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in the past

People willing to spend 80 dollars on a computer game have had the question of how a future Etrian might work on a system with no touch screen answered by the HD Collection, but the answer I've received from the humble 3DS is that it's not very important. Legends of the Titan is the game in which the series' map-making mechanics become purely vestigial: I simply can't imagine much being lost if the game used automapping.

One might argue that this is true of every Etrian game: the location marker makes it almost impossible to get lost or to make any major mapping errors, rendering the process rote. We would, of course, pity the wretch who believes this, who can only conceive of game mechanics in terms of skill assessment and the possibility of success or failure. Drawing a map in the first three Etrian titles is a device to direct attention to the layout of a level: a layout that was often complex, extensive and novel. Legends of the Titan has nothing to call attention to: it has brief, simple levels in which shortcuts render everything more or less equidistant to everything else. If they have any unique character, it's in the puzzle elements they host rather than the form of the floors themselves, and the few late- and post-game exceptions only make this more apparent. Had this been the first game in the series, I can't imagine the feature being present.

The sanding-down of dungeon crawling, the increasingly shorter spans which the series is willing to let the player spend in the labyrinth uninterrupted, is made palatable by the presentation. The Drowned City's muddled class design is refocused around straightforward and visually identifiable roles, the color palette's brighter than usual and the thematic structure's built on the Rebecca-Sugarian pillars of cooperation in spite of difference and the efficacy of unconditional forgiveness. It's a conscious and undisguised effort to make a more inviting Etrian, and it's able to draw on that store of patience and sympathy one reserves for things like children's literature.

Probably the weakest soundtrack and tilesets in the series thus far: there are standout tracks, but the transition away from MIDIs is a rough one. It's difficult for me to understand how people come away from this game unhappy that it's the only one with an overworld.

NGL, I don't know why this is recommended over the sequential games. There is absolutely no aspect in this game that isn't done better in the sequential games.

- No QoL on top of slow battle speeds, perhaps the slowest
- iMO Classes are way too bland, and this until you unlock Bucci which is around lv40ish. Even, then they open only little bit.
-Subclassing comes nearly to the back quarter of the game, (what were they thinking?)
- Bland overworld

+ Good Bosses
+ Decent Dungeons, not amazing like 5.

Play this game before you play any of the Etrian games you played that released after. You will absolutely go insane at the battle speed if you go backwards in QOL from where it currently is.

Everytime I play this game, I fall asleep within minutes of playing due to it's difficulty. Horrible game design and boring exploration. Atlus needs to go bankrupt forevermore. Mid.

Mapping system is cool, RPG mechanics too involved, got burnt out before the end.

Best things about it were the music and the memes

My first introduction to the Etrian series was with III and while I felt like it had a lot of amazing qualities and took old school dungeon crawlers into the present, I also found it a bit irritating and would tend to lose interest a third of the way in or so. I attribute that mostly to having done all available side quests, caves, and all I had left was some boss in the way of progression.

Well I can't say that much has changed here, but I'm really digging the story and there are enough ways to grind so it doesn't seem too sloggy. But let's face it, these games are meant to be grind fests. If you're not into that, do not apply.

The bosses and tougher enemies here don't bug me as much, if I die I simply go grind a few levels and come back. Some of them are still pretty rough no matter what your level, but hey, there's an easy mode I believe if you really want it.

These games are all gorgeous combos of 3D and 2D.

I'm about 75% of the way through it and I can't say I'm having much trouble yet as long as I grind it out every once and awhile. I'm sure the final dungeon will be some kind of hell but we shall see.

Etrian Odyssey IV es un juego por el que tengo un cariño especial. Si bien, "racionalmente", siempre lo he mirado con cierta distancia al momento de pensarlo como de mis favoritos, la experiencia con el mismo tiene un carácter zen para mí, me reconecta con momentos muy duros de la vida en 2015, donde me retraía en un parque y me quedaba todo el día jugando y rejugando esta entrega.

Lo inmediato es que EOIV, a falta de todavía revisitar una vez más el aclamado tercer juego, da muchos pasos equívocos que desvirtúan varios de los aspectos más interesantes del planteamiento clásico de la odisea, buscando remoderlarse para apelar a una suerte de "nueva era" que se corresponda con su llegada a la 3DS, y por lo mismo, a las tres dimensiones como tal.

De una, EOIV es un juego precioso, melódicamente sublime y sabe construir sus espacios con un cariño y un tacto que creo ningún otro en la saga consigue rivalizar. El problema está al momento de plantearnos un por qué, y es donde el juego trastabilla y desarticula progresivamente su forma.

Legends of the Titan recupera varias de las innovaciones que hicieron al combate tan interesante en su tercera entrega, especialmente en lo que se refiera a versatilizar la customización de las clases y crear estrategias absurdísimas. Lejos quedaron las ataduras de los dos primeros juegos, enfrascados en supeditar el combate a la simple supervivencia, un "cómo nos las arreglamos" durante la expedición, para adquirir personalidad propia y expresarse en prácticamente cualquier forma que se la desee. Murallas humanas, combos, administración de recursos, cooldowns, activaciones multihit, multiplicadores por estados alterados, lo que se quiera. EOIV tiene un combate extremadamente adictivo que explota las virtudes de los enfrentamientos por turnos como muy pocos. El problema es de ingenio.

