Reviews from

in the past

motivo: as fases são cansadas, tentou ser um megamanX.

the sad thing about gunvolt as a series is that while the gameplay gets better with every entry they also crank up the epsteincore and it makes me uncomfortable. it's still gunvolt 2 copen gameplay basically unchanged which is good, and there's no gunvolt, which honestly just makes it better, and there's some actual poignant moments in the narrative so this is still definitely the best in the series by a long shot. sucks that this was otherwise clearly a budget title because so many of the assets are just ripped from gunvolt 1 and 2 and the ui is noticeably barebones. if I had to recommend any gunvolt game it's this one at the very least

I'm sure these series are not for me.
I still remember Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 being so much fun. But after playing ASG2 and this... I am now sure that I dislike this series.
The game is easy as a whole due to the challenge being getting high scores and kudos and everything, which is something I do not enjoy.
I know a lot of people do like tho.
The upgrades that you can buy are nice but you might as well just finish the game before getting the most important ones, as they are quite expensive and the game is really short.
Overrall, not for me.

This game just makes me angry.
A full spinoff game based on what was easily the best part of GV2 was such a good idea but the result is just not it and probably the most unpolished game in the franchise (I didn't play IX2 don't force me).
Copen's gameplay is still fun to its core but some new powers just don't feel as good as the ones in GV2 (especially Anchor Nexus which is the one you're supposed to be using almost all the time and which straight up trades what made Copen's gameplay fun in the first place for an auto target system that only requires you to press a single button).
The medals/loot/craft system which rewarded you for knowing the levels and completing them as efficiently as possible has been replaced by a simple shop which encourages you to just stop in your track to pick up coins like a dumbass (I am so fucking mad) and it's not just this, some enemies seem designed to stop your momentum and make you wait before destroying them (which should be illegal in a game like this), I don't know maybe it's because the levels are shorter too.
The writing which used to be at least alright got pretty boring this time around except for the very end.
The game also randomly sexualizes the little girl for no reason and I do not like this at all.
The UI (yes I'm ranting about the UI) isn't pixel art like the rest of the game anymore making it look very visually incoherent which wouldn't bother that much if it wasn't so bland.
Seriously even the damn title screen, the very first thing you are going to see after buying the game, is a comical case of empty "I'm not paid enough for this !" white screen of shame.

I'm nitpicking a lot, the core gameplay is still pretty solid,
it's not that bad but for me it lacks so many things that made GV2 a great video game, and it certainly pisses me off.

Fue el primer juego con el que estrene mi switch lite hace ya varios años. No sé qué tan raro es que comenzara con la saga con esta entrega, pero tampoco me quejo, ya que lo disfrute y ame a Copen como protagonista y genuinamente considero que el tema principal de Copen en esta entrega es el mejor.

Habiendo jugado después el resto de la saga me doy cuenta del gran salto tanto "gráficamente" como en jugabilidad que tuvo a comparación de los de Gunvolt. Mi único problema sería su corta duración, pero meh, eso hace que sea un juego que te puedas terminar en una madrugada.

S+ ranks in every main game stage 😎 Extremely excellent. Great action, a nice concise main game, very cool story payoffs. It's the kindest Gunvolt which I love -- the bosses are easier like Gunvolt 1, but with the gentler ranking of Gunvolt 2, plus it's very easy to feel awesome playing as Copen. I like playing on Fearless and taking on stages in three chunks (first half, second half, boss) without taking damage in each chunk, and this game was perfectly balanced for that. I'm choosing to just accept that every modern mega man game is gonna have one actual fortress stage plus a boss rush instead of a proper fortress, if I don't I'll just be grouchy forever.

Probably my least favorite Gunvolt game. While Copen's core gameplay is still quite fun the levels lack any interesting mechanics and feel mindless at points. None of them have any distinct themes as pretty much all of them are different shades of brown and grey. The bosses are solid, but GV2's were better.

pretty decent but a major step down from gunvolt 2 visually and mechanically, ex weapons are less useful and youll beat the game before getting to buy an upgrade, no replay value cause theres not really any unlockables or a true ending

Mecanicamente interessante, a história n é nada d+, mas o design, sua estética e a fluidez da gameplay consegue sustentar a experiência como um todo, a parte menos agradável é sua dificuldade q assim como outros da série é facil d+, porém isso n chegou a me incomodar, mas para quem é mais ""hardcore"" vai atrapalhar a experiência

Mechanically interesting, the story is nothing great, but the design, its aesthetics and the fluidity of the gameplay manages to sustain the experience as a whole, the least pleasant part is its difficulty, which like others in the series is easy, but that's not enough to bother me, but for those who are more ""hardcore"" it will hinder the experience

Jogo com gameplay muito boa e sem a poluição visual que os jogos do Gunvolt tem. Voar com o Copen é BEM DIVERTIDO e ele realmente merecia uma franquia própria. É bem curtinho, fiz a história principal em 3 horas, mas certeza que voltarei para buscar o 100% algum dia. A única coisa ruim de fato nesse jogo é os design das personagens crianças que é bem questionavel, se é que me entendem... bem vergonhoso para dizer o minimo. Fora isso, um bom jogo estilo megaman.