Reviews from

in the past

Awesome puzzles and mechanics im just stupid

Genuinely makes me question my computer science degree.

fun little puzzle game with a cute style and cute characters

To bad my brain is rot, but when you do figure out some of the later puzzles you feel smart

While I loved this game mechanically, This game was an absolute slog to get through, I don't think I am smart enough to find the solution to a lot of these puzzles and getting to the ending took me several abandonments and restarts to actually get to. I am by no means saying that this is a bad game, I am just not smart enough for it.

Super charming puzzle game, and that charm masks the fact that this is the devil tormenting you.

Man, I am just awful at puzzle games.

sometimes I don't get wtf should I do, however it's genious

Extremely inventive puzzler with brain numbingly hard solutions. Luckily the game allows experimentation and has multiple solutions. I feel like it’s a requirement to use graph paper to solve the later ones. Sadly the art style is very plain and loses me at points. I nearly quit because of how unappealing it looks. The sound is good but some songs are very annoying and distracting with their warbling tones. Keeps introducing new mechanics that I think if I quit the game for a while would be very hard to come back to.

incroyable take du sokoban

Legitimately hard, which is both good and bad. Amazing design.

Doesn’t say something more about mankind but what do you want from a puzzle phone game on the subway?

Amazing game that makes me feel stupid

muito bom mas muito dificil obviamente

Un juego con una idea muy muy cojonuda, pero que es muy difícil para un pobre idiota como yo (que conste que no le echo la culpa al juego sino a mi mismo). He llegado a hacer el nivel "final" que da algo así como un pequeño final y según me apetezca iré haciendo niveles con el tiempo.

[Game Description]

- Puzzle Game

~20h-40h + Level Editor + Modding Community

Simple and effective.


5/5 Amazing puzzle game. Gotta be the #1 let's be honest. The main idea is so simple and works so well. Hempuli made some banger puzzles to tie in the whole experience.

4.5/5 - The graphics are so simple but work really well. Some say it's lazy, I'll say it's art. Coherent artstyle with a clean look. Wonderful.

5/5 - I mean, have you heard it ? The music is perfect. It's atmospheric, it's calm, it's unique... It's perfect to focus on the puzzles and it creates an incredible ambiance. Mixed with the visuals, it make the game feel so unique

~General Opinion~
5/5 - If you like pure puzzle games, this is just a must-play. It's accessible but get really complex, it's charming and fun, the ambiance is perfect, and I haven't even talked about the mind-bending stuff that in there. This game will take your brain and shake it all around. Play it, it's worth the money

Crazy logically based puzzle game that I struggled through world 3 on. Still wanna beat it down the road.

Was a really cute little game, but was was too hard for me :(

Really cute but complex puzzle game!! Solving puzzles feels like debugging code in a good way.

Pretty rude of the game to call me out for being stupid.
Is fun tho

Fonte: Lista - Indie of The Year Nominees

One the most original and ingenious puzzle games ever. Simple idea and yet some basic level designs make some of the puzzles absolutely torturous. However, as difficult as this games gets, it is always satisfying to complete a solution. The music is off kilter and makes my brain want to melt, in addition to the puzzles being incredibly difficult. The art design is unique, cute, and endearing.

Brain genuinely too small to beat it

Good game, thing is I'm too dumb for it.