EOIII es un juego único donde los artistas desecharon todo lo que habían construido en las entregas previas para arrojarnos a un mundo nuevo, plagado de clases propias que, por lo mismo, tenían libertad absoluta para crear escenarios de combate que no serían posibles con estructuras más generales. La cuarta entrega, por contraparte, prefiere conformarse con recuperar parte de esa esencia clásica, y el resultado es que aunque el combate sea muchísimo mejor, la variedad de herramientas y la creatividad misma de los equipos se desploma.

Definitivamente estas son las mejores versiones de dichas clases, pero aún así, seguimos hablando el mismo lenguaje del JRPG convencional. El resultado es un universo jugable rico, pero que necesita sentirse cómodo en lo ya probado. Y lastimosamente, esta filosofía se traslada al resto de apartados, con resultados menos afortunados.

Quizá es por el exceso de técnicas modernas que hacen la navegación más ligera, pero rejugar EOIV es doloroso porque su velocidad es eterna. Las animaciones se repiten una y otra vez, y el no poder correr lo vuelve en el único EO actual sin una versión, ya sea remake o port, que subsane un mínimo de agilidad para afrontar el laberinto a un ritmo menos quejumbroso. Esto lo vuelve especialmente pesado cuando recaes en que, efectivamente, se trata del juego más corto de la saga, con los laberintos más sencillos y pequeños, pero que de algún modo acaba sintiéndose como si durase lo mismo, sino es que más, que otros títulos que tienen mucho más para ofrecer.

Todos estos problemas orbitan alrededor de su mayor intento de renovación: el vuelo. Tener un pequeño mapa del mundo dividido en zonas para acceder a los Stratums, con desvíos hacia calabozos menores, suena como una idea interesante, que toma el ortopédico sistema de navegación de Drowned City para expandirlo. El problema es que es una ecuación que resta, no que suma, puesto que en pos de no sobrecargar alrededor de dicho mapamundi el resto de escenarios se comprimen.

Para un juego tan aventajada estéticamente es triste ver un acabado tan lineal y plástico. Inclusive sus eventos aleatorios se han visto estandarizados, permitiendo mucho menos la creación de pequeños relatos y la variedad de situaciones en múltiples partidas.

EOIV es un juego que cree que yendo a más, en escala, realmente se crece, cuando en realidad es el juego que más ha acabado achatándose.

Como siempre, toca revisar cada Stratum a ver qué puede ofrecernos.

I - Lush Woodlands
El Stratum introductorio es importantísimo en Etrian Odyssey, no solo porque fungen como tutorial, sino porque establecen las expectativas sobre, bueno, el todo que conformará al juego. Colores, tonos, ritmos (jugables y musicales), y enseñanzas en forma de injusticias para que aprendas a nunca fiarte de nada.

Lush Woodlands es extremadamente funcional como primer Stratum, pero al mismo tiempo se percibe como tan formulaico que pierde identidad. Si no fuese porque Storm es un tema fantástico que ha trascendido incluso su propia saga, la rutina de movernos por estos prados sería todavía más dura.

Aún así, dentro de todo, EOIV se las arregla para mostrar su mejor cara. Si bien es derivativo y recicla las mismas tónicas de los dos primeros juegos, logra transmitir esa sensación de estar en "la nueva era", revestir lo clásico para aventurarnos en una configuración actual. El escenario tiene cierto carisma, y las expectativas todavía afloran.

II - Misty Ravine
Lastimosamente, como tan a menudo suele pasar con estos juegos, es en el segundo Stratum donde el juego se atraganta, y dependerá demasiado de las herramientas generales del mismo, así como del buen sabor de boca que pueda dejarnos lo que siga más adelante, para saber cuán sencillo de sortear resultará, sobre todo en partidas repetidas.

Misty Ravine, para mí, es un Stratum que no funciona. Si bien quiere recuperar algunas ideas interesantes de los bosques de porcelana del juego anterior, intenta mimetizarlos en un momento tan temprano de la aventura que realmente no tiene espacio para explorarlos como se debe. Es un gimmick complejo, pero que debe forzarse como simplón para no desorientar tan tempranamente al jugador.

Por lo mismo, su propia cualidad como arbolada onírica en la que viven espíritus de ensueño se ve tristemente tropezada por un desarrollo bruto, con poca chispa, y mejoras a modo de upgrades binarios que hacen todavía más inconsistente el progreso dentro del mapa del mundo.

Es aquí también donde el sistema de clases comienza a mostrar sus fisuras, volviendo más complicado asignar puntos a lo que realmente queramos por las trabas adicionales que mete al sistema de leveleo.

