Reviews from

in the past

Review in progress:
The gameplay is good for Fire Emblem standards but doesn't have the level of challenge or variety that Conquest has at normal difficulty. The soundtrack is great. Graphically, it's marginally better than Fire Emblem: Awakening. At least they finally have feet.

Abysmal story/writing, even for Fire Emblem standards. Some of the worst I've experienced in any game.

The localization/censorship sucks. All censorship is bad and there should be parity between all versions of a game. Treehouse is terrible at its job and should be ashamed of itself. Their job is to localize the game, not to butcher it. If the content being censored is that egregious then it should be removed/modified from all versions of the game to begin with. It's especially lame that there's an entire chunk of DLC that they were too lazy to bring over. They really are the worst.

This game didn't really hook me. Maybe I'll give it another shot once the Fire Emblem franchise convinces me

All the stars are for the OST and the OST only

More straightforward and 'simple' compared to the other games in Fates' overarching trilogy, and also the easiest by far given it was made to appeal more to newcomers, but still fine in its own right. The gameplay is very much among the best of the franchise as a whole. You can't really go wrong with this game, even if it's not the most exciting thing in the world.

i like how this route let me breath, unlike its sibling.

Birthright isn't really a bad game since it's more designed for people who want an easier time and have the option to grind if needed, making it more along the lines of an RPG Fire Emblem game. That being said, even as an easy game I would not recommend this game as it's premise is very dull and straight forward, lacking any creativity the other two had. It doesn't really have plot holes aside from like 1 issue but the story is just there.

Now I am become the ocean's grey waves, destined to seek life beyond the shore.

This game is okay. FE fans seem to hate it in general for its uninspired story with sloppy writing, and comparatively boring gameplay compared to Conquest.

I agree with this to some extent, but I still think the OST is amazing, and the My Castle base system was the best base system since Path of Radiance. While the game is easy, I appreciated that considering it was my first FE game. The difficulty felt just right.

Characters are fine. Some are awfully boring, but there are multiple characters I enjoyed.

Yeah the story isn't amazing, but that can be said for many Fire Emblem games that also do not have the quality of life features that Fates has.

lots of hand holding on this route and the two male royals completely break the game, slightly better story than conquest i guess? (I will say though that lunatic no royals runs of birthright are pretty fun bc fate's combat mechanics are good IMO but self-restrictions shouldnt increase a game's score)

Really cool art direction for the Hoshido stuff, but this route tends to be very mediocre. Not bad by any means, but it can get really boring by the end.
I think the ideal way to play this is to just not use any of the Hoshido Royals, or at least not Ryoma and Takumi since those two can probably singlehandedly solo the entire game on their own.

shit story boring and boring maps the only reason it isnt lower is because revelations exist

A great Fire Emblem game, the easiest of the Fates games.

Giving Fire Emblem the Pokemon treatment was quite possibly the worst idea Intelligent Systems ever had.
Add in to that the mutilation by western localizers and the fact that the game reused a lot of things from Awakening (down to some character designs and/or personalities being EXACTLY the same), and you got yourself one of the worst Fire Emblems there are.

it's a game that exists. manages to be fun but objectively not a good game

this was an experience, probably ruined by the fact that i jumped in directly after awakening

Slayed hard but awakening slayed harder

This review contains spoilers

I love when the whole bloodline vs adoptive family concept is ruined because the devs NEEDED you to fuck your sister

Premise is terrible, writing is terrible, honestly unbearably stupid. I turned it off after my mom who is younger than me cause all babies get put in a closet dimension where they age to adult hood in a day got killed and I turned into a dragon.

Also I gather you can give birth to children who also age to adulthood in a day that you can then sexualize. Which is some next-level degenerate shit. The fuck is wrong with you people?

(Review from ~2016) The story makes no sense and it was fine, but nothing special

My first FE title, a friend of mine happened to have the cartridge and I had been wanting to try out this game a few months ago.

Ignoring the obvious issues with the writing (also, I wish we had more normal F!Corrin outfits because it was disappointing), it was fun to play a whole new battle mechanic (I have never played any game similar to this) and if you happened to love a character (RHAJAT <3 MY WIFE) you would enjoy the game way way more.

Some characters were a bit disappointing due to their writing, others seemed to fall back on weird stereotypes, but a few had a lot of potential. Some of my favorites: Rhajat, Jakob, Oboro, Rinkah, Hana and Reyna (plus some others)

Going back to the gameplay, I look forward to playing more FE titles as I actually didn't suck so bad in battles. I believed I wouldn't enjoy the battles/I would be awful at them but I was surprised in a good way. There were some features I didn't use a lot due to indifference (for example, having kids, fighting/defending your castle... I just had no interest, in total I only had 2 hetero couples and fought in 2 invasions)

I don't think I would recommend this as someone's first entry to the FE series, but it was my personal choice and I enjoyed mine quite a bit; it's not the best game ever neither was it outstanding, but I had a fun time. If you want a good story you'd be disappointed in this one, though

can you imagine if they made you pay money for each route in fe3h lol

i got this version as a kid cause rinkah was pretty

The easier version of the Fates series. Characters enjoyable, story enjoyable.

My very first intro to the series. It does hold a special place in my heart but it is not great. The story is lacking, which is a shame.

Not a bad time. It's easy but I kinda prefer that over how harsh Conquest can often be. The retranslation mod wasn't the huge overhaul I was expecting but the story was fine and at least a step up from Conquest's. If I ever hear Azura's song again it'll be too soon.

It might be a pile of trash, but its MY pile of trash

I remember specifically buying this version when I was younger because I didn't want my mom to see the boobs on the cover of Conquest.

Felicia single-handedly shaped my taste in women when I was like 9 and that's probably the biggest emotional impact I got from the game

This sucks kinda but it's fun idk