Reviews from

in the past

Man, it's such a solid game but as many people have said it really makes you feel like you're lacking basic logical capabilities. there are some neat meta things to discover about it though, if you manage. 5/5 execution but loses 1 star for bruised ego :(

I like applying the idea of "being brought back to your childhood" to this game because nothing comes close to the pure infantile state you revert to while playing this, the most basic sentences becoming indecipherable. a perfect game but I can't get over the dry tongue it gives me from its unique sense of losing touch with reality

Super unique puzzle game that gets really tough

It's cute for a bit but it gets too brain hurty for me by the end. I had to look up the final solution and I was like "oh, yeah, I was never gonna get that."

Cute puzzle game with some really fun and creative mechanics. Unfortunately had to quit within like 2 hours because I do not have the brainpower at all to actually figure this out. I'd really like to give it another try eventually, though.

I thought I was smart but then the game got too smart for me

good game but vaulto yelled at me so it have to five it a four instead of a five

Super cute and fun but I'm bad at puzzles. Baba is confused, all the time.

A brilliant, mind-bending concept, but I just don't get enough satisfaction out of solving the puzzles for it to feel worth the work. I need something to latch onto other than the intrinsic motivation of puzzle solving. A story, some humor, pretty visuals, anything. This is just too minimal of a puzzle game for my taste.

I got through a good chunk of this. Puzzle games are great and Baba is top tier - there are some insane head scratchers in here. I'm not clever enough for the later worlds and got stalled out. Very good practice for a hobbyist programmer like me though - it helps with logic related to if/thens, loops, and the like, even if it's not obvious at first. Really enjoyed it and the practice but not-practice.

Ever wanted to lose your mind in real-time?

Portal may be the perfect entry to puzzle games but this is the peak. The single most complex and incredible puzzler ever made. play this game to blow your mind on every single level.

it will also make you babble nonsense at your screen so do not play in public.

Great game that makes me feel like a blithering idiot.

Not only is this game inventive as hell, but it's also often very funny. An absolute marvel that goes places you'd never expect.

Baba Is You works to offer a unique shift on the puzzle game genre. With the concept of allowing the player to physically manipulate the game rules, while within certain confineds, acting as an extremely interesting and enjoyable idea. Personally however, I have issue with the extreme difficulty curves present within Baba's progression. At certain parts within my playthrough, I found the puzzles being soo unbelievably complex, that I could easily would spend an hour on each simple trying to even slightly understand what exactly I was looking at. A problem that is of course down to my individual abilitys, but still something that to an extent made the latter half of my playthrough a slog. Overall however, Baba Is You is a fantastic puzzle game, with great polish, art, and game mechanics; and while being quite difficult, I would still definitely recommend it to anyone interested in the puzzle genre.

Brain-melting, every victory will make you go insane over how easy/normal/hard/insane the solution was. 10/10

Absolutely genius puzzle game, but I don't think I'll ever be able to beat it, I'm too dumm for it.

this game is impossible and im so bad at it but also its incredible and i love it. maybe ill like it even more if i ever manage to get past world 4

im too stupid for this game

it was good i'm just too stupid for it

i havent played this game very much, however from what ive played and from what ive seen of this game, this is easily one of the best and most brain shattering puzzle games ever made.

fun and cool and the level editor is nice but i suck at puzzles

This game is really fucking hard for my smooth brain but man is it fun.