Es muy mal indicio cuando un EO se desordena tan temprano, y lastimosamente creo que Legends of the Titan sufre muchísimo de esto. El interés inicial también lo he visto disipado porque el propio contexto se vuelve binario, el laberinto se ha visto fragmentado en zonas separadas y, por lo mismo, cada espacio está en control de una tribu. Idea a priori interesante, pero lo que hace es quitarle incidencia al Meikyuu del título en japonés, y estandarizarlo como JRPG de visitar zonas y poblados. Unos que, además, están apenas trabajados por las cortitas ambiciones narrativas del juego.

III - Undersea Grotto
A veces es necesario dar un paso atrás y respirar, y creo que Undersea Grotto entiende a la perfección las dificultades que ha venido arrastrando el juego, y decide tomar decisiones más que interesantes.

Con un tema ominoso y desolador, con pequeños tambores acompañando la frialdad del terreno, se marca un primer punto de absoluta genialidad: ahora que los Stratum son zonas aisladas, hacer que existan dos entradas posibles.

Lo que en principio parece una tontería se revela como una decisión super llamativa, contextualizando mucho mejor a los expertos del Bushido que habitan esta zona como hombres-animales viviendo a merced de una amenaza interna que no pueden controlar. Han sido desplazados espacialmente de su propio entorno, y los tentáculos de esta bestia, candente y aterradora como ella sola, crean un contraste desalentador con el exterior, cubierto en su totalidad por nieve. A base de puras estalactitas tocará abrirse paso y recuperar lo que ha sido ocupado.

Los terceros Stratum, por lo general, siguen manejándose por gimmicks sencillos, y la gruta comprende tan bien esta lógica que decide simplemente retrabajar con los espacios congelados, al igual que en la segunda entrega, pero creando momentos de inversión donde se tiene que jugar con el frío y el calor.

Lo que queda es una expedición divertida, que toma lo mejor de la cuarta entrega (incluso por este tramo es que se libera el segundo set de habilidades, así como las sub-clases), y sabe exprimirlo casi en su totalidad.

Sus únicos lastres son generales de la experiencia completa, como ser un entorno tan breve y troceado en laberintos menores.

IV - Echoing Library
Si hay algo que puede salvar fuertemente a Legends of the Titan es sin duda la biblioteca antigua. De una al entrar eres recibido con un contraste sonoro intenso: pequeños ecos que atestiguan a este espacio como uno donde se conserva la verdad oculta sobre este mundo, pero también retenido por la épica bélica que los imperiales están administrando sobre la zona.

Si en algún momento del juego su estructura por mapamundis, sub-mazmorras y Stratum funciona es sin duda aquí, pues es donde narrativamente saca más partido de los pequeños giros, como hacer a Logre un personaje recurrente que, por una vez, pone en tensión a la propia compañía que desarrollas con los NPCs en tu aventura.

Y esto es una lástima, porque EOIV debe ser fácilmente el juego con peores personajes no jugables hasta la fecha, pero aún así logra destacar en ciertos momentos, construyen un relato más unificado durante dos Stratum consecutivos que, a todas luces, hacen que el nombre adquiera sentido: redescubrir una leyenda perdida, varias facciones en juego viendo quién es el primero en detener o invocar a los titanes que alguna vez fueron los reyes absolutos de Tharsis.

Plagado de automátas que recuerdan a un tiempo pasado, ya fallecido, y flores de cerezo que no atraen sino repliegan de poder avanzar hacia el norte. Lo caduco está patente en la sabiduría de los libros, una suerte de inmanencia que solo le pertenece a los muertos. Su construcción como Stratum es interesante y desafiante, muy encerrada a sí misma además, pues los bloqueos artificiales puestos para obligarte a estar aquí, y solamente aquí, lo vuelven en el momento más clásico dentro de un juego que tan a menudo no parece saber si quiere vivir en el pasado o apostar por lo nuevo.

V - Forgotten Capital
El peor Stratum 5 de la saga. Me duele decirlo, pero EOIV hace tantas cosas mal que es doloroso.

Es incluso ridículo hablar de lo importante que son para mí los Stratums 5, pero haré el intento. Etrian Odyssey sigue una estructura gradualista muy interesante, con un primer laberinto que sirve como introducción temática al juego, enseñándote a sobrevivir, que se ve contrapuesto con un segundo menos loco, que aunque suele perder por su estoicidad y reiteratividad, mantiene la filosofía de seguir poniéndote a prueba, siendo lo mismo pero con un girito más, de llevarte sobre los niveles 20 para que estés listo antes de romper con los estándares.

El tercer Stratum es ese punto de quiebre - el contexto da un giro, se desvelan nuevas capas que hacen de este universo mucho menos predecible de lo que esperarías, y con ello se perfila una reinvención a futuro que suele encanar el cuarto Stratum, llevándonos al punto onírico de la odisea, donde lo decadente o lo muy vívido atestiguan que hay una amenaza a la vuelta de la esquina, un escenario donde todo hará simbiosis y el quinto Stratum saldrá a coronarse como lo último por afrontar.

La capital olvidada nos da la bienvenida con un tema impresionante, con una profundidad melódica renovada en Koshiro, quien ahora se permite trabajar con instrumentos reales y, por lo mismo, aprovechándose de la sonoridad del viento y los cascabeles para mostrarnos un entorno plenamente abandonado, el instante congelado en el que los antiguos alguna vez reinaron en gloria, pero que hoy no es más que rocosidad sostenida por los deseos de plantas carnívoras.

