Reviews from

in the past

A good game, the scenarios are great, and really cool the mechanics, not an original story with damn bangers sides wow, but its cool, if you like cyberpunk shit and rv things.

Poor execution, lackluster writing and confusing game design make for a cyberpunk cRPG I couldn't stick with after the first chapter.

Conceptually it is interesting but it can't even get the takeoff correctly to warrant looking at the landing.

I enjoyed it for what it is but it is too out there for me so I mostly felt lost throughout.

I strongly get the feeling that Gamedec considers itself a better game than it actually is. It's fine. The story is a bit generic and isn't particularly profound or very novel. The major twist is pretty obvious and a couple of the minor twists don't feel very weighty.

The game hotshots you into play. There's very little background or introduction. It just starts. And it's not all that great either. You get very little attachment to the world you live in or the lore that creates the tale. You get one pseudo-companion who you spent very minimal time with and the two of you don't really unpack an engaging relationship with one another. It all just sorta happens. That's the whole game. A lot of tell instead of show.

It's okay. Other than one crash, the game works. The story would probably be better as a tv show than as a game. The game just doesn't offer anything. It's probably worth a spin if you like top down RPGs like Disco Elysium. But not at full price. If you get it as a free game on Epic or it's in GamePass it's probably worth playing on a Saturday night. But it's definitely not a must play.

The first 2 thirds of this game was immensely interesting.
Detective games are great, so I naturally am attracted when games like this release.
The last third just went all dumb and boring. The stopped me in my track and I just threw it in the waste bin

I don't recommend playing it unless you check out the demo and you’re extremely into it — because sadly the game gets worse the further you get.

The positives are a very good art direction, and some stunning environmental work. The game serves as a great showcase of what the studio can build in Unreal, and it almost seems intentional that by building different games inside of Gamedec, Anshar is basically proving their versatility and attention to detail in creating unique levels. It's a great "hire us" pitch, I'll admit.

The negatives are the narrative, the dialogue and some very basic quest design. The lore is so unnecessarily complicated for a game that has very little new to say. The main ideas of each level are explained in one line in a trailer they made 3 years ago. Everything else is filler, and it increases in quantity and stupidity the further you're in the game. By the end I couldn't care less about the main plot and the protagonist. There's also a lack of good secondary characters, so it's very hard to stay invested.

Gamedec is disappointing because it had a good premise and the art and production chops to pull it off. A narrative game lives and dies by its writing, though, and here it went from basic but serviceable to bad and boring.

This game is really weird. I couldn't bring myself to finish the second level. The first level did really grip me, but the second lost me so damn fast. There's some great ideas here, they just desperately need better writers and, tbh, a fully voiced dialogue suite.

maybe this game kicks ass in the original polish but the translation is unplayable bad