Reviews from

in the past

Waited with playing this until I could convince someone else to play it with me but the level design, the enemies, the bosses, the overall gameplay loop where you have to quit out of co-op to go get items in shops that feel randomly thrown on a map… it feels like it wants to be monster hunter so bad but then absolutely fails when it comes to providing a smooth, fun co-op experience… and I’ve heard solo it’s just a spongefest of enemies. It looks nice I guess, the art is on point, but that’s about it. Feel free to skip.

Great visuals, Fun gameplay, Very replayable
I think I didn't get the full experience because I played it single player

Cool visuals and welcome old-school design but playing solo got boring pretty fast.

"Monster Hunter" meets "beat-'em-up RPG" with IntiCreates spritework. Interesting, but the single-player is lacking and the multi-player is dead, partly due to its pricey release scheme. I wish it'd taken off, it had potential.

I wish I had friends to play this with. Probably would be fun that way.