Y lo peor son sus decisiones jugables, siendo el único Stratum de la saga en la que solo tenemos un mísero piso, con apenas desafíos interesantes, pero que a cambio intentan hacernos reconectar con la experiencia completa, volviendo a atravesar zonas previamente no accesibles de los cuatro anteriores. Para mí, es una decisión forzada que intenta unificar al juego de forma pobre, no entendiendo las virtudes del laberinto visto como unidad, como torre, como un ascenso o descenso que observa en las ruinas toda la historia de la humanidad.

Para Etrian Odyssey IV estos saltos son arbitrarios y a destiempo, el universo no se presenta como cohesivo sino como herramientas para desbloquear una puerta final que nos lleve a un último enfrentamiento con un personaje conocido. Solo que, a diferencias de las entregas anteriores, es alguien salido más o menos de la nada y con muy poco interés, pues los imperiales se revelan desde el vamos como una fuerza corrupta que no está en la sintonía natural del mundo como para permitirse despertar a los titanes.

Además, el combate final de la aventura ni siquiera se lleva a cabo en el propio Stratum, obligándonos a subirnos a nuestro globo aerostático para una última mini expedición prácticamente sin viaje, que perfectamente podrían haberse saltado.

Y esto es una lástima, porque dentro de todo creo que EOIV sabe cómo cerrar su relato y plasmar un combate final interesante. Pero a todas luces, las deficiencias de su diseño salen a relucir mucho más fuertemente aquí que en cualquier otra entrega, y eso para un quinto Stratum es, personalmente, imperdonable.

VI - Hall of Darkness
Hablar de un sexto Stratum casi siempre es interesante, porque su condición de post-game les permite tomarse libertades que ningún otro tiene. Puede ser literalmente sobre lo que sea, solo siguiendo tres normativas hasta donde yo entiendo, y sobre las que me volvería a interesar posicionarme.

Por un lado, su banda sonora es espectacular, apartándose de la sensación monótona y extremadamente aburrida de pesadez del primer juego, pero no logrando el conflicto emocional-onírico que con tanta elegancia nos presentaba Etrian Odyssey II en su bosque prohibido. La oscuridad aquí manda, y la banda sonora opta por ese minimalismo ocre, donde los sonidos no se prestan para narrar musicalmente una pieza, sino para que sintamos pánico. Que sea difícil distinguir qué está en la canción y qué está retorciéndose por debajo nuestro, ¿o será detrás? Quizá a la vuelta de la esquina. Pocos entornos han logado tomarse tan a pecho la idea del "laberinto" entendido como espacio agónico y terrorífico, y eso Hall of Darkness lo logra con muchísima elegancia.

Su mayor contrapeso está, lastimosamente, en que narrativamente no sabe muy bien qué es lo que quiere contar, porque mucho más que en cualquier otra entrega el quinto Stratum es tan resolutivo y cierra prácticamente todo lo que podía decirse de su mundo, que recurrir a la escenografía del terror, y sugerir, como si de un antiguo laboratorio abandonado se tratase, de un experimento que salió mal y que pareciera anteceder a la propia vida se me queda corto. La capacidad de un sexto laberinto para replantearnos la unidad completa de la aventura aquí se ha visto desplazada por, otra vez, el propio formato que esta entrega decidió utilizar. No hay cohesión posible cuando ha quedado todo relegado a un castillo propio, separado y oculto.

Algo similar ocurre con su papel como torre de desafíos. El sexto Stratum debe retarnos y ser la parte más insufrible del juego, llevar las tácticas de supervivencia al límite y obligarnos a replantear cómo abordamos la expedición. La odisea toma lugar en su capacidad de no poder concretarse, pero Hall of Darkness está tan seccionado y repartido en pequeñas salas de desafíos que incluso así no logra destacar.

Es desafiante, pero el que menos y por bastante diferencia. Que siga siendo de tres pisos no ayuda, y el cómo está construido, y que finalmente su último combate se remita a un binario de si lograste resolver o no las secuencias crípticas de aquel loco que alguna vez estuvo allí y usó este espacio como lugar de pruebas, en fin, no renta. La brevedad lo hace más amable de llevar que en juegos anteriores o futuros, pero quizá justamente eso es lo contrario a lo que debería transmitir.

Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan se ha llevado muchas impresiones negativas por mi parte, pero creo que sigue siendo un juego interesante, con muchas virtudes, haciendo especialmente mención a lo notable de su combate y estrategias. El problema es que como experiencia Etrian Odyssey palidece, y no es de extrañar que la quinta entrega haya sido una continuación mucho más directa de todas las virtudes que tanto caracterizan a la saga, dejando a la cuarta odisea como un experimento que, simple y llanamente, no terminó de cuajar.

