Reviews from

in the past

Eu gostei mais do que deveria e me marcou. Completei 100% e sinto que gostaria de ter mais.

This game genuinely makes my heart ache in a way I find difficult to put to words. It's a vibe, it's the music, it's the looking glass into an alternate future in which the internet retained it's carefree whimsy that it was so packed with in the mid to late 90s. The game seems tailor-made for people like me, people who have been lost between generations, who developed in an age that came and went so quickly that we barely had the ability to appreciate it at the time. If you listen to vaporwave to go to sleep, if you fell in love for the first time listening to Floral Shoppe, this game was made for you.

i went into this expecting nothing more than a quirky vaporwave meme game and i wasn't disappointed. i was kind of hoping for something more if i'm being honest

that said though, the visuals are stunning (geocity being my favorite) and the music is good. innernet's atmosphere is freaky and i'm all for it. the puzzles aren't really anything to write home about, but the platforming sections in both geocity and innernet were fun

minor nitpick i guess but there were some graphical glitches i encountered. sometimes when opening my questlog it would linger on the screen for a couple seconds, i found a very specific spot in geocity where you can see out of bounds and there's another in the dtop building. i should also mention that it's surprisingly easy to softlock yourself, such as in the mixtape quest

An excellent adventure through a trippy vaporwave world. This game is all about character and environmental "feel" with its aesthetic. Go in completely blind and just lose yourself.

"Top-notch Vaporwave Aesthetic Game"

Broken Reality is an exploration game and an analysis of the vision of the future promised in the 90s that we never got through the framework of vaporwave juxtaposed by a thin-veil of hyper-real consumerism. Debate over vaporwave being a cesspool of irony or an artistic movement perfectly underscores this game's message. The tonal whiplash between stoner humor and the superficiality of internet fame is pungent, but fun.

vast majority of the game is pretty good, stopped playing at the last area because the game design, visual identity and traversability are Not Great. The constant references to memes that the alt-right loves parroting kinda got annoying towards the end too

A very specific sorta-collection game. A good time while on a substance but also too cerebral to be the perfect high game that I think it ought to be. Controls feel kinda jank too. Might go back and finish it some day.

I'm fond of the y2k artstyle and enjoyed exploring the world. It tries to grow beyond a walking simulator by adding extra ways to interact with the world but none of them are particularly deep outside of a few rare cases. Great atmosphere makes up for this though.

These sorts of first-person adventure games don't normally impress me, but I feel the need to spread the good word of Broken Reality. It's a delightfully weird homage to ye olde internet during the 2000s and early 2010s, and you can feel in particular areas that the small dev team do legitimately miss it. I realise it's just nostalgia informing me, but I do too. As well as that melancholic undercurrent in some areas that I always love, the art style was pretty tremendous. It can be way too much sometimes and can hurt your eyes, but I think that's part of this game's charm. I thought most of the puzzling was very straightforward and easy, dialogue writing was mediocre and the overarching plot was obtuse and didn't have much development, so Broken Reality is just for people who want to see the weirdness on display.

One of the rare cases where the game starts off super strong and I enjoy it about 80% of the way, then the last 20% just completely flattens my enjoyment and makes me want to get away as fast as possible.

The vaporwave aesthetic was charming and made me want to keep playing, despite no real 'fun' to be had. Then the final section of the game devolves into this mind-numbing hellscape that was such a radical 180 that it made me feel like I had just wasted 7 hours of my life.

Pretty fucking cool vaporwave music and visuals, goofy ass y2k feeling, love it

I'm going to be thinking about this one for a while, on the surface its a brilliant game but the deeper story, design and ideas in general elevate it further.

The aesthetic and style is phenomenal, personally I can't get enough of the vapor-wavey early 2000' XP style? just hook it into my veins. The music's fantastic and sometimes it was nice just to stop for a little and enjoy the atmosphere.

The idea of collecting likes to advance in an internet based game is pretty novel and it makes the game feel very non violent and a bit different, the pure joy in any game of picking up a lot of collectables lying around can't be beat honestly.

Please give this game your time, I don't know if its for everyone but I feel like everyone should try it.

I genuinely don't even know how to explain it, but this game has affected me in a way I can't describe

A fun vaporwave-meme videogame that does its job correctly: provides a nice, aesthetic experience with nothing more but some jokes, simple mechanics and that's it. Can't say I didn't like it.

I think the best way I can describe the experience playing this game is like this:

Imagine it is a hot summer day and you are relaxing in the public pool. It is inexpensive and a rather decently pleasant experience. Then at around a little over half of your trip is over this one weird child with mild physical deformities climbs to the highest diving board. He screams "CANNONBALL!" at the top of his lungs and splashes into the water and voids his bowels and the entire pool is tainted. The rest of your time is a miserable and awful experience.

That is what it is like playing this game.

the Domo Paradisso soundtrack is one of the best i had to listen to when playing a cute little indie game like this one.

pleasantly surprised by this silly game, but that last segment was testing my eyes

This game's pacing is sooooo slow. Which sucks because I loved the demo. The first two levels are great, if a little sluggish. But once you get to the water level it just drags on with nothing interesting. I couldn't finish it after that since it felt like a waste of time trying to find the next thing the game wanted me to do while wandering the vast environment at a snails pace. Rating this mid since there's nothing outstandingly bad about this game, but not really worth going through.

I dont know if it is because i was high af most of the time while playing this, but i had fun and im looking forward to Broken Reality 2000!

Very cute visuals but pretty slow to play through and the outdated memes and 4chan lingo just makes me roll my eyes lol. If you’re really itching for something with an aggressive vaporwave style then you’ll probably enjoy this.

-Internet Mod simulator in 2000's VR.
- The comedy can be very hit and miss with this game.

I love fun goofy games like this. And I'm a sucker for the aesthetic.

cool and trippy vaporwave game