Reviews from

in the past

Un buen hack and slash que me sorprendio en su epoca del 360, ahora no impacta tanto pero para la epoca si

The combat is alright, gets repetitive when you master all of the moves but still feel a great sense of progression through the game. The art style and animations are done stupidly well especially since this was done by 1 person, tho I believe that the design of the characters could have been better.

It surprised me that it had very well done voice acting, problem was that some of the parts that were supposed to be sad/depressing were funny when the npc's were doing a goofy animation on the background.

Overall It's a game that controls really well with good soundtrack, story and goofy characters.

this game is raw as fuck its also a catholic furry hack and slash

I don't remember a single thing that happened in this game but 4 stars

Deviantart fursona action game. Fun time.

Muito foda :)

Zerado 2 Vezes

first game I bought on steam, so I like it

I'm not entirely sure why I loved this game so much. The cheese-ability? The odd, kitschy art style? The annoying collectibles? I really don't know, but it still holds a spot in my heart.

Que jogo sensacional da desgraça viu. Lembro de ter circulado na marketplace do 360, procurando um jogo que conseguisse comprar com a merreca que eu tinha, e eu vi essa belezura. Joguei a demo e fiquei muito interessado, então comprei. Sem arrependimento algum. Jogo ridiculamente lindo, o desenho é maravilhoso e os cenários são um deleite aos olhos, a gameplay é divertida, mesmo sendo um pouco repetitiva, ainda consegue se diversificar com os ataques e poderes, a dublagem é ótima e a OST em geral manda bem, não diria que tem música memorável mas nenhuma me fez mutar a TV, tlg? Eu fiquei tão mas tão viciado nesse jogo que fiz praticamente todas as missões secundárias disponíveis, e quando cheguei no fim, eu senti um vazio tão do crl, é bizarro o quão apegados a gente consegue ficar à algo. Em geral, jogasso, o primeiro jogo estilo vania que eu zerei e recomendo de mais.

Having been a follower of Dean Dodrill's animation work since high school, I was excited when Dust released in 2012. As expected, half the fun of this game is watching the frame-by-frame animation of the main character as he hacks, spins, and tosses enemies around. But it bites off more than it can chew both in terms of combat and story. The gameplay tries to introduce quirks like parrying and blocking, but they don't hold up in later levels when you're overwhelmed by enemies. The full voice acting is mostly cringe and many of the side characters are strangely designed. The total aesthetic of the game is overly rendered and air-brushed.

a bit too referential, and janky, but goddamn the gameplay is very enjoyable.

I swear, I feel like I've been saying I should check this game out for as long as I can remember. It's always been just enough on my radar that I'm like "Y'know, maybe I'll get around to that soon" and then forgot about. Glad I finally did, cuz this is one impressive game.

Obviously, a big selling point of this game is the art direction. And with good reason, because it feels like you're playing one of those old 90s animated kids movies. Finding out it was all basically done by one guy was completely mind-blowing. Gameplay is also pretty solid, a good beat-em-up Metroidvania that's as complex as it needs to be. Story might not be everyone's thing, but personally, I really enjoyed it.

If you're like me and have been putting this one off for ages, definitely give it a shot.

Really easy metroidvania but for furries. Makes a lot of sense now

Early "furry" action RPG. It's fun, but it hasn't gotten me fully hooked.

La cuarta venida de Cristo para los furries, junto con Sonic Adventure 2, Star Fox Adventures y Guilty Gear STRIVE

Honestly don't remember much of it story-wise, but it was fun.

One of the first games I played and finished when I get my first decent PC, back on old good times. 5-starred most by affective memory, but I really think it's a good and satisfying game once you learn the moves.


Demora a engatar, mas quando vai ele te vicia e te cativa bastante.

really cool game but never got round to finishing it

Pretty fun metroidvania, wish there was a sequel.