My favorite Etrian Odyssey

i have absolutely fallen in love with etrian odyssey over the past year. nexus quickly became one of my favorite RPGs period, and V isn't far behind - i'm pretty sure i've gushed to almost everyone i know online about this series by this point. the soundtrack, combat system, dungeon crawling mechanics... all of the things that made nexus and V great are still in EO4, and they're all still spectacular. however, there are a few issues here and there that don't quite bring it up to the same standards as the games that came after it.

there's probably gonna be a lot of negativity here for a 4 star review, so let's just go over the positives first. the class system is still top notch, and super fun to mess around with. by EO standards it's fairly simple - this was meant to be a Sort-Of Reboot that would Bring In New Players so you've got shit like your standard sword user, mage, medic, fortress, and status class. still, they're not braindead, as each class has something fun that'll remove it a little from what's to be expected from standard RPG classes. runemasters can inflict elemental weaknesses while increasing the party's resistances to that same element, dancers can apply a shit ton of different buffs but also act as a support attacker than can hit multiple times per turn and inflict stuns... couple that with the subclass system and you've got even more opportunities to offset each class' weaknesses or play into their strengths. at first i was a bit disappointed in the class roster (that's what i get for starting with nexus i guess), but after hitting 6+ links per turn with a landsknecht/dancer setup and doing a billion damage i was sold. i'm a bit pissed that the really fun classes (arcanist my beloved) have to be unlocked later down the line, but it doesn't kill the game too much. combat itself feels good too - for some reason everyone calls this the easiest EO game which doesn't make sense to me?? i had about as much trouble with it as any other one i've played. maybe i just haven't played the really hard ones yet idk.

dungeon crawling has been overhauled too - instead of just going between floors, now you also explore a big ass overworld and solve puzzles, battle FOEs, gather food that gives buffs, or take on smaller sub-labyrinths. again, this took a lot of getting used to (and it's a tad bit slow), but i'm thankful that they tried something different. the overworld definitely adds to that sense of progression - battling FOEs you previously had to avoid, accessing areas that were previously shut off to you, or finding secrets added a lot to the game's identity. dungeon crawling itself isn't too different from what you'd expect from EO - and at this point, i'm fairly used to making my own map so it isn't even worth mentioning. while some of the smaller labyrinths are hit or miss, there's quite a few that had a fun gimmick or were good for grinding, so i think it's a decent replacement for main labyrinths being shorter overall.

as always, this game kills it in the aesthetics department - not just with each labyrinth and character design, but they fucking knocked it out of the park with the music yet again. the last two labyrinths are absolute bangers (echoing library hitting me with the 7/4 time signature almost put me in a coma), and both the first and second battle themes are absolutely killer. story's not bad, either - people dog on this series for having simple, straightforward stories (which has always been done on purpose), but this one definitely had more meat than the later entries. it's certainly compelling and spread out pretty evenly (way better than V's exposition dump at the end), plus whirlwind is hot so it's impossible for me to be mad at this game.

now for the not so good - this game's biggest weakness overall is that it lacks various QOL stuff that V and nexus have. those games adopted a lot of the changes from the untold remakes, and it's definitely noticeable how much slower and clunkier this game feels compared to its predecessors. you can't run in the labyrinth or warp between floors, so exploration and backtracking are already a lot slower. you can't see how many turns are left on enemy buffs and debuffs, nor can you view an enemy's status weaknesses/resistances. also, for some reason the escape chances in this game are extremely low - you'll be close to the max level and have to make 2-3 attempts to run away from the level 2 bidoof in the first labyrinth while it keeps hitting you for 2 damage. sure, it could be worse and anyone who played the original trilogy are welcome to call me a pussy over this, but it definitely doesn't feel as polished as the later titles. not that i entirely blame the game for it, as it's obviously a bit older.

the dungeons themselves don't feel as polished either - most of them revolve around a simple gimmick that never really gets improved upon, and with a few exceptions most of them only have 1 FOE type per labyrinth. later titles had you solve extremely complicated puzzles involving several FOEs with different interaction rules, while this game never moves past "move this guy out of the way so you can get past him". again, this isn't outright bad, it just shows IV's age. except for the golden lair, though - that shit was absolute ass from start to finish. it's definitely a complicated dungeon - you have to keep track of whether the cave is frozen or not, how different FOEs move because of it, which entry you need to go in from, how many ice stakes you need to solve puzzles (which is COMPLETE fucking horseshit), and whether or not you'll be able to kill all the scales in the boiling lizard's room before running out and having to do it all again.

i know i praised the dungeon crawling elements, but it definitely does hurt a bit how they're just 3 floors each instead of the usual 5. sure, they're built around this and that just means your boss runbacks aren't as long as they could be, but i didn't get as much out of them. i think there was only one labyrinth i really enjoyed - the first two were still setting up the game, golden lair should die in hell, and the last one sets itself up really well but then says "oh you're actually gonna go visit all those other labyrinths again lmao". so shout out to the echoing library for being the goat.

i get that this review is definitely influenced by me going through this series in reverse order - of course it's not gonna have all the QOL stuff the last two entries had! even outside of that, however, it's not the smash hit that the series' last two games were. it's still fire though! it's still a wonderful entry, and pretty much whenever i wasn't getting fucked six different ways by the golden lair i was having some good fun with it. overall, this is a modern EO experience through and through, and while it may not have all the bells and whistles of the later entries it has everything else you'd expect.

