to beat the penultimate puzzle within a puzzle in the secret room in the hidden area unlocked by finding the second way of beating the level that the majority of players couldn't figure out normally. And they solved it before pushing a single button because they could simply observe, visualise, and then deduce the mechanics of the puzzle within their mind.

No, I'm not mad at this game. It didn't make me feel intellectually insecure at all. I think I'm gonna go play a Lego game or something.

(Completed because I saw the credits)

Brain-melting, every victory will make you go insane over how easy/normal/hard/insane the solution was. 10/10

Absolutely genius puzzle game, but I don't think I'll ever be able to beat it, I'm too dumm for it.

this game is impossible and im so bad at it but also its incredible and i love it. maybe ill like it even more if i ever manage to get past world 4

im too stupid for this game

it was good i'm just too stupid for it

i havent played this game very much, however from what ive played and from what ive seen of this game, this is easily one of the best and most brain shattering puzzle games ever made.

fun and cool and the level editor is nice but i suck at puzzles

This game is really fucking hard for my smooth brain but man is it fun.

A proposta do jogo é sensacional, mas infelizmente não é um jogo para todo mundo. Ele é desafiante, porém, ao ponto de te deixar uma pilha de nervos. Se você não está acostumado com puzzles, não recomendo.

Mecânica muito foda, mas cansa em algum momento.

the whole rule-setting, logical thinking-thing is such a smart concept. unfortunately, baba is you and dumb.