En Dust: An Elysian Tail nos ponemos al control de Dust, un protagonista que hace uso del manido cliché de la amnesia, para recorrer un mundo de fantasía en compañía de una minifurra incapaz de esconder la aberrante cantidad de malegaze tras su diseño (¿furrogaze?, yo qué sé ya) y una espada que habla. Mecánicamente es un juego de combate y exploración que en su diseño se centra en consolidar las convenciones del género y añadir alguna que otra capa RPG (como los niveles y mejoras en habilidades) y leves toques de crafteo. El combate resulta espectacular pero bastante repetitivo, durante la mayor parte del tiempo eres una bestia imparable pero en el momento en el que te despistas y te hieren recibes mucho daño, así que el juego te incentiva a no dejar de molar ni por un momento.

Esto lo enfatiza un apartado visual muy cuidado y detallado. Visualmente es precioso y espectacular, si te gustan los furros gana puntos (no es mi caso especialmente). El sonido también está muy cuidado, la BSO cumple con creces su función de acompañar la atmósfera mágica y los momentos dramáticos que encontraremos a lo largo de las secciones de juego y cinemáticas, en las que está presente una actuación de doblaje muy competente, quizá algo sobreactuada para mi gusto, aunque de ponerle alguna pega sería a la dirección, porque creo que la interpretación tiene unos estándares de producción que no tienen nada que envidiar a una serie de dibujos animados y se ajusta bastante al nivel de dramatismo y edgyness que rebosa el juego por todos sus costados.

Estos momentos, bastante frecuentes, de dramatismo y ominosidad algo forzada contrastan con sidequests mundanas que entretienen y contribuyen tanto a la progresión de habilidades del personaje como a la construcción del mundo, a través de las cuales el juego nos deja algún que otro chascarrillo en el que no se toma muy en serio a sí mismo y se ríe de sus propias manías de videojuego. Además de esto el trío protagonista se complementa bastante bien y en ocasiones sus diálogos sirven como una guía orgánica para establecer objetivos y enseñar mecánicas y, en ocasiones, incluso dotan a estos procesos de un sentido dentro del mundo ficcional.

También está repleto de ramalazos humorísticos (o al menos un intento de ellos) en los dialógos, que junto con su delirante premisa hacen que sea todavía más inesperada la seriedad de su trama, que consiste en luchar contra un imperio que se encuentra llevando a cabo un genocidio. A través de esto explora el tema del genocidio de una forma sorprendentemente profunda y trata temas como la identidad quizá no de una forma muy profunda pero que sirve para dotar a su mundo de fantasía de un toque poético.

En definitiva, como juego de exploración es sólido, como historia de fantasía es humilde y sincero. Detrás de su diseño de niveles que consiste en ponerte cientos y cientos de enemigos delante para que afiles tu espada con ellos (mientras te cuenta una historia de un genocidio, no quiero decir disonancia ludonarrativa, pero…), parece haber cierta conciencia sobre su repetitividad porque experimenta con otras formas de juego en secciones puntuales, aunque no terminan de estar del todo pulidas. El misterio de la narrativa con su correspondiente plot twist casi seguro será sorprendente, quizá a costa de ser demasiado rebuscado. También creo que la resolución de ese misterio es el clímax narrativo de la historia, por lo que deja al segmento final perdiendo fuelle hasta alcanzar una conclusión un poco floja, pero satisfactoria teniendo en cuenta todo el conjunto.

This game catch my attention with its style. Nice story, cute characters

Still an absolutely fantastic adventure with great gameplay. The only thing I wish I could have gotten more of was the story. The big twist happens just before the final area of the game. Another 5-10 hours would've been nice to have with exploring the twist, the Moonbloods and their community, and the a couple of additional areas (such as an actual Moonblood village).

Furry metroidvania made by like 2 people. Fair play on their end, but man that gameplay gets old. The story also reads a bit like fan fic so I wasn't super invested.

É um jogo que divertiu quando joguei, tem boa gameplay, level design, a história serve pra preencher o game, vale a jogada para quem curte este tipo de game

one of them xbla classics that apparently holds up pretty well, fun combat and platforming only really hindered by mediocre story and ... subpar voice acting