I'm sorry guys, I really tried to like this game. I gave it a good 20 hours almost but it just never stuck. I played the Persona Q games and enjoyed them a ton so getting into this series I thought it would be up my alley. But it lacks a lot of the QOL features, I dont like drawing walls on maps as it slows down exploration. I dont like how small dungeons are compared to the Q games, I dont like how backtracking accommodates for how small the dungeons are thus padding them out. I miss the big puzzle solving dungeons of the Q games. I dont like how there arent save points before a big boss so you have to deal with boss runs like its an early dark souls game. I think the battle system is too basic once you get to grips with it, the customisation of every party member is decent but limited early game and enemy encounters feel repetitive. No boost system like in Q or big weakness targeting incentives like Persona or SMT. It doesnt have that X factor making it stand out like the brave system from bravely or something else to make it unique, it feels too vanilla. Its generally a bit too basic.

The music and atmosphere is damn incredible though, 10/10 in that department. The dungeons look amazing, combine that with the music it feels whimsical like I'm being whisked away to another world. However the lack of any story or interesting and unique characters is really what killed this game for me. I get party members being generic is a roleplay thing but I would rather have unique party members rather than generic classes with portraits of your choosing. I've sat through mediocre RPG gameplay before for the story like in the Trails game. But here, 20 hours in there really isnt anything happening sadly.

EO3 remains my favorite game, but 4 is very, very special to me. You never forget your first.

I'll admit, what got me to try these games wasn't the gameplay or the art; it was the music, and for good reason. EO4 is the first Etrian game to have an orchestrated soundtrack instead of the FM Synth from the original trilogy, and while I LOVE the soundtrack for the first three games, EO4 is bursting through the seams with great compositions.

Lush Woodlands' theme immediately caught my attention when I first heard it. My brother was playing the demo back in 2013, and I just watched him play it for a while. The music seriously captivated me, but I thought the first person exploration and map drawing were kind of weird.

It wasn't until I heard Battlefield - Storm playing on a Marvel VS Capcom 3 combo compilation out of all things, that I decided "OK, I have to give this a try". Hundreds of hours later, I was enamored with the series, and immediately hunted down the previous games.

Coming back to it after marathoning the HD Collection on Steam was a bit tough, not gonna lie. It's capped to 30fps, battles and movement speed can't be sped up, and it's lacking some map tools that later games would add in. But after conquering the first floor of the labyrinth, it all came back to me and felt surprisingly comfortable.

The early game was tougher than I remembered, I actually got clobbered and managed to get a game over a couple of times. This was very surprising to me; either 14 year old me was a god gamer or I just blocked that memory out. It's definitely easier to deal with harder games when you're young.

Mid and post game portions are far easier compared to previous entries, but in a good way imo. All classes feel really unique(Especially the Fortress, my favorite Tank in the series so far), and the possibilities provided by the return of Subclassing make experimenting super fun.

It's also nice to see the post game bringing back certain story beats and aesthetics that we saw back EO1. I could appreciate them way more now that I had the DS trilogy under my belt.

Sky exploration also addressed the one thing I didn't enjoy in EO3: overworld exploration not being tied to the main story. In the third game, Seafaring was basically detached from the labyrinth itself. You could completely ignore it in favor of just completing the main labyrinths.
In EO4 however, you travel to different labyrinths and caves(bite sized labyrinths that were pretty fun actually) through the sky.

Now, onward to new adventures. After I played 4 originally, I went back and played 1-3 on the DS, Untold on the 3DS, and then... Stopped. I never actually played 5, Untold 2, Etrian Mystery Dungeon or the Persona Q games. That changes now; the Etrianthon continues!

An amazing upgrade from the last game. The world map was neat, but I really didn't think it added much compared to the puzzle of the sea from 3. Can't complain about much, loved it. (I did use a movement speed mod, faster is always better and saves time.)

Good god, this game is 11 years old? Still holds a special place in my heart as my introduction to the series.

While I'm very new to this series, not really having any experience with it until the Origins Collection came out on steam, I can very confidently say that this is a series I am QUITE enjoying. And even though this entry is SORELY missing a lot of the quality of life features present in the HD versions of the first 3 games, it still delivers a consistently great experience
Etrian Odyssey 4 definitely has stepped away from the core gameplay loop of the original trilogy, meaning instead of spending the entire game going through one big dungeon, there is now an overworld filled with smaller dungeons and caves to go through individually. It sort of loses the feeling of surmounting the giant dungeons. Another "problem" with this being since the dungeons are only 3 floors long instead of 5, there is less of a punishment for leaving and coming back, meaning the combat is a lot of spamming since there is no real reason to conserve as much, as well as it loses quite a bit of the risk/reward gameplay that makes this series so much fun. Realistically in the long run it's not THAT different so I'm not faulting it so much for that here.
One negative aspect I feel on this game is the fact that I feel like that you are very encouraged to level up by repeatedly fighting the overworld F.O.E.'s with exp boost food. This really wouldn't be that much of a problem if that didn't mean that the enemies in the dungeons themselves, (where you're spending 85% of the game) feel like more of a chore to fight rather than something that makes your team stronger. Combine this with the much slower combat animations without the QOL added since then, and an abysmal escape rate, you will probably be spending a lot of time fighting pointless enemies, which kinda sucks.
The dungeon designs themselves this time around are absolutely fantastic this time however. Continued in comments -

