Reviews from

in the past

[November 13th 2023] As someone who started playing back in Chapter 3, the map it's cool and it's nice but I think they also needed to retroactively add some of the new features from later seasons bc, yeah, it's classic and we're going home but it's also kinda... lonely? empty? I hope people notice this things

It's cool but I think it's a downgrade compared to the later seasons, nothing wrong, I just think they had to add some of the new things and not go full full OG

Más, aunque no necesariamente mejor, ya que mi primera experiencia con Fortnite fue hace justo un año en temporadas con más contenido... aunque subir el pase al máximo en esta ha sido bastante divertido, lo he cogido con ganas y mola mucho.

A seguir así, Epic sabe cuidar su juego muy bien y lo están demostrando.

Top tier track: No tiene

This game is not nearly old enough and has been far too culturally relevant for too long for me to feel any nostalgia. It plays fine, but it's basically the same as any time I give Fortnite another shot, just with a slightly less cluttered HUD.

you're still not the same my old friend...

Voltei a ter 8 anos, e olha que eu tinha 15 quando o jogou lançou

The first 3 weeks were a fun novelty but week 4 immediately throws that fun in the drain by adding the drum shotgun and therefore making the game’s fun factor equivalent to chinese water torture

We got a number one victory royale
Yeah, Fortnite, we 'bout to get down (get down)
Ten kills on the board right now
Just wiped out Tomato Town
My friend just got downed
I revived him, now we're heading south-bound
Now we're in the Pleasant Park streets
Look at the map, go to the marked sheet

As someone who never played Chapter 1, this was fun to play. Decent lootpool but the OG Map was probably not meant for Zero Build.

I haven’t played this season bc my computer is still broken but i really like going “hop on fort og” after some nerd just sends a 300 paragraph argument im not reading i think the “og” adds a lot

lol. lmao.

I seem to be in the minority here but this actually really sucks lol. Stupidly self-indulgent and nostalgia-pandering, like Look At All This Cool Old Stuff!!! But all it really does is showcase how far Fortnite's come in the many years since Chapter 1.

The most obvious change is the approach to balancing:
1. Zero Build is given pretty much zero consideration, and items range from borderline useless in it (the Jetpack and lower level grenade launchers) to comically and insanely overpowered (the hoverboard + a shotgun + decent tracking skills is hilariously broken and allows you to third party basically any fight with almost no effort). The map is also deeply unsuited for it, with tons of sheer cliffs and environments that would be trivial with building but stupid and frustrating without it. Also it's empty as fuck, there are a stupid amount of empty fields here even with the myriad of locations from different seasons of Chapter 1.

(addendum: I am not playing build mode. People have had too many years to get good at it and I'm not interested in going up against someone who's spent thousands of hours training it. During the chapter this season's trying to imitate, people weren't quite as cracked yet and you could get by fine if you could build a quick 1x1, but that's definitely no longer the case. And I just can't really be arsed to put so much time into getting good at something so specific to just one video game)

2. You're expected to play so much more conservatively. Which is usually just boring. Who ever thought "bringing back Fortnite to when it was trying to ape PUBG the hardest" was a good idea? No one talks about PUBG anymore, and for good reason--it was overlong, boring, and fights ended way too quickly. Bringing Fortnite right back to this by limiting movement options and making healing take so much longer than it has for years, just to indulge the nostalgia-blind teenagers playing this game who played the early seasons as pre-teens is lame, and the shorter season length makes me think they knew it sucked as well.

Anyways, in all honesty I am glad this is only half the length of a normal season! Fortnite's biggest strength has been its frequent updates and constantly shifting meta, which makes a season like this, where they just Play The Hits with no understanding that the hits were in a pretty much entirely different game, feel really odd. Hope they never do this again!

Man, what a blast. I hate to sound like everybody here, but the original map, the forced lack of heals, all of it was here. I experienced the Season 5 map, but at a much healthier point in my life. Playing with friends was a blast, and one of my favorite gaming experiences of 2023. 85/10

Reviewing this in 2 halves, the first two weeks were a blast and had a great nostalgic feeling to them. Playing together with all my friends again felt great. Coming to the end of it now it doesnt have the same feeling for me as it did to start. Dont get me wrong i still love it but i much more enjoy fortnite when its more barebones. Universally the loot pool is great despite the abundance of rocket weapons. I loved the battle pass and having the OG map back is fantastic.

This season is obviously nostalgia bait but seeing how this broke fortnites highest player count proves that it was something that everyone wanted. Will be sad to see it go

This season was pretty good. I never knew how much I missed the old Fortnite map until now, and I had fun going back to the locations from 2017 and saying "Oh, yeah! I remember this!" We didn't have augments, rails, sports cars, or anything else, it was just back to square one with weapons we hadn't seen in a long time, and I felt right at home.

This season was so fun that I played with builds on for once, because it would be sacrilege not to. I got my booty pounded by tryhards, but that's only part of the experience.

The battle pass was mediocre and had bland fusion skins, but at least it was short. The best things to come out of this besides the fanservice were Raven Team Leader, the best fusion skin, and Eminem. If Epic made the OG Battle Royale a limited time event, I'd happily play it whenever it's available.

did you really miss Chapter 1 Fortnite or did you miss when Epic Games did more than change the models of the shotguns for season changes

garbage season, just go back to good fortnite.

It's fun to play and dick around with friends, but the game itself feels empty now. I think its cool they changed so much and planned so much(even though its for only half a usual season) but the game has gotten way more ratty/competitive a bit by removing all the other things. I feel like i get just a bit more toxic playing it then usual, and if I wanted to get toxic I'd honestly rather just go back to the competitive shit show that is Apex.

Another day, another victory for the OG's taking down the sweats... Imposters Among Us!!!

nostalgia é uma merda

lugares vazios, level design péssimo

I think the tedious RNG in the earlier seasons is ass and I thought compared to c4s4 it was such a downgrade and I almost quit from bordem but Season 6 stuff rolled around and I started enjoying myself again. Season 9 - X looks to be the most promising so far. I don't really get the hate the drum shotgun or the other new guns get.

The transition from C4:S4 to OG was very notorious to say the least in terms of gameplay. The season 5 stuff made the game a little too monotonous since the chapter 1 map felt too empty between POIs, and the fact that it was built for Build mode in mind while I only play Zero Build didn't do it justice either.
Chapter 6 and 7 came in and made things more interesting, with more vehicles, a new set of weapons unvaulted and B A L L O O N S.
Chapter 9 - X came last but made things far more fun and diverse with the Baller and yet another round of unvaulted weapons (the drum shotgun is so funny LOL).

It's a neat revision on the beginnings of Fortnite and how far the game has come since 2017, but I prefer the shenanigans we have nowadays, personally.

estamos alcanzando niveles de nostalgia bait desesperados

sometimes old things aren't done anymore because they're not good

If you're nostalgic to something from 2018 you're way too young to be on this site.
And let's not pretend that the only reason this season came to fruition was to save money so Epic Games don't have to lay-off 900 more employees.

Been loving this chapter purely with my friends

Ive seen better maps on 2014 roblox pvp games. This is genuinely the first time Ive played more creative in a season than the actual game

Can't wait until the next 5 years when people are gonna want this map back and then kinda regret it. I had fun the whole time tho :)