Fun game that doubles as an excellent thesis on why status ailments are usually not allowed against bosses in most jrpgs

I definitely bought and played this, but ultimately the dungeon crawling aspect which was the main sell of the franchise couldn't keep me engaged

The immediacy and lack of fanfare with which EO throws you into party creation, and then into the game's core loop -- is pretty remarkable! I think more games should take cues from this -- I certainly will for my own work.

Etrian Odyssey IV is a game I've been wanting to play for quite some time now. In fact, the first time I played its demo was in 2013! I really struggled to play back then, since the whole game is in English and I had only just started learning the language :')

But since then, I have discovered Etrian Odyssey Untold, which became one of my favourite games of all time, and played a bit of Untold 2 (I don't own a copy and I never finished it). I was really wanting to play some more EO lately and since it is the least expensive of the 3DS EO titles (seriously, I am so sad when I look at the prices for EO5 or EOU2 in Europe), I decided to pick it up and see what it had to offer!

For those who may be unfamiliar with the series, EO games are dungeon crawlers with turn based RPG combat. You control a guild of 5 adventurers that you created and your goal is to explore and map a labyrinth, trying to uncover its secrets. The games are narrated almost like "choose-your-own-adventure" books. There are no fancy cutscenes or anything, everything is told via text and you will often get to choose between one or another action (mostly with secrets you find in the labyrinth) resulting either in a good find or in something bad. If you don't like reading, this may be a bit much, but I find it really well writen! Plus, the characters speak in an old english, and as a french it amuse me to find all those french words everywhere hahaha!
Also, these games are knowned for not being very beginner friendly, as you will have to be very careful with every action you take in order to survive the deadly Yggdrasil Labyrinth. A game over means loosing all of your progress, except for map data, and it can happen very quickly if you are not careful enough.

There are 3 main things that I love in Etrian Odyssey:

The map system
I'm very surprised that this feature wasn't copied by any other game, because I find it amazingly clever and immersive! In EO, when exploring a dungeon, you don't get the map from the get go. If you want to know where you are and where you want to go, you will have to draw the map by yourself. So, as you progress through the labyrinth on the 3DS's top screen, you fill in the walls, doors, treasures and secrets you find along the way on the bottom screen. This tool makes exploring really enjoyable, because even if you don't find anything, you will have completed a part of the map that wasn't uncovered before and it is really satisfying to see the map of a floor come to completion. Plus, if you are careful enough with the notes you take on your map, you will be rewarded when side quests will ask you to find specific things in a labyrinth!

The F.O.E.s
EO games feature random encounter battles. But these are not the only encounter you can get in the labyrinth. There are also monsters that you see in the labyrinth, called F.O.E.s (Foedus Obrepit Errabundus, or Field On Enemy in Japan). Every type of F.O.E. have a unique kind of behavior, like running in a circle, standing still until you get in their field of vision and then chasing you, or alerting every other F.O.E.s in the area to hunt you down, etc. These enemies are very strong and you want to avoid fighting them as much as you can. A lot of the puzzles you will have to solve revolve around finding a way to use their behavior to evade them or force them to open a new way. This feature also goes along very well with the map feature, as you will see F.O.E.s on the map in the areas you already explored.

The music ❤
The music in Etrian Odyssey is something I consider very important, since almost all of the narrative of the areas you explore rest on it. Every track you hear in the games perfectly reflect the area you are currently in and there are some amazing tracks! From the happy and uplifted day town theme, the tranquil first labyrinth theme, the energetic battle theme and the menacing F.O.E. theme, you understand almost instantly how you must feel.
The soundtrack is composed by Yuzo Koshiro, who you might have heard of if you like video game music! The music in EO is so good that Atlus released more than 30 albums of rearrangements of the themes of every game in the series. Unfortunately, they are sold only in Japan but you can listen to them on TheFabulousTroup youtube channel! There are many different genres represented, like jazz, classical, orchestral, chiptune, pop, rock, metal, even eurobeat (yes there is an eurobeat arrangement of EO1 first labyrinth and it is amazing), so it is impossible not to find something you like!

Finally, about the EO4 specific aspects:
I liked the airship parts, as it brought some new ways of exploring (small dungeons everywhere, labyrinth with two entrance...) but the ship is too slow! And because the only way to buff your party is to find food on the sky map, you are kind of obligated to cross the sky before entering a dungeon, and it gets a bit tiring. But the 3 levels open map exploration and the F.O.E.s to evade or manipulate is fun!
The dungeon mechanics are great! I really enjoyed that main dungeon are only 3 floors instead of the usual 5, and that there are very small annex dungeons with a specific mechanic for each of them.
The story is good but loses a bit of pace towards the middle. Fortunately, it gets better when you finish the third area and discover the final one, with a new epic battle theme that will boost your motivation! The ending fell a bit flat however.
I can see why some players prefer the main line titles, because you can really create vastly different set of characters, but I prefer the way the Untold games handle the story. And since I don't feel like replaying the same game over and over, I don't mind having set characters.

All in all, I really liked this game. I liked it so much in fact that I decided to go through the post-game bonus dungeon. It was fun (except for that one room in the 2nd floor)! I didn't beat the boss since it wouldn't bring more story and I enjoy exploring way more than strategising. The puzzle to weaken the boss was fun to resolve however!

If you never played an Etrian Odyssey game and are curious to try one out, I would encourage you play one of the Untold games rather than this one (if you can find one at a reasonable price lol). These games are a lot more beginner friendly, you get a second chance before a game over, and there is a story mode with a set party and some animated cutscenes, meaning that you won't have to handle team composition and your characters will be involved in the story!

If you reach this part of my review, well this is the end haha! I can't make short reviews so thank you for reading the whole thing :')

I hope to never encounter a bear again

This is the first one and the only one up to date that i've completed at 100%, which is in itself good and bad.

This games are known for being really hard, that's part of the experience, but Etrian Odyssey IV is regarded as the easiest in the series and for good reasons as the classes end up being extremely broken by the mid and end game.

Even with this, it still does not compare to other games like Final Fantasy, Persona or Dragon Quest when even in my first playthrough i find myself choosing the Hard difficulty because i need to feel what i feel in an EO game, this game is still really challenging, the Bosses can one or two shot your characters if you don't do what you're supposed to, if you don't plan acordingly, don't use your items or your abilities to your fullest extent, yet to someone that has played every game from the series up to this point it feels risible, and having a Landsknecht with Link-skills absolutely breaks the game.

Besides that, i really can't get myself to dislike the game, the labyrinths are as fun as always, the music is probably the best in the series, the classes are all so much fun to play and of course the Subclassing system that since being added in EOIII has been the best mid-game system added to the series (that even the grimoires or Masteries added later can't compare) are the things that make this game so great in my eyes, to the point that i've already beaten it several times already despite me not thinking it to be the best.

Overall this game was made with the intention to atract newer players to the series, this series is loved and is great, but it has never been Atlus' greatest money maker, but i love that they kept trying and thankfully EOIV, EOV and EOU2 made the series more well known and there are a lot more fans than back in the day, which i'm thankful for.

To end this review, let me make it clear, i love Etrian Odyssey with all my heart, it is probably the series that hook me, and it probably made me who i am as a gamer now, so this review is obviously biased but i will still love this game so i need to air my feelings somewhere lol.

PS: also, the reason why i'm doing a review about this game and not any of the other ones i think are better (EOIII - EOV) is because as i said this is a fantastic entry for someone that wants to try these games for the first time, so take as a recomendation more than an actual review

There is a famous story, perhaps apocryphal, about when Friedrich Nietzsche went to see Richard Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde. At the end of the four hour performance, he burst out of the opera house supposedly gasping and yelling "I need air!".

Tristan und Isolde is four hours of musical tension that is only released in the very finale of the performance. There are unfinished cadences set up in the beginning of the opera that are not resolved until the very end.

Liebestod, or love-death, is the final music of Tristan und Isolde. Isolde is holding the dead body of Tristan and she herself dies, the moment the music resolves. And finally, after four hours of torture, everything is at rest. It is both orgasmic and suicidal.

Notably, Nietzsche loved Tristan und Isolde even after his relationship with Wagner turned sour. He knew, perhaps, that it was great because it was torturous. Like a love so good it kills.

The entire point of Etrian Odyssey IV is tension and release. Toying with how much the player can be pushed without breaking them, and allowing them moments of brief, ecstatic relief. Returning to town, finally coming out of a dungeon, though you've only got one party member still living. There are few games that so deeply understand and successfully deploy tension and release.

Going into the depths only to return back to town, heal up, and go back down again is among the most timeless patterns in video games. As such, it can act as the perfect stage onto which designers can cast all manner of creative terrors.

I love Etrian Odyssey IV. And yet, this is the first game I am reviewing before having finished it. I can't do it. I'm running out of the opera house gasping for air, but at the intermission rather than the conclusion.

It's the rhythm and the cycle, which is at once both the reason I love the game and the reason I cannot currently go back. I'm thirty hours in and probably not even halfway through. The game stretched me so thin that it wrapped me several times over around all ten fingers and I enjoyed every second.

Going back to town in Etrian Odyssey IV is about as pitifully restful as coming home and falling directly into bed after a ten hour shift, knowing you are just going back to another ten hour shift tomorrow and the next day and the next. That's the brilliant and terrible thing about the game's use of relief. It is so slight, so minuscule, that you are constantly kept on the razor's edge.

So I'm surrendering, for now. But I'll be back. That's the cruel thing about it. A tension so tortuously sweet that it can only be resolved by